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Saddam's attempted invasion of Iran 1980s - War Videos

Tabriz Azari

Jun 18, 2012
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In the 1980s Saddam was an American client, friend and collaborator; They provided him with sophisticated weapons; satellite data; chemical weapons; and financing from Saudi Arabia in an attempt to invade Iran. This is footage from the front lines. Many years later, after the US was done with Saddam, they killed him off (dead men tell no secrets). Working with the US is generally a bad idea, as Saddam learned the hard way.


Do not become a U.S. puppet - They will promise you the world and bleed you in the end.

In this next video you see the US Secretary of State admitting that the US then caused 500,000 Iraqi children to starve to death when its friendship with Saddam ended.

Today Iran and Iraq are friends. The US left Iraq with its nose bloodied.

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Saddam has long been retired by US now. Those who act on foreign instigation against neighbors soon find them isolated and disgraced like Saddam.
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