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Sanctioning Pakistan can backfire, US lawmakers warned

US sanctions on pakistan will be a good thing...
Its not like UN sanction cause UN will just laugh at the notion...
Let alone being vetoed by china any way...

We can than openly harbour good taliban and see how long US and their paedophile allies survive in afghanistan
Sanctions are never a good thing. Don't be naive.

Taliban groups can do squat in Afghanistan as long as US involved in Afghanistan.

This article tells us that diplomacy is the way forward for both countries. Not hostility.

Let them do that and then Pakistan should openly support Taliban and get their stinky existence out of Afghanistan. USA cannot open so many fronts simultaneously but country near the end of their sorry existence do such idiot things that backfire automatically.
Near the end of their sorry existence? Excuse me?

They did it before and that certainly helped the situation.

Those sanctions were that the US significantly reduced its aid and grants to Pakistan for a period of time. They were not economy-shattering sanctions.

People need to do there homework before commenting.

On PPP scale, Pakistan comes at the 26th place with a trillion dollar GDP.
PPP and GDP are two entirely different evaluation parameters to measure economy.

PPP represents the purchasing power of a nation as a whole.

GDP represents the productivity of a nation on the whole on yearly basis.

Pakistan's GDP stood at 270 billion USD as of 2015.
USA is the largest market for China
Turkey is NATO member
Putin has refused to show up in Islamabad

A lot happened since then.

* Iphone 7 released.
* PS4 Pro /Xbox Scorpio released.
* Pakistani movie "Janaan' released in North America.

And coming to the point...

* Turkey-USA diplomatic relationship went down the drain.
* New diplomatic relationship of Turkey with Pakistan, Russia, China and Iran on board.
* Russia-Pakistan to hold first ever join drills.
* China is expanding to the rest of the world for market; hence CPEC and South China Sea.

Just in case if you missed some;

* Turkey and Arab nations rejected Modi and Modi came back with slap on the face.
* USA rejected Modi's narrative on Balochistan with utter humiliation.
* China rejected Modi and showed the door with his dhoti turned upside down.

A lot interesting happened since then. :D
According to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey, India is perceived by Americans as their 6th favourite nation in the world, with 71% of Americans viewing India favourably in 2015

In 2015, the US exported $21.5 billion worth of goods to India, and imported $44.8 billion worth of Indian goods

After cold war and recently US considers China as their biggest enemy which also a reason align more close to india than pakistan and both country share common interest in business.With highest growth rate and potential to become 3rd most powerful country by all means in a decade, brings both countries even more closer.

So you conveniently left out one of the largest import-export between China and USA? That's okay. Even with China 'perceived' as enemy of USA, yet USA needs China. I mean every products in USA are made in China. USA literally cannot live without China. :D
Sanctions bring Pakistan closer to China while taking Pakistan towards projects like JF-17, Al Khalid etc.
That is true.

But there is more to this story; some of our major American weapon systems (e.g. F-16 aircraft) are dependent upon American support to function and/or to remain operational. We have limited autonomy in their use. Chinese weapon systems are free from such restrictions however because we can expect ToT from them and they won't mind if we use them against India.
Bottom line is that Pakistan learned a lesson from 90's sanctions (and USA has realized that), took the required precautions. Previously Pakistan was dependent on USA for almost anything but things have changed now. USA's actions has pushed Pakistan further into China's lap and as a result our relations with Russia have improved drastically. Today people talk about Pakistan-China-Russia nexus. With every passing day CPEC is becoming a reality and because of NATO's attitude during SU-24 saga even Turkey is coming in.

USA needs Pakistan if it wants to exit Afghanistan or else everyone knows Afghanistan is the grave yard for superpowers. British tried to conquer Afghanistan in 1800's, then USSR tried in 80's and now USA is trying but haven't found any success till date.

Thats how Pakistan thinks.
First of all that's your opinion. And if for a moment we agree with you, it was USA who taught us this lesson. We were their most important ally, similar to Israel during afghan jihad but in 90's Pakistan was on the brink of being labelled as Terror Sponsoring Nation. Similarly same afghan mujaheddin who USA is fighting at the moment were moral equivalent of America's founding fathers, according to Regan.
I will simplify this by saying "this is a waiting game" time is not on their side but we have to wait it out and that's it. this is aggressive posturing and nothing more!
“They would need to consider the possibility that coercion could backfire, raising tensions and making Islamabad less willing or able to advance any constructive agenda.”

Pakistan is valuable regional player. USA's exit plan depends on Pakistan. Without Pakistan, USA cannot move forward while keeping in mind of the growing diplomatic relationships of Pakistan with Iran, Russia, Turkey and China.

Unfortunately, Indians haven't been able to understand the ground reality and neither has Trump. :D

Provoking a guy that points his gun towards his own head would indeed backfire .

Especially when you knows that you wont get another Pakistan from this region .
Some people in here always try to square Pakistan and Russia .

But this is the reality ,Russia's MIC is heavily depend on India .And they themselves dont want
total authority of China in Asia .

So when it comes to the Pakistan ,You will only have China and Turkey .No more no less.
Provoking a guy that points his gun towards his own head would indeed backfire .

Especially when you knows that you wont get another Pakistan from this region .

What an retarded reply mate
What an retarded reply mate

Use your thing inside in your head .
In here we are talking about an unstable nuke nation .

Sanction means USA is alone in Afghanistan. The only reason USA is surviving and succeeded in the past against USSR because of Pakistan. Pakistan has options now; China/Russia/Turkey. USA has none.

The table has turned. USA needs Pakistan and Pakistan doesn't need USA anymore. In fact, in this article gave strong hint of USA being dependable on Pakistan even more, to the extent USA's exit plan is riding on Pakistan. :D

What a nice delusion :D

Well US dont need Pakistan not any more .
They can do whatever they want .But in here they need our full support if that needs to work .
And for our own interest ,India wont allow that .
A full fledged diplomatic power game will refrain China from this area.Russia,Iran and Turkey would remain neutral.They wont come for your support .
But result would be nasty ,both for us and entire region .Means another Afghanistan with nukes .
US wont face any issue .But that wont serves our interest .

That is why the US maintains a balance here .
Use your thing inside in your head .
In here we are talking about an unstable nuke nation .

What a nice delusion :D

Well US dont need Pakistan not any more .
They can do whatever they want .But in here they need our full support if that needs to work .
And for our own interest ,India wont allow that .
A full fledged diplomatic power game will refrain China from this area.Russia,Iran and Turkey would remain neutral.They wont come for your support .
But result would be nasty ,both for us and entire region .Means another Afghanistan with nukes .
US wont face any issue .But that wont serves our interest .

That is why the US maintains a balance here .

Now that post is grandeur of delusion.

* USA don't need Pakistan anymore because USA asks Pakistan on the task force against terrorism in alternate universe?
* A full fledged diplomatic power will refrain China, Russia, Iran and Turkey means no CPEC and certainly no South China Sea. Pakistan and China should be worried.
* Don't worry, Turkey is neutral when it comes to Pakistan.
* I take it USA exit's plan in Afghanistan is riding on Vietnam, not Pakistan.

It was fun playing game with you. :D

Provoking a guy that points his gun towards his own head would indeed backfire .

Especially when you knows that you wont get another Pakistan from this region .
Some people in here always try to square Pakistan and Russia .

But this is the reality ,Russia's MIC is heavily depend on India .And they themselves dont want
total authority of China in Asia .

So when it comes to the Pakistan ,You will only have China and Turkey .No more no less.

You do know Turkey, Arab worlds, USA rejected you, right? To the extent, Russia and Pakistan have joined their first grill together? With Pakistan, that might be debatable since life is unpredictable.

But what is not fiction? Turkey, Arab worlds, USA, China rejected Modi with utter humiliation while his dhoti turned upside down. :D
The table has turned. USA needs Pakistan and Pakistan doesn't need USA anymore. In fact, in this article gave strong hint of USA being dependable on Pakistan even more, to the extent USA's exit plan is riding on Pakistan. :D

Both Pakistan and US are a co-dependents on Afghanistan. Both sides can claim one side doesn't need the other, but in reality both sides need each other. If US thought sanctions would work it would have implemented by now. And if Pakistan thinks cutting off US exit route was a good idea, it, too, would have done it by now.

And if the US does leave, who will fill the power vacuum? The Afghans? Sorry, they are a laughable bunch. Neither China or Russia wants to fill America's shoes? Iran? Will Pakistan accept that? Can Pakistan go it alone? Hardly, they can barely control the Taliban.

I'm afraid Pakistan and US are stuck together in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future.
Now that post is grandeur of delusion.

* USA don't need Pakistan anymore because USA asks Pakistan on the task force against terrorism in alternate universe?
* A full fledged diplomatic power will refrain China, Russia, Iran and Turkey means no CPEC and certainly no South China Sea. Pakistan and China should be worried.
* Don't worry, Turkey is neutral when it comes to Pakistan.
* I take it USA exit's plan in Afghanistan is riding on Vietnam, not Pakistan.

It was fun playing game with you. :D

You do know Turkey, Arab worlds, USA rejected you, right? To the extent, Russia and Pakistan have joined their first grill together? With Pakistan, that might be debatable since life is unpredictable.

But what is not fiction? Turkey, Arab worlds, USA, China rejected Modi with utter humiliation while his dhoti turned upside down. :D

Mard i momin logic .Nothing to be surprised

Yup they rejected us and we can see when we got a lots of deals and FDI
Both Pakistan and US are a co-dependents on Afghanistan. Both sides can claim one side doesn't need the other, but in reality both sides need each other. If US thought sanctions would work it would have implemented by now. And if Pakistan thinks cutting off US exit route was a good idea, it, too, would have done it by now.

And if the US does leave, who will fill the power vacuum? The Afghans? Sorry, they are a laughable bunch. Neither China or Russia wants to fill America's shoes? Iran? Will Pakistan accept that? Can Pakistan go it alone? Hardly, they can barely control the Taliban.

I'm afraid Pakistan and US are stuck together in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future.

If Pakistan doesn't need Afghanistan, then Pakistan will not need USA. The whole point of USA needing Pakistan is due to exit's plan, not to mention Pakistan is versed with the ground reality of Afghanistan. Given the unpredictable diplomatic between Pakistan and Afghanistan, that is about to change the priority for Pakistan.

As the situation unveils, Pakistan no longer needs USA, but as if now, USA would need Pakistan as long as USA stays in Afghanistan. USA cannot proceed to the exit plan without Pakistan while Pakistan wants nothing to do with headache Afghanistan.

Whereas for Pakistan, if the diplomatic situation between Pakistan and Afghanistan continues to get worse, say hello to border-sealed with no more trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan. That means Pakistan will have no need for Afghanistan. What happens in Afghanistan is totally Afghanistan's call. Pakistan is done carrying Afghanistan as long as Pakistan could. It is over.

Mard i momin logic .Nothing to be surprised

Yup they rejected us and we can see when we got a lots of deals and FDI

Did Turkey, Arab nations, USA, China not reject your Modi sarkar? Try to make yourself aka India look useful first before talk about important Pakistan aka major regional player. :D
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