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Salman Taseer’s Son Loses Indian Citizenship After Criticizing Modi ‘Smol men in big offices.’ by UM

Tell that to his indian mother who gave birth to him in india... that too our of wedlock.

They were never married i reckon and lived in a relationship in london and a son was born out of this relationship. Below is her mother response which has been BJP supporter since past many yrs, There son had birtish passport so that he can visit india and pak when ever he wishes that was why he wass issued IOC passport

So much filth coming out of your dead brain that it is not even possible.
Who told you that UK is a liberal country!! And who said you are a liberal!!
You keep throwing your agenda of declaring "Medieval Concept of Blasphemy". What is that concept moron!!
Even though the "Freedom of Speech" is mentioned but it didn't stop your filthy mind to spew its filth out.
Didn't bother to answer the questions, would you call "The Quran" a medieval book and demand that it should not be implemented and followed!!!

Go and roam around the streets of SW 18, I hope you would find some of like minded crooks claiming my Tax Sterling in false and fraudulent claims.

Your head is full of shit lol. Are you just acting stupid or just a inbred idiot who has problems thinking for yourself, you keep spouting the same bullshit about liberalism while living in the UK. What bigger evidence do you need that Britain is relatively a liberal society that allows people to agree or disagree on various matters and allows freedom of religion something which you don't want in Pakistan.

PS: I don't live anywhere in London so you can drop the SW18 mantra, are you trying to show off that your intelligent by spouting nonsense? You're really embarrassing yourself.
Prior to sending in his application he should have switched his name to Atish Snow, in that case they couldn't accuse him of concealing any information later.. :enjoy:. He has never been to Pakistan, doesn't claim to be a Pakistani, I don't see how he is our problem. The matters' between UK and India.
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