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Sajjad Lone praises PM Narendra Modi: ‘He talked as if I was PM, not him’

+It's strange that all those who have met with Modi personally since he acme PM have said he is a very humble and polite man. A stark contradiction to what many would have him portrayed as (a fire breathing, hate filled, fanatic) .
Modi government won't last beyond 2016. BJP will breakup because 100 MP's out of 282 are from Congress choice. There was a compromise which Modi signed just before elections.

The plan is to eliminate RSS, VHP completely from political scene. Jaitley, corporates and Congress are working togeter on this plan. Corporates fully control media(except many powerful foreign players who won't mind seeing RSS, VHP go down).

Subramanian Swamy has given enough hints on this. Also, ShivSena is being attacked by Modi on wishes of missionaries who control many of these 100MP's. After whole defamation of "Hindutva", "Hindutva issues", Hindutva leaders, gurus, parties is over, then in 2016 these MP's will dump Modi and government will fall(unless Modi begs to Sonia to hold till 2019 but she is a White-woman, she is not stupid like hindus. So she will kick his a$$ and move into elections).

Modi will be disaster for India. He is worse than Hajpayee, fully hungry for power. Brainless guy.
+It's strange that all those who have met with Modi personally since he acme PM have said he is a very humble and polite man. A stark contradiction to what many would have him portrayed as (a fire breathing, hate filled, fanatic) .

Goto utube, find out Modi's meet with Obama in USA. See Modi's body language while shaking hand with Obama(that 45 seconds part. Obama was deliberately testing him by making him stand longer, this is very normal tactic used by diplomats, the strange thing is, Modi failed to hold his nerves for even 45 seconds, he came out as very immature & nervous, i was wondering whether he wanted to go su-su). That gave away everything. Noone in Western countries and in Europe takes Modi seriously anymore. They know he lacks metal.

This is not to say that MMS was any better. But i will prefer MMS than Modi because MMS handled USA better. A damn smart guy. The only issue with MMS was Sonia, missionaries and corruption. But Modi is same now after 100 MP compromise. He won't take any action on missionaries or such. He will focus on throwing FDI to american firms to appease them, to fund BJP.
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Its good to see someone else from valley apart from hurriyath conference is getting limelight ...If bjp comes to power in j&k(unlikely) it will be their major victory next only to general election

They don't have to win full majority, it will be a BIG victory even if they come-out as a single largest party. NC is not going to support PDP, we may see another Maharashtra style politics after results.
This is not to say that MMS was any better. But i will prefer MMS than Modi because MMS handled USA better. A damn smart guy. The only issue with MMS was Sonia, missionaries and corruption. But Modi is same now after 100 MP compromise. He won't take any action on missionaries or such. He will focus on throwing FDI to american firms to appease them, to fund BJP.

MMS had no swag what so ever. He was a complete robot through out all the visits.
Goto utube, find out Modi's meet with Obama in USA. See Modi's body language while shaking hand with Obama(that 45 seconds part. Obama was deliberately testing him by making him stand longer, this is very normal tactic used by diplomats, the strange thing is, Modi failed to hold his nerves for even 45 seconds, he came out as very immature & nervous, i was wondering whether he wanted to go su-su). That gave away everything. Noone in Western countries and in Europe takes Modi seriously anymore. They know he lacks metal.

This is not to say that MMS was any better. But i will prefer MMS than Modi because MMS handled USA better. A damn smart guy. The only issue with MMS was Sonia, missionaries and corruption. But Modi is same now after 100 MP compromise. He won't take any action on missionaries or such. He will focus on throwing FDI to american firms to appease them, to fund BJP.
@mujahind spotted :P
Next he should meet Geelani and bowl him over too .
Not a chance! Geelani is a hard boiled pro Pakistani, who is funded by the Pak Establishment with millions of rupees from which he has even made a multi-storied mansion costing millions! His foreign trips are funded by the Establishment too just like the other lame duck Hurriyat yahoos.

So why should he and his band of bozos talk to Modi and lose all the goodies they're being showered with? :azn:
Well.. this is bound to happen... its politics time in J&K.... and people will shift to align with probable winner...someone has to take the lead...Mr. Lone just did that.
Former separatist and Peoples Conference leader Sajjad Lone seemed to have been bowled over by Prime Minister Narendra Modi after a 45-minute meeting at the PM’s residence here this evening.
“I cannot tell you how humble he is. He was talking as if I was the Prime Minister and not him. It was like two brothers talking to each other,’’ Lone told The Indian Express later. “The meeting was scheduled for 15 minutes but he spent a full 45 minutes with me. I went inside at 4.30 pm, there were only two of us. He was extremely warm to me.”
Lone said that Modi didn’t speak to him about the elections at all. “He (Modi) spoke freely. He told me that he would take a personal interest in Kashmir. He said I didn’t go to Kashmir four times until now because of politics. He told me that he truly wants Kashmiris to live a life of happiness and dignity and that he will keep on going to Kashmir.’’
“I talked to him about the problems with flood relief and he said that he (Modi) was personally monitoring it. He said trust me on this — I will restore Kashmir to its glory…I told him you did so much in Kutch in Gujarat and why can’t similar projects be introduced in Kashmir. He told me when it comes to development, I know how to achieve things – wait for a little while and then see whether there is change or not,’’ Lone said.
Lone said he didn’t raise contentious issues like Article 370 or the peace process. “I only told him that he should use his good offices so that people can live with dignity…I asked why couldn’t government of India make Srinagar a smart city. He said it was a great idea but it has to go through a process. I told him about the need of a highway connecting north Kashmir which could only become a reality if it is done under a Central scheme – he promised to discuss it…When I talked about need for urbanization and tourism infrastructure, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes,’’ he said.
The Modi-Lone meeting comes after a long BJP courtship, part of the party’s plan to stitch up a possible post-poll alliance of smaller parties and individuals in the Kashmir Valley where the BJP has little presence. While the BJP’s J&K poll plan hinges on the Hindu-majority seats among Jammu’s 37 Assembly constituencies, Lone and a few other free-floating politicians and parties are part of BJP’s public relations blitzkrieg to exhibit the party’s reach into the Muslim-majority Valley.
- See more at: Sajjad Lone meets Narendra Modi | The Indian Express
Cunning Person esp with designation of PM can afford ---- kuttay,billi like sajjad lone :lol:
if you cant respect the person then atleast respect the post.
He is your pm if you are an indian.
And making fun of pm is not good and that too in pakistani forum.

"Respect the post", Oh really!!! I have seen Bhakts using crude language against MMS and even against other Congressi PM's in the very same forum...
Huh!....Jealous for what??......If u wanna know ...how much we love our PM...then spare some time to read our Political threads 8-)
Precisely.. you guys treat your PM like Sh!t... so it would be difficult for you to understand and digest if Indian PM commands respect in his country and abroad.
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