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Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A top US commander says the US-engineered sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran are not working.

General James Mattis, the commander of the US Central Command, made the remarks at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported.

Mattis also told Republican Senator Lindsey Graham that Tehran’s "nuclear industry continues."

Earlier in the day, the world powers of the P5+1 group -- the United States, Russia, China, France, and Britain plus Germany -- underscored their commitment to finding a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear issue, saying, “We reaffirm our continuing support for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.”

They added that they “take note of the useful meetings [held on February 27-28 in Almaty, Kazakhstan] to carry on a constructive diplomatic process, which will be pursued actively in the months ahead on the basis of reciprocity and step-by-step approach.”

The P5+1 also noted that the objective behind next meetings will be to restore “international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program.”

Following the Almaty talks, Iran and the P5+1 group agreed to meet again in the city on April 5-6 to continue the negotiations after holding “expert-level” talks in the Turkish city of Istanbul on March 17-18.

The United States, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Over the false allegation, Washington and the European Union have imposed several rounds of illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production.

PressTV - Sanctions against Iran are not working, US commander says
So if sanctions are not working, what next, military option?
So if sanctions are not working, what next, military option?

No... next the West must lift all the sanctions, pay for the damages, free all the frozen Iranian assets in the U.S., stop supporting terrorism, stop meddling in our internal affairs, stop meddling in the middle-eastern countries affairs, U.S. must also disband its navy in Bahrain and hand over the military assets of its 5th fleet to the Iranian navy... :smokin:
So if sanctions are not working, what next, military option?

It's suffice to say that Sanctions have been applied by western countries first to coerce Iran into a deal over her program and also to prevent a probable devastating war with Iran, as it seems they've already run out of their options to be imposed against Iran while Iran hasn't either chickened out or stopped her peaceful nuclear program. undoubtedly unilateral disarmament in the ME ought to be next step and be at the top of the list, which means no more nukes in the region.
Is it a news?

Again... sanctions were in place but only selected states were allowed to do business.

In practical world, if banks stop business with Iran.. sanctions are effective and which was clearly not the case.

Trades and deals were being made.. but only with special permission from US and this general is telling us... sanctions are not working!

May i ask this general, why the hell Afghanistan was not forced to respect US sanctions, for a single day?
Not true at all. Sanctions are working.
But they are working in the sense that they have pushed indigineous industries and companies in Iran, to become self-sufficient.
Iran today is much more self-sufficient because of sanctions.

Please give us some more :)
No... next the West must lift all the sanctions, pay for the damages, free all the frozen Iranian assets in the U.S., stop supporting terrorism, stop meddling in our internal affairs, stop meddling in the middle-eastern countries affairs, U.S. must also disband its navy in Bahrain and hand over the military assets of its 5th fleet to the Iranian navy... :smokin:

u asking from your beloved UNCLE SAM without giving him oil ohhh it wont work like that :(

USA gave sanction to everyone it never worked yes it is affecting the IRAN but not much and way USA wanted it to be
It is completely idiotic to stop others from going nuclear when US is sitting on 1000,s of them. This process started from US and dismantling of nukes should also start from US. On the other hand there is too much power imbalance in this world so there will always be another country going down this path. After iran it will be UAE/Saudi and after that countries who abandoned this path after Cold war.
Sanctions never achieve objective. The only thing it does achieve is firming the affected countries commitment towards their objective. They should have learned from Pakistan's case but clearly they haven't. All the sanctions could not stop us from developing our nuclear program. What makes them think that it will prevent Iran from building its nuclear program.
Chinese supertanker(2 million barrel capaity) insured by europian company has ducked in Iranian Kharg Island, earlier report from U.S. "Energy Information Administration" showed much higher oil exports than other western propaganda media, another report from "Securing America's Future Energy" and "Roubini Global Economics" says due to rise of oil needs in Asia, oil sanctions on Iran will become impossible in 2014, BRICS decision for creating new international bank and a replacement for swift system and at the same time, news of joining Iran and Indonesia to this party (will become BRIIICS) all and all shows a better future for us.

PressTV - Chinese tanker, able to carry 2 million barrels of crude, seen at Iran port
PressTV - Look out! The ?BRIIICS? are coming!
Despite Rial taking a dip, this commander is MADE to make a point/case against Iran by saying sanctions cant work - its time for precision strike.
Despite Rial taking a dip, this commander is MADE to make a point/case against Iran by saying sanctions cant work - its time for precision strike.

All , The MOAB in US inventory , used together cant even make a dent in Fordoo .
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