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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

A mini F22 with DSI intake, what a nice bird. Actually what is the engine used?

RD93 or WS13?
Rumor said the gap between the nozzle and engine is due to delay of chinese indigenous 9500kg thrust engine which is supposed to be bigger thsn russian one, not for TVC.

For comparison F-35:

Length: 15.67 m
Wingspan: 10.7 m

J-31 is 3.3% longer and has 5.5% more wingspan than F-35.

What was that red stuff hanging out from the fuselage?

Its the inside of the landing gear compartment and the compartment door. The landing gear were not retracted during the flight, as is tradition with maiden flights of Chinese birds.

ps: Let the PAF have one to color it pretty, remove the cockpit strut and we've got a pageant winner here.
Can someone change the title of this thread - The official reference of J-xx can only be attributed to program officially recognized, which is not the case here for this private program from AVIC.

At most we can call it Project 310, but surely not J-31...

Great looking plane. J-31 looks like F-35 supposed to be if not the unification with VTOL version. It has a good chance to became the best multirole fighter and obviously it will be a backbone of PLAAF in the future.

We're looking forward to see China-Israel will be back into full military cooperation one day...maybe you will have something interesting to offer for our J-31 upgrade :smokin:

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