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Sad situation at wahga border

good or just blown up.
I don’t know why our friends have this fascination for blowing up everything they don’t like. There is no middle path. Just blow up.
Is that the reason, someone keeps blowing up himself everyday in Pakistan against the defence forces?
I don’t know why our friends have this fascination for blowing up everything they don’t like. There is no middle path. Just blow up.
Is that the reason, someone keeps blowing up himself everyday in Pakistan against the defence forces?

Why is it, our esteem neighbours are such uncivilised people. why are so many Indian women getting raped lately? its shocking and so scary for women. theres loads of woman being raped every-time riots I check the news another woman has been attacked. why?
I am not so sure. If PDF is anything to go by at least half the threads opened at any given time is about India, frequently about some petty crime. The interest is mutual I would say.

Surprisingly much less interest about China. The Chinese themselves usually open threads on China And the comments are mostly by other Chinese. If it is a negative thread it would be opened by an indian. Pakistanis barely comment, except in short cliche sentences. whereas anything on India always gets traffic. I would have thought we would have more interest in China ...but apparently not.
Pakistanis are interested in welfare of India , that is why they open threads about all negative news about India , frustration has increased many times since the modi became king of hindustan in 2014 .
The way PDF operates is very similar to how GHQ operates. You cry but then don’t do anything about it.

Waa waa TTP did this….BLA did that. (Do nothing).

Waa waa Indians said this. (Do nothing).

Questions worth asking:

#1. Why are Indians even allowed on a ”Pakistan Defence Forum” to begin with? You consider them an enemy yet you let them post; and then whine and moan like a skunk when they ”mock” you. Like I’ve always found that weird AF. Then again, Faujeets literally removed a sitting PM who was trying to make Pakistan neutral and independent in the world. It seems to me Faujeets like getting mocked and insulted. Fetish?

2. The Wagah Border controversy could easily be dubunked by releasing the CCTV footage and having a live YouTube feed of the Wagah Border Crossing.

But we all know why the boots and faujeets won’t do that. Because there’s an element of truth to this. I don’t know about the rest of Pakistan, but Lahore was in love with the military.

Being next door to India, this city literally came out onto the streets in 1965 to defend the city and cheered on the soldiers to the BRB Canal. In some respects, we Lahoris loved them a little too much, to the point where we couldn’t see their haramzadgi (the GHQ leadership).

What happened to Imran Khan sent a huge electric shock through the residents of Lahore. I’m not talking about the kanjar patwaris, I’m talking about the average Lahore resident. Majority in the middle and disadvantaged class support him and PTI.

The military is seen as a traitor now. They turned their backs on us.

So why should we go to Wagah?
Why is it, our esteem neighbours are such uncivilised people.
If a rape happens somewhere, then that allows you to justify blowing up. You can question one, if someone is justifying rape.

Weird logic lagaane se pehle kuch soch to liya karen?
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You just wrote a massive piece on American intervention in Pakistan. I am not asking for much, just a couple of lines highlighting the foundational myth behind the modern Indian state.

What the hell is a foundational myth. Pakistan's fiction may need a "foundational myth" to prop it up from falling over and disintegrating . WEAK NATIONS NEED MYTHS.
Does Germany Japan Australia Canada Nigeria Brazil have a foundational myth ????
Nations ARE . They exist . Many with no fiction to sustain them.
What the hell is a foundational myth. Pakistan's fiction may need a "foundational myth" to prop it up from falling over and disintegrating . WEAK NATIONS NEED MYTHS.
Does Germany Japan Australia Canada Nigeria Brazil have a foundational myth ????
Nations ARE . They exist . Many with no fiction to sustain them.

If there is no fiction attached to their foundation, then there is either a political doctrine or something. The construct of India or the Indian identity is a forced imposition on human intellect.

It is true that you are existing till everyone decides you shouldn't.
There is no need to go to wagah border and watch a chest thumping display by this useless traitor army.

Our biggest enemy, we all thought it was India, but it is has always been napak fauj.

Before anyone says don't hate the entire organization because of a corrupt few at the top. I say Bullshit! This napak fauj is setup in such a way with perks, plots and pension that the lower ranks never disobey their commands, however immoral they may be. Ask yourself who are the people that killed unarmed protesters point blank, who are the people that barge into our home at night and harass, rape our women. Certainly not the bastard generals themselves, As far as I'm considered the whole army is rotten to the core.

I just can't believe it took us 75 years to realize our own army is behind everything bad, and is the single reason Pakistan is a failed state. For this reason alone, Imran Khan has already won
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All Pak Bhoj needs to do is set up a live YouTube feed. Case closed.

Wonder why they don't. 😂
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