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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Yes you are right China does not need the foreign currency anymore.

They could realistically have the domestic engine ready by 2025 if they concentrated enough resources on it but it seems they are more focused on the J-20s WS-15 engine and maybe the CJ-1000A for the C919 which they probably judge as greater national priorities.

Still I would have thought that getting the J-35 ready as soon as possible for their carriers would have more urgency as their J-15s have little chance against the F-35Cs on the US carriers.

If by timeline, domestic engine shall be ready by now.

China completes construction of medium-thrust aeroengine production line
Liu Xuanzun
Published: Feb 10, 2021 12:00 AM


A Chinese FC-31 stealth fighter has its test flight ahead of the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province, Nov 10, 2014. Photo: Xinhua

A Chinese arms firm has recently completed construction of a third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine production line, and analysts said that China can now mass produce warplanes without having to rely on imported engines.

The construction project for the third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine production line has passed an acceptance check following completion of construction, the National Business Daily reported on Monday, citing a statement from Aviation Power Co under the state-owned Aero Engine Corporation of China.

The company is responsible for the development and production of aeroengines for military and civilian purposes, with the focus being military products and scientific research for new engines, the company said on its website.

While the statement did not elaborate on the third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine, Chinese military observers speculated it could be the WS-13 engine, to be used on warplanes including the JF-17 fighter jet jointly developed by China and Pakistan and China’s second stealth fighter jet the FC-31, which is also rumored to become China’s next generation aircraft carrier-based fighter jet in the future.

China has been importing Russia’s RD-93 engines for these purposes, observers said.

The completion of the production line indicates that China has made breakthroughs in aeroengine production, Xu Guangyu, a senior adviser to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times on Tuesday

China will be able to mass produce the engines, which will allow the mass production of warplanes, Xu said.
J-31 naval version won't replace J-15 which is a heavy hitter and door crasher. J-31 is a nice mid size complement to J-15.
According to a post at the SDF there was an "interview with 赵霞 of SAC. She was the deputy chief designer of J-15. She is talking about her experience working as chief designer of a new fighter. She specifically says this aircraft will have four variants."

By the way, maybe is it just me, but I have the feeling recently they are talking about that new type (or at least hinting) more often. So does the smoke gets thicker towards some sort of unveiling?

(Via @Temstar/SDF)

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Purely a speculation from me, PLAAF has 1 variant with single, and 2nd variant with twin seats (j31). Then the navy also has 2 variants with foldable wings and tail hook, a single seat and a twin seat (j35). Thus the 4 variants as mentioned during the interview.

新一代飞机 would be traslated more appropriately as "new generatiion aircraft", which fits perfectly on J31/J35.

If by timeline, domestic engine shall be ready by now.

China completes construction of medium-thrust aeroengine production line
Liu Xuanzun
Published: Feb 10, 2021 12:00 AM


A Chinese FC-31 stealth fighter has its test flight ahead of the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province, Nov 10, 2014. Photo: Xinhua

A Chinese arms firm has recently completed construction of a third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine production line, and analysts said that China can now mass produce warplanes without having to rely on imported engines.

The construction project for the third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine production line has passed an acceptance check following completion of construction, the National Business Daily reported on Monday, citing a statement from Aviation Power Co under the state-owned Aero Engine Corporation of China.

The company is responsible for the development and production of aeroengines for military and civilian purposes, with the focus being military products and scientific research for new engines, the company said on its website.

While the statement did not elaborate on the third-generation medium-thrust aeroengine, Chinese military observers speculated it could be the WS-13 engine, to be used on warplanes including the JF-17 fighter jet jointly developed by China and Pakistan and China’s second stealth fighter jet the FC-31, which is also rumored to become China’s next generation aircraft carrier-based fighter jet in the future.

China has been importing Russia’s RD-93 engines for these purposes, observers said.

The completion of the production line indicates that China has made breakthroughs in aeroengine production, Xu Guangyu, a senior adviser to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times on Tuesday

China will be able to mass produce the engines, which will allow the mass production of warplanes, Xu said.


Too early for the WS-19 next-gen engine and Pakistan is sticking with Russian engine for JF-17.

It may be for the speculated WS-13E with 9 ton thrust 9:1 T/W ratio engine in the class of the Gripen E engine.

Too early for the WS-19 next-gen engine and Pakistan is sticking with Russian engine for JF-17.

It may be for the speculated WS-13E with 9 ton thrust 9:1 T/W ratio engine in the class of the Gripen E engine.
I think China never offered the WS-19 engine for PAF. The engine is a priority for PLAAF and PLANAF at the moment.

This is an announcement from China aviation website of production of aviation engine and is accidental leak out, screenshot by forumer before deleted from its website. J-35 if inherit the J-31 conventional design will definitely need TVC to achieve high G moves.
I think China never offered the WS-19 engine for PAF. The engine is a priority for PLAAF and PLANAF at the moment.

No, I was not implying WS-19 engine was offered to PAF at all.

All I was saying is that due to the fact that the WS-19 is obviously some years away from mass production then this production line cannot be for the WS-19 engine.

The J-31 may in fact be available by middle of this decade with the speculated WS-13E engine with 9 tonne thrust and even two of these engines should allow it to supercruise and still be a pretty good 5th gen carrier fighter. When the WS-19 is ready then the J-31 can reach its maximum aerodynamic potential.
According to a post at the SDF there was an "interview with 赵霞 of SAC. She was the deputy chief designer of J-15. She is talking about her experience working as chief designer of a new fighter. She specifically says this aircraft will have four variants."

By the way, maybe is it just me, but I have the feeling recently they are talking about that new type (or at least hinting) more often. So does the smoke gets thicker towards some sort of unveiling?

(Via @Temstar/SDF)

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A wild shot in the dark: (1) air force version, (2) carrier-based version, (3) land-based naval version, and (4) export type.
A wild shot in the dark: (1) air force version, (2) carrier-based version, (3) land-based naval version, and (4) export type.

Agree ... but IMO (3) is more likely a twin-seater
J-31 naval version won't replace J-15 which is a heavy hitter and door crasher. J-31 is a nice mid size complement to J-15.
All the major Navies of the world USN/Royal Navy/French Navy using medium weight fighter jet on their carriers only you and Russia uses heavy weight jets on your carriers but these heavies limiting the space of carriers (fewer heavies carrier can carries as compare to medium) as well as have a weight issue, Russia also transiting to medium weight fighter jets on their carriers
Heavies can carry long range air to air and ALCM. J-15 can carry PL-21 range 300 km in anti AWAC / anti tanker role. Mid size don't have such capability.
First of all their is there is no Chinese BVR called PL-21 with a range of 300 km, if you talking about old project its may be dead or put on hold, recent testing of new ultra long BVR named PL-20 from J-11B with a range of 400 km

And Stealth jet from carriers can easily intercept these kind of targets with PL-15 because they have lowest RCS as compare to conventional jets

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