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Sanam chuadhry quits acting to follow a religious path

ur thinking tells us how much u watch the B&D godi media. ur r totally under the influence of godi media. and please stop worrying so much about Muslim women. They r doing much much better than indian and western women. look into ur own problems. islamophobia has gotten the better of u. if u worry so much about Muslim women than stop killing their sons, fathers, husbands and brothers in the name of cow. stop raping them in Kashmir. let go of Islamophobia. its not good for ur mental state
I agree with her choice part but what if a Pakistani actress goes out in a bikini or something

We'll accept her choice part?

Can the freedoms go both ways

Mathira does it but she gets criticized I believe
I agree with her choice part but what if a Pakistani actress goes out in a bikini or something

We'll accept her choice part?

Can the freedoms go both ways

Mathira does it but she gets criticized I believe
dont compare nudity with freedom bro. there is a lot of difference between these two.
Arent u a puppy of women rights?

Please don't call me a dog. I am a cat person.

ur type are ok with muslims by name but go through pains when ppl properly adopt the religion.

What does it mean - "properly adopt the religion" ?

Do you even know what Talib means?

And what are the Taliban students of ?

And you are nobody to be concerned of what happens in Pakistan!

The forum management kindly allows me - a Muslim Communist - to speak about Pakistani issues and issues about Muslims anywhere and in fact issues anywhere. Surely you know this.
Please don't call me a dog. I am a cat person.

What does it mean - "properly adopt the religion" ?

And what are the Taliban students of ?

The forum management kindly allows me - a Muslim Communist - to speak about Pakistani issues and issues about Muslims anywhere and in fact issues anywhere. Surely you know this.
Uska kehne ka matlab that ki pious musalmans and muslimas don't parkate in such unholy activities as music, dance and the arts.

I think you will find yourself partly in agreement with that being a teetotaler and not a fan of western style entertainment.
Wonderful - this move surely has solved all the problems in Pakistan including rape, murder, nepotism, prostitution, sodody in madaris among them corruption especially from a white bearded, wudu dar official in licence office who takes bribes to move applications forward.
Great victory for Ummah - no more muslims killing other muslims, all ikhwan on the same page and eradication of poverty. Great effort highlighting this massively important development that was the main thing holding up those other tiny issues.

Yeh dekho bhaiyon....Agaya Adha aqalmand...
But What they are preaching is not enough in this modern era.they should also preach discipline and unity which is need of hour for our society.
They are average people like you doing their part, you do the rest, start Unity and Discipline Jamat. We will call it UDJ. :sarcastic:

Showbiz is filthy but these tableeghis are a bigger fitna. What is their contribution to the society rather than harassing people
How are they fitna? they are average people using their own time and money to do the right thing. الأمر بالمَعْرُوف والنَهي عن المُنْكَر‎ .

What has the rest of the online pudits that have been wasting Oxygen have contributed to society?

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient”. (Surah Aal Imran 3:110)

“And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.” (Surah Aal Imran 3: 104)

“The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them [accordingly]. Indeed, the hypocrites – it is they who are the defiantly disobedient”. (Surah At-Tawbah 9:67)
Which sect do you belong to? Such comments are common from the firqay lot who want people to stay away from learning Deen directly from Quran (i.e. translation) and Hadith.
I don't believe in sects.I was Bralvi one year ago but now I am Muslim only.I will take the name given by my Allah Almighty not the one given by so called ulema e deen.

You were saying that Quran is enough to follow Deen so I said that Hadith is also very important.
I am searching for that particular incident about which I hinted you in my previous post.Actually my teacher (who is PhD from international Islamic university islamabad) told me in my college about that.I will soon give you reference in Sha Allah.
1. The security threat by the TJ : Russia and the Muslim-majority Central Asian countries have rightly banned the TJ because the members have indulged in or planned extreme criminal acts like bombings and gun attacks. The TJ leaders claim that the movement is apolitical but the movement serves as a networking arrangement for the members to later either form criminal groups or join existing such groups. I quote from the Wikipedia page for "Tablighi Jamaat" :

Ignore the word "Islamist" in the above text and concentrate on who the TJ breeds. And I am sure many or most of the "Syrian rebels" who really are not Syria at all and come from all over the world have come up through the TJ. Same for the international criminals who invaded Libya in 2011.

2. The social threat by the TJ : In India the social culture among Muslims in the last 20 years has changed for the worse. Brainwashing by the TJ has resulted in many Muslim women ( so-called college educated ) adopting the full burqa, adopting an arrogant attitude and basically isolating themselves from the larger society. Not associating with the oppressed groups in the country including women. Lot of self-isolation. They might as well be living on an island. So many Afghan women don't want to wear the burqa and some make it a point not to wear it but sadly so many Indian Muslim women wear it voluntarily without understanding that the burqa has no Islamic basis. It is a pre-Islamic Jewish garment ( Read this article, a finding by a Muslims woman scholar and parliamentarian ). Some of the voluntary burqa-wearer women are the "My hijab [ burqa ] is not my compulsion, it is my pride" types. :lol: These particular women and the TJ have created a suffocating and oppressive atmosphere for those Indian Muslim women who don't want to wear the burqa, who want to be free. Again, about those voluntary burqa weares what then is the point of their education when they chose to isolate themselves from society and not contribute to it ? And those Indian Muslim women About many Indian Muslim men, especially in the cities, the TJ has brainwashed them to don a "pious" look - kurta-pyjama, beard ( sometimes long ) and white cap. They all have a uniform look. And they all eat biryani regularly and have become dullards. All in all these TJ-affected men and women have become parasites and should be brought back to normality.

3. The political threat by the TJ : In India the TJ has just created suffocating and oppressive ghetto life for Muslims and not worked with progressive groups and individuals in the country and has just given ground to the Hindutvadis who have grown in influence especially in the last few years. All that the TJ was interested is going around to Muslim peoples' houses and getting them for prayers by irritating the people to the extreme, pushing women into burqas and the men into the get up I described earlier. And while the TJ was busy doing this the Hindutvadis grew in power so the TJ has to take a large part of the blame for this.

4. The intellectual effect of the TJ : The TJ has made its followers to become intellectually inferior. I don't expect an Elon Musk to arise from among the Tablighis at their international headquarters in Delhi. There was that incident in Pakistan in 2019 where some Tablighis were on a running train and these idiots began cooking breakfast in the bogies and that sparked a fire in large sections of the train and 74 people were burnt or suffocated to death.

@Imran Khan

Very philosophical............... Not.

Outwardly it may seem her choice but in reality some TJ members would have brainwashed her, shamed her and forced her into making this "choice".

What do you mean by unity ? Will the TJ stop fighting Syrian government forces and instead join the Syrians, the Russians, the Palestinians and Iran-sent forces in defeating the NATO plot against Syria and present a symbol of unity for Muslims ?

Goenitz bhai, I am disappointed by some of your recent posts. :sad: Have you changed ?

Not hurt but concerned for her and other Pakistani women especially in film and serials industry. She may be used as a tool to create an atmosphere of shame and wrong-doing and brainwash other former colleagues of hers to also leave that "haraam" industry ( as @Zarvan called it ). A self-Talibanization.

so much B.S in one post......
Regardless of what people say or write, American government has not put a single person in jail because of Tabligh or being Tablighi. Also banning TJ doesn’t mean that movement or effort were forcefully stopped in Russia and central Asian states. Those who are involved in TJ will switch to Meeci tarteb.
Why do you hate Tabligh so much? and are you a psychic? How do you know that she was brain washed by Tablighi? TJ brings a balance between Shirk/bidat and khooni liberals.
a Muslim Communist

You are of the same lot who killed thousands in Afghanistan .. your kind doesn't believe in religious freedoms. Terrorist Commies is the right choice to describe you lot.

I don't believe in sects.I was Bralvi one year ago but now I am Muslim only.

Ameen brother. That's how it should be ... hanafi whatnot are all divisions in groups on matters of Deen and strictly prohibited in Quran.

You were saying that Quran is enough to follow Deen so I said that Hadith is also very important.

You misunderstood. I was referring to her comment of learning Quran from others.
You are of the same lot who killed thousands in Afghanistan .. your kind doesn't believe in religious freedoms. Terrorist Commies is the right choice to describe you lot.

Terrorist commies, eh ? The two million civilians who died in the 1980s to 90s Afghan war died because of the invasion by thousands of transnational criminals who were trained, armed, funded and politically supported by China, Western governments, Saudia and Zia ul Haq's government. Had they not come the Afghan government with the help of the USSR would have eliminated those regressives among the Afghans who had rebelled against the Socialist government and were preventing the country's progress.

During the Socialist governance system an Afghan went to space to live for a few days on a USSR space station. Did this happen during the Western-supported "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 ? Will it happen in the new IEA ?

Regardless of what people say or write, American government has not put a single person in jail because of Tabligh or being Tablighi.

Mostly probably because the TJ has become a tool for the American government. Like I wrote in the post you quote, most of the "Syrian rebels" who are fighting against the Bashar al Assad government are not Syrian at all and I am sure have been Tablighis at some point. The TJ has become a tool for Crusader Western governments to use as a means to keep Muslims outwardly "pious" and not intellectual and not become progressive. Do you think progressive Muslim leaders and activists like Nasser and Faiz Ahmed Faiz had anything to do with the TJ ?

Also banning TJ doesn’t mean that movement or effort were forcefully stopped in Russia and central Asian states.


Those who are involved in TJ will switch to Meeci tarteb.

What is meant by "Meeci tarteb" ?

Why do you hate Tabligh so much? and are you a psychic?

1. The word is psychotic, not psychic. And no, I am not a psychotic.

2. Even at their best behavior the TJ are so irritating. For some years the TJ in my neighborhood used to come to my house every Thursday evening and pester me with nonsense. I didn't accept their "pious" words. Once one of them said that the TJ that day has "IT people" ( since I am from computing field ). I told them that I had written a simple operating system software. Now despite I being the first Indian to write an OS, even a simple one, it didn't impress them. No intellectuality among them. They are just unthinking robots. And then I have already written about former TJ members being involved in bombings and other such plots. The West may not have banned the TJ but Russia, Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries have, rightly.

How do you know that she was brain washed by Tablighi?

I just picked it up from what other members said on the thread. Also, it's quite obvious, yes ?

TJ brings a balance between Shirk/bidat and khooni liberals.

And who are the "khooni liberals" ?
Terrorist commies, eh ? The two million civilians who died in the 1980s to 90s Afghan war died because of the invasion by thousands of transnational criminals who were trained, armed, funded and politically supported by China, Western governments, Saudia and Zia ul Haq's government. Had they not come the Afghan government with the help of the USSR would have eliminated those regressives among the Afghans who had rebelled against the Socialist government and were preventing the country's progress.

During the Socialist governance system an Afghan went to space to live for a few days on a USSR space station. Did this happen during the Western-supported "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 ? Will it happen in the new IEA ?

Go read Afghanistan's history ..... before the Soviet invasion what your commie terrorist brothers were doing after their bloody takeover of government in Kabul. They hunted down, burried religious people (& even moderates including professors) alive and threw many off the planes. Mujahideen were born due to the mass arrests and brutal murders by your Commie brothers, way before Soviets decided to enter Afghanistan. It's all documented but hey it doesn't fare well for you terrorist commies for this part of history to be discussed!

And irony is that Afghanistan's commie movement started with 'women's rights' .. same narrative as yours! When in power, these 'women's rights' preaching commies turned terrorists.
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before the Soviet invasion what your commie terrorist brothers were doing after their bloody takeover of government in Kabul. They hunted down, burried religious people alive and threw many off the planes.

1. "Soviet invasion" : What would you call the Russian intervention in Syria in support of the Assad government and what would you call the invasion of Syria by tens of thousands of transnational criminals trained, funded, armed and politically supported by the Western governments ?

2. "Bloody takeover of government" : And what did the anti-Gaddafi forces do in Libya in 2011 and are trying to do in Syria for the last ten years ?

3. "Religious people" : What did Pakistan Army do with TTP ?

4. "Threw many off planes" : Look at what your Western-supported Capitalist rulers did in Argentina and Chile :
During the 1976-1983 Argentine Dirty War, many thousands of people disappeared, clandestinely kidnapped by groups acting for the dictatorship. Human rights groups in Argentina often cite a figure of 30,000 disappeared; Amnesty International estimates 20,000. Many were killed in death flights, a practice initiated by Admiral Luis María Mendía, usually after detention and torture. Typically they were drugged into a stupor, loaded into aircraft, stripped, and dropped into the Río de la Plata or the Atlantic Ocean.
Oregier Benavente, Augusto Pinochet's former personal helicopter pilot, has admitted that on numerous occasions he threw prisoners into the ocean or into the high peaks of the Andes.

Flights were also used to make bodies of already murdered dissidents disappear. One person's testimony described the procedure: corpses were put in gunny sacks; each sack was attached to a piece of rail using wire, and a second gunny sack put around both. The sacks were carried by pickup truck to helicopters that flew them to the coast of the Valparaíso region, where the bodies were thrown into the ocean. Secret police agent Osvaldo Romo confessed in a 1995 interview to having participated in death flights. Showing no remorse, he added, "Now, would it not be better throwing bodies into a volcano?"

In 2001, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos told the nation that during Pinochet's rule, 120 civilians had been tossed from helicopters into "the ocean, the lakes and the rivers of Chile.

Mujahideen were born due to the mass arrests and brutal murders by your Commie brothers, way before Soviets decided to enter Afghanistan.

"Mujahideen" : LOL fighters for "Islam" supported by Western Crusader governments and atheist Chinese government.

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