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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

J-31 need 2 seater for Navy fighter ?

J-35 might have 2 seater. FC-31 will remain single seater like F-35, too small and no point having 2 seater, using expensive stealth fighter as trainer doesn't worth it neither.

9 Xie Yihang 6
Today at 20:31 from the iPhone client

Ready for 2021~ Hope everything goes well!

The nose radome area looks small to fit large AESA radar, most likely it will be fitted with medium range radar and mostly for export market
FC-31 was never real offer for export. It was revealed to public so anyone with interest might come for talks to see if there is chance to develop it. J-20 never fly airshow in prototype form because PLAAF already decided on it. Only fly in military parade and airshow first time after PLAAF had J-20 for number of years only with short showing.

FC-31 is basically now finished like Figaro said where the project is taken by PLAN. No one knows if it can be offered for export soon. Definitely if it can be sold will be many years after PLAN receive them. If a customer is interested in developing their version from FC-31 or J-35, it will cost them so much money.

PLAN should receive different navalized J-35 that might look like FC-31 or different fighter design with new research finding obtained from test bed FC-31. PLAN probably wanted something better than FC-31. Besides selling few FC-31 to PAF could allow China to assess its capability against IAF that has french made Rafale and coming soon US made F/A-18E that is on ski ramp take off trial bound to operate from Vikram aircraft carrier.
The J-31 program is practically dead but the J-35 program, which branched off the J-31 program, is in full swing. Most likely, it is going to be the PLAN's 5th generation carrier borne fighter, so not a bad candidate for the PAF at all. The J-35 is actually considerably more suitable for the PAF than the J-20 because the latter was designed to operate in long ranges across the Western Pacific, which is something Pakistan does not need to consider.
The J35 is similar in shape to J31? any pic?
The J35 is similar in shape to J31? any pic?

No 1 can provide answer for this. J-35 could be totally different aircraft as FC-31 doesn't seem to meet PLAN carrier based stealth fighter criteria. The small radome means it has only medium range radar, not ideal for fleet defender. F-35 and F/A-18E/F have large long range AESA radar.

Via @牧是家 from Weibo
SAC's stock price in A-Share market grow significantly recently, not sure if the investors get some inside news of FC-31 or they just bet on the rumors around internet for a while.

Some updates:
Most recent rumors about this fighter is the one about to take maiden flight is somewhat "white-coated", not sure it is the coat or just the light of snow effects (The temperature in Shenyang is about -20 degree C now and I suppose there will be some snow there).

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SAC's stock price in A-Share market grow significantly recently, not sure if the investors get some inside news of FC-31 or they just bet on the rumors around internet for a while.

Some updates:
Most recent rumors about this fighter is the one about to take maiden flight is somewhat "white-coated", not sure it is the coat or just the light of snow effects (The temperature in Shenyang is about -20 degree C now and I suppose there will be some snow there).

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Just as you mention these low temperatures ad i remember the Batch 03 J-15 in the J-15 thread in snow, but won't it be wiser to wait until lets say March and warmer weather for the maiden flight?
J- 20 is an operational mature 5-th Generation stealth fighter. J-31 is at best, a technology demonstrator as of now.

PAF likes to go for mature systems if buying off the shelf, I dont think PAF is interested in a development programme that the J-31/35 would need, to make it to front line operational service.
look at it this way
if PAF joins J31 it may get gain not only the technical experience required for developing a fifth gen jet but may get an excellent interim solution till its own azm is available in 2035+ time line

if acquired in 70-100 numbers in next 10-15 yrs, may also be an export success

so if JV option is available PAF should take the risk rather then going for j10

the engine rd93ma can be used in both block 3 and j31
IMHO the J-35 will likely remain a PLA-only program because it's technically a niche fighter (carrier-specific design) and will likely house sensitive PLA-only tech.

Thus, I don't think the FC-31 is dead. Rather, China is in a unique position to fully cater to the non-ITAR NGFA market. I think the FC-31 will live on, but will return after SAC and the PLAN freeze the J-35 design.

Some elements of the J-35 could make their way to the FC-31 and, in turn, SAC will raise a separate production line once they secure a big launch customer.

The only other alternative that I can think of is that FC-31 is truly dead, but the Chinese are working on the next export-focused NGFA via Project AZM. So, the work from FC-31 could end up in AZM, but via a different design/platform.

@Deino @Figaro
IMHO the J-35 will likely remain a PLA-only program because it's technically a niche fighter (carrier-specific design) and will likely house sensitive PLA-only tech.

Thus, I don't think the FC-31 is dead. Rather, China is in a unique position to fully cater to the non-ITAR NGFA market. I think the FC-31 will live on, but will return after SAC and the PLAN freeze the J-35 design.

Some elements of the J-35 could make their way to the FC-31 and, in turn, SAC will raise a separate production line once they secure a big launch customer.

The only other alternative that I can think of is that FC-31 is truly dead, but the Chinese are working on the next export-focused NGFA via Project AZM. So, the work from FC-31 could end up in AZM, but via a different design/platform.

@Deino @Figaro
I think j-31/j-35 chapter is closed & it will never enter into production & we never get them...:cry:
I think j-31/j-35 chapter is closed & it will never enter into production & we never get them...:cry:
As per various senior and professional Chinese members here on PDF J-35 is derive from earlier J-31 project and first flight of J-35 will be in this year, PLAN need the carrier based stealth jets

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