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Sanctioning Pakistan can backfire, US lawmakers warned

Sanctions are never a good thing. Don't be naive.

Taliban groups can do squat in Afghanistan as long as US involved in Afghanistan.

This article tells us that diplomacy is the way forward for both countries. Not hostility.

Near the end of their sorry existence? Excuse me?

Those sanctions were that the US significantly reduced its aid and grants to Pakistan for a period of time. They were not economy-shattering sanctions.

People need to do there homework before commenting.

PPP and GDP are two entirely different evaluation parameters to measure economy.

PPP represents the purchasing power of a nation as a whole.

GDP represents the productivity of a nation on the whole on yearly basis.

Pakistan's GDP stood at 270 billion USD as of 2015.
Not to mention the undocumented economy which is, IMHO based on the Turkish experience, must be in the ballpark of >1x of the official one...
If Pakistan doesn't need Afghanistan, then Pakistan will not need USA. The whole point of USA needing Pakistan is due to exit's plan, not to mention Pakistan is versed with the ground reality of Afghanistan. Given the unpredictable diplomatic between Pakistan and Afghanistan, that is about to change the priority for Pakistan.

As the situation unveils, Pakistan no longer needs USA, but as if now, USA would need Pakistan as long as USA stays in Afghanistan. USA cannot proceed to the exit plan without Pakistan while Pakistan wants nothing to do with headache Afghanistan.

Whereas for Pakistan, if the diplomatic situation between Pakistan and Afghanistan continues to get worse, say hello to border-sealed with no more trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan. That means Pakistan will have no need for Afghanistan. What happens in Afghanistan is totally Afghanistan's call. Pakistan is done carrying Afghanistan as long as Pakistan could. It is over.
Only 12000 troops present in Afghanistan and you are talking about exit strategy? There purpose is to ensure that Afghanistan government remains intact.

US is not leaving Afghanistan anytime soon. It will stay there until all stakeholders are willing to embrace the new Afghan governmental setup.

More importantly, both US and Pakistan need each other to ensure long-lasting peace in Afghanistan, and for additional matters. Proxy wars will benefit no one.

The US/Pakistan relationship has it's ups and downs, but will never fade out for a multitude of reasons.
Listen to this guy. He knows his stuff.

We got sanctioned because of the nuclear program

Really yet there able to come in and out like they did an abbotobad and fire LGBs from there drones whever they please without clearance. have some form of reality check
What is your point?

It is understood that there is a major asymmetry in the military might of the two nations in question. However, modern-era conflicts do not remain conventional in the long-term.
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These Americans are living in an entirely different universe. This is not the Pakistan of the eighties or nineties. Sanction as much as you like. They didn't even work back in the day. They aren't going to work today. The desperation by the Americans is insane. They are holding Pakistan related seminars each week it seems. All these senators discussing Pakistan like their lives depend on it. They have nothing better to do it seems.

These pathetic therapy sessions by the Americans proves only one thing. They are desperate to get Pakistan on board in all of their failed adventures, but realize that this won't happen anymore. The Pak army is wise enough to know what happened last time. Their withholding of F-16s and pathetic aid packages hasn't made an iota of difference. They are even admitting it in these hearings. It is all bluff. They will only talk and waste a lot of energy. At the end of the day, we know that they cannot pull the plug. It is nothing, but sour grapes. A lot of sour grapes.

The Americans are better off with India. They should keep their friendship intact with India and leave Pakistan alone. Our path diverts on many critical issues. We have other more reliable allies. No need to cry over a failed relationship. Just time to move on. You back-stabbed us and we did the same to you. Just leave it at that.
How can the US policy makers leave Pak alone? Don't they have the first hand experience that with <1% of support, otherwise required, Pak Army can achieve >100x of what is otherwise possible???
Senator Cardin noted that banning Pakistan from using US funds to buy F-16s was very complicated. “There were many factors engaged in our discussions. And quite frankly, we didn’t think we had all the information we needed,” he said

"O shit, what we have done" moment of these nobheads who call themselves senators. They are clearly regretting it.
its not in US interest to isolate pakistan, when there is that type of isolation the biggest fearing of nuclear stockpiling and introducing bigger warheads will become true, and these supposed north korean deals will turn into reality.
US will not and cannot isolate Pakistan. Thanks to sharifs and zardaris, what they can get done through IMF and world bank, to achieve same, why would they adopt an approach which can be feared counter productive.
US will not and cannot isolate Pakistan. Thanks to sharifs and zardaris, what they can get done through IMF and world bank, to achieve same, why would they adopt an approach which can be feared counter productive.
your saying being isolated will be a good thing. The iranians and north koreans will tell u more about this.
your saying being isolated will be a good thing. The iranians and north koreans will tell u more about this.
I never said so. Making anyone isolated in present day scenario is not as easy as it was few years ago. No doubt Iranians and North Koreans had toughest of times what could be imagined but did they change their policies significantly? I believe something else needs to be done which may not be arm twisting only, instead should be in combination with something
Dress this up anyway you want USA is the sole superpower in the wor;ld

They are the only country giving you Pakistan is hard cash cause you not getting any freebies frpm Arabs or China.

You people die for usa F16

You hate the fact that last decade india USA friendship has grown massively AT the expense of Pakistan

So stop the pretending we are too big to be isolated


IN THIS WORLD usa speaks THE WORLD listens

USA used Pakistan against USSR and after latter's disintegration it left a legacy of jihadis in Afghanistan that returned to haunt the US. They again used Pakistan against Al Qaida/Talibans and will continue to use them and so they wont resort to sanctions. They will use Pakistan for Afghanistan as long as they want and Pakistan can not refuse them. US policies are interventionist not withdrawing from a scene. Sacntions are demanded by India mainly to embarrass Pakistan's friends. I dont think even India would want complete isolation of Pakistan and create a North Korea or Somalia on our western borders.
Then why are your RAW agents so keen to frame our people and attack us. I have strong intel that Indians have infiltrated a number of institutions of Pakistan. Kulbushan was only the tip of the ice burg. The truth is India wants muslims to be weak and a Pakistan like Somalia or North Korea so that it can no longer pose a threat to it. As long as muslims remain they will be rebellious towards India. As a Lucknowi I know this. India knows this too and muslims must fight for Pakistan.
Dress this up anyway you want USA is the sole superpower in the wor;ld


They are the only country giving you Pakistan is hard cash cause you not getting any freebies frpm Arabs or China.

What are you talking about? Pakistan has barely received any aid in the last 5 years. In fact, Pakistan has been footing the bill from its own pocket.

You people die for usa F16

Are you stupid or pretending to be one? The Americans threatened to block the F16's, PAF said fine and started preparing for the alternative till the Americans came running back. US State Dept Officials in Congress stated that they have no other options but to supply the F16's to maintain influence over Pakistan Army.

You hate the fact that last decade india USA friendship has grown massively AT the expense of Pakistan

Who cares? You're thinking like a five year old child. This is not a zero sum game, i know its a wet Indian dream that the US will abandon Pakistan for India but in reality that is not going to happen. The US will maintain friendly relations with both Pakistan and India, and will not abandon one party over the other. That's just wet Indian dreams.

So stop the pretending we are too big to be isolated

Because we are, and even if the US isolates Pakistan it will be blessing in disguise for Pakistan. Anyways, the US is welcome to try and isolate us.


For that to happen, the US will need the Security Council to pass sanctions. Good Luck getting these sanctions past Russia and China. The SC powers had a common goal, to stop Iran from going nuclear. What is the SC trying to stop Pakistan from?

IN THIS WORLD usa speaks THE WORLD listens

Really? Have the Russians been listening to the Americans in Ukraine and Syria? Has China been listening to the US in South China Sea?

You must live in some nice Lala Land
Only 12000 troops present in Afghanistan and you are talking about exit strategy? There purpose is to ensure that Afghanistan government remains intact.

US is not leaving Afghanistan anytime soon. It will stay there until all stakeholders are willing to embrace the new Afghan governmental setup.

More importantly, both US and Pakistan need each other to ensure long-lasting peace in Afghanistan, and for additional matters. Proxy wars will benefit no one.

Do you realize Pakistan economical situation took heavy hit ever since the collaboration between Pakistan and USA in Afghanistan? Look at the economy of USA and Pakistan. Even today, the fragile situation in Afghanistan continues to impact the economy of Pakistan and USA negatively.

USA will leave one day since they have realized Afghanistan turned out to be huge headache. Pakistan is already looking for alternative. One day USA will leave Afghanistan and Pakistan will seal the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Civil wars will be back in Afghanistan as it has always been historically part of Afghanistan.
Then why are your RAW agents so keen to frame our people and attack us. I have strong intel that Indians have infiltrated a number of institutions of Pakistan. Kulbushan was only the tip of the ice burg. The truth is India wants muslims to be weak and a Pakistan like Somalia or North Korea so that it can no longer pose a threat to it. As long as muslims remain they will be rebellious towards India. As a Lucknowi I know this. India knows this too and muslims must fight for Pakistan.
You must pass on your strong intel to your govt.
Unlike your country, India don't always think in terms of religion and I stated earlier that India would not like any of her neighbors to be like NK or Somalia. A peaceful growth oriented country in neighborhood is good for us. There are over a dozen of rebellions in India but none has involvement of muslims except the kashmir valley. I know you miss Lucknow but its a very progressive and secular city and no one there has any ulterior ambition like you imagine.
A handful of radicals from India have gone to Syria to fight for ISIS, the remaining ones you can take and deploy them in FATA to fight for you. Feel sorry for you mohajirs as your leader has become anti Pakistan.
I pretty sure that they will work just like they worked on the North Koreans and Iran lol.

You must pass on your strong intel to your govt.
Unlike your country, India don't always think in terms of religion and I stated earlier that India would not like any of her neighbors to be like NK or Somalia. A peaceful growth oriented country in neighborhood is good for us. There are over a dozen of rebellions in India but none has involvement of muslims except the kashmir valley. I know you miss Lucknow but its a very progressive and secular city and no one there has any ulterior ambition like you imagine.
A handful of radicals from India have gone to Syria to fight for ISIS, the remaining ones you can take and deploy them in FATA to fight for you. Feel sorry for you mohajirs as your leader has become anti Pakistan.
Huge mountain of garbage right from the neighbor a country full of racist and extremist ideas where you are slaughtered for eating cow meat where rape is culture where people's biggest need is a Goddamned toilet.A country with the history of spreading terrorism in the neighbors and occupation over the foreign lands.Pakistan started doing this after very long time than the bhartis so why you cry now its completely just for you guys.You deserved it.And please spare us the shit like we might become something like Somalia because you spent 68 years barking that shit and during all that time Pakistan only grew more and more powerful and now there are so many eyes on Pakistan that only see our potential in us and in our abilities.
History is witness that every shit was started by the bhartees. From the fundamental reasons of separation to the nuclear race it was always the bhartees trying to prove something useless and yet failing as Pakistan refused to give up or back down.
And please deliver this sorry *** intel of yours to the whole world because you know what the world thinks of you bhartees.You aren't much loved either even with such massive *** resources you still need the toilets for public.This is where you stand so you have no right in hell to look down at us poor Pakistanis who saw nothing but challenges since ever unlike you who were are enemies who helped our enemies and who gained a lot from that.

You cant really like being an enemy of a country like Pakistan:chilli:.We are known for our resourcefulness and ability to improvise the the shit out of cray stuff.:crazy:
This is no bragging its the history of these people called Pakistani.:pakistan:
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