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Safety Advice for EID


Sep 20, 2008
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Just got this via email from a colleague, thought it would be useful for people celebrating eid in Pakistan:

As you are well aware that Eid-ul-Fitr, an important Islamic festival is likely to fall on either 9th or 10th Aug’2013.

Pakistan in general is under persistent security threats from various terrorist factions operating in Pakistan. Their nefarious designs and motives are to strike terror into the hearts of common people and create chaos and confusion before and during this important event. LEAs have already been instructed to be vigilant and alert during these holidays all across PK

In order to protect yourself and your families from any potential and unexpected terrorist attack, it is essential to please ensure avoid visiting following places with your family where the risk of terrorist attacks are high during Eid holidays esp. at Chand Raat (Moon sighting day) and other days as well :-

· For Eid Namaz(Prayers) :- Perform your Eid prayers if possible at Open Eid Gahs/Grounds. Avoid (if possible) going to prominent mosques/places where VIPs are likely to be present. Try to offer your prayers near to your residence. While offering Namaz (prayers), try to be in the middle of the congregation instead of at the end /flanks or in the front rows. If possible join early timing prayers (before 0730 hours).
· Any potential site(s) where there a history of disturbance/terrorist attacks
· Picnic Spots/recreation places.
· Crowded/congested areas.
· Children play grounds and parks.
· Avoid traffic jams and moving on deserted streets/bottle necks.
· Traffic and Local Police incl Anti-Terrorist squads and Rangers have been instructed to have a strict/close vigilance on suspicious people/activity and movement on private vehicles, so always keep your essential documents e.g. Car / CNIC etc with you to avoid any confrontation/unnecessary delay and embarrassment.
· Try if possible to be at home and keep a low profile during your holidays.
· Avoid visiting shrines/ mazars/mausoleums etc.
· Avoid visiting prominent Malls and shopping centres.

Stay safe and happy eid :)
Hmm... Security is very apt where i live so its ok!
@hinduguy I guess I now have the excuse not to take the car anywhere! :laughcry:
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Just got this via email from a colleague, thought it would be useful for people celebrating eid in Pakistan:

As you are well aware that Eid-ul-Fitr, an important Islamic festival is likely to fall on either 9th or 10th Aug’2013.

Pakistan in general is under persistent security threats from various terrorist factions operating in Pakistan. Their nefarious designs and motives are to strike terror into the hearts of common people and create chaos and confusion before and during this important event. LEAs have already been instructed to be vigilant and alert during these holidays all across PK

In order to protect yourself and your families from any potential and unexpected terrorist attack, it is essential to please ensure avoid visiting following places with your family where the risk of terrorist attacks are high during Eid holidays esp. at Chand Raat (Moon sighting day) and other days as well :-

· For Eid Namaz(Prayers) :- Perform your Eid prayers if possible at Open Eid Gahs/Grounds. Avoid (if possible) going to prominent mosques/places where VIPs are likely to be present. Try to offer your prayers near to your residence. While offering Namaz (prayers), try to be in the middle of the congregation instead of at the end /flanks or in the front rows. If possible join early timing prayers (before 0730 hours).
· Any potential site(s) where there a history of disturbance/terrorist attacks
· Picnic Spots/recreation places.
· Crowded/congested areas.
· Children play grounds and parks.
· Avoid traffic jams and moving on deserted streets/bottle necks.
· Traffic and Local Police incl Anti-Terrorist squads and Rangers have been instructed to have a strict/close vigilance on suspicious people/activity and movement on private vehicles, so always keep your essential documents e.g. Car / CNIC etc with you to avoid any confrontation/unnecessary delay and embarrassment.
· Try if possible to be at home and keep a low profile during your holidays.
· Avoid visiting shrines/ mazars/mausoleums etc.
· Avoid visiting prominent Malls and shopping centres.

Stay safe and happy eid :)

Summary: Say your prayers with one eye open, then go straight home and stay put. That's it.
That's very considerate and compassionate of you sir.

Most of the times it happens when you least expect it.Terrorists are very shrewd in their planning these days.And the trend shows that they were able to unmask our weaknesses with success.

So, you've every reason to be cautious.

1-If you suspect someone, let the local authorities know about it ASAP without the person getting a clue that he's been exposed.
2-If you are lucky enough to know that a suicide bomber is about to blow (as in case of a religious congregation) then how will you be able to minimize the damage.Just go through the following.

i)A primary blast injury is caused solely by the direct effect of blast over pressure on tissue. Air is easily compressible, unlike water. As a result, a primary blast injury almost always affects air-filled structures such as the lung, ear, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

ii)A secondary blast injury is caused by flying objects that strike people.

iii)A tertiary blast injury is a feature of high-energy explosions. This type of injury occurs when people fly through the air and strike other objects.

iv)Miscellaneous or quaternary blast injuries encompass all other injuries caused by explosions, such as burns, crush injuries, and toxic inhalations....psychological trauma.

v)They are often engineered to spread the most amount of shrapnel horizontally between two feet and five feet above the ground (this maximizes the chance of hitting standing humans).

vi) The preferable place to be in the event of an explosion is flat on the ground. If you have a good idea of where the blast will happen, then lie flat on your chest on the ground, with the soles of your feet facing the area of the blast.

vii) Spread your legs moderately apart: if you tighten your legs together, you increase the chances of losing both legs, whereas when the legs are spread apart, you have a greater chance of saving one leg from the blast; spreading the legs too far apart, however, leaves the groin exposed.

viii) In addition to the obvious reasons for protecting the groin area, you also want to avoid shrapnel injury to that area because of the major arteries in that part of the body can lead to rapid blood loss if injured.

ix)The majority of deaths from explosions are not caused from shrapnel or the explosion itself, but from the pulse of air created by the blast.

x)This air travels outward in all directions as a shockwave. The most dangerous aspect of this shockwave is what it does to a human lung. It's natural in the event of a crisis moment for a human being to take a deep breath and hold it. This turns one's lungs into a pressurized balloon.When the shockwave hits the body, that balloon bursts, causing massive internal injury to the inner surface of the lungs. Thus most bomb victims die from internal bleeding in the lungs. They literally drown in their own blood. It takes from two to ten minutes and it is a horrific way to go. The best way to avoid that fate is to keep your mouth open and your air passages open. Do not breathe deeply. Instead, while laying on the ground in such a case, breathe in and out in rapid little pulses, all the while taking care to never fully close your air passages.

xi) You must choose what to do with your hands. Some people instinctively cover their ears at the sound of a blast. If you're close to a large explosion, you will probably have both eardrums burst, even if you cover them with your hands (due to the aforementioned shockwave). While laying flat on the ground, the idea is to reduce your lateral profile as much as possible, which means laying with one cheek on the ground. Place one hand tightly over your exposed eye. Place the other arm against your body.

xii)If you are present near a place where anything like the above has happened, inform the authorities ASAP and if you are trained to help the individuals there at the scene,don't just stand there and make it look like a human circus.If you are not in a condition to give a helping hand then please give space for the ones trying to help them.
That's very considerate and compassionate of you sir.

Most of the times it happens when you least expect it.Terrorists are very shrewd in their planning these days.And the trend shows that they were able to unmask our weaknesses with success.

So, you've every reason to be cautious.


Summary: Forget the prayers. Just stay home.
Well if you prefer to "not" to do the above /\/\ then read the pointers.

I did read the pointers Sir. Jokes aside, given the pathetic nature of our emergency responders, first aid and the lack of blood and vitals in emergency departments, mass scale injuries, by the mechanism you mention, are serious indeed. I would bet more people will die from lack of proper care after the blast than directly from it.

Hence my summary.
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