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Salahuddin says terrorists including Taliban and al-Qaeda are welcome to 'liberate' Kashmir

Please come .We are waiting.
Our Army needs some serious target practicing.
If AQ get involved in Kashmir it will create a shitstorm in mainland India, prepare for things to go boom. You can flatten Kashmir but that will just add to the entire mess.
We always have backup plans.

Politically this will be the final nail in the coffin.
If AQ get involved in Kashmir it will create a shitstorm in mainland India, prepare for things to go boom. You can flatten Kashmir but that will just add to the entire mess.

Days are numbered for these camel jockeys - the whole lot of them, they dont know whats in store for them within the next 5 years.
That is what we wanted. This will favour us.
:lol: that would be the stupidest comment on this topic. If you would say your GOVT would be able to take care of them then it would have made sense. But thats what you wanted :woot: This will favor you :crazy: Even if a country have a powerful army any insurgency like this will put significant dent on resources and Economy.
:lol: that would be the stupidest comment on this topic. If you would say your GOVT would be able to take care of them then it would have made sense. But thats what you wanted :woot: This will favor you :crazy: Even if a country have a powerful army any insurgency like this will put significant dent on resources and Economy.

The fact is jehadi scum doesnt scare us because we hunt them down without prejudice, see, Pakistan is a breath away from being declared a state sponsor of terrorism - and very rightly so. Once that happens - whatever we or the world does in retaliation becomes justified.
As Taliban attack Kashmir so we also going to help them baby so u its hard for u defeat them
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