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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Finally FC-31 2.0 to be unveil on a lucky day :D(千呼万唤...2.0终于现身)
what does this poster say? what date is j31 showing up?
Some reputable source claiming one more big event coming within the end of this yr which should be the unveil of (FC-31 2.0) "on a Chinese LUCKY day"
yes even alan warnes ex airforces monthly editor said the same
Whats that?
冬至 (Dōngzhì) Winter Solstice, the 22nd of the 24 solar terms, the current period falls in 22nd December-5th January

24 in 1: The Chinese Solar Terms - Global Times (2016-12-01)

By observing the sun's movement across the sky, ancient Chinese divided the year into the following 24 sections known as solar terms.

China's "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" were included on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on November 30, during the 11th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. Let's deepen our understanding of this ancient Chinese wisdom!

Read the full article at the Global Times site (just search it).
I would like to know how much he really knows or if it is only based on the reports that a first flight will occur before year's end ... which is de facto within the next two weeks + a few days !

Not sure if these guys at SAC would care about Christmas ?? I don't think so ....

December is usually when activity quickens since the employees & engineers want to finish their break before Chinese New Years.
I would like to know how much he really knows or if it is only based on the reports that a first flight will occur before year's end ... which is de facto within the next two weeks + a few days !

Not sure if these guys at SAC would care about Christmas ?? I don't think so ....

Most probably around 23rd December, 2016, my guess and many would love to have such a wonderful holidays. :-)
Any guess if V2 will be painted - or if it is already - prior to the maiden flight ? Or will it fly naked !?
Any guess if V2 will be painted - or if it is already - prior to the maiden flight ? Or will it fly naked !?
Any idea how much time it takes to paint? Coz some source rumoured it to be naked until Nov 3...didnt know anything further
Any guess if V2 will be painted - or if it is already - prior to the maiden flight ? Or will it fly naked !?

Well, the J-20 route may give us an idea how we will be seeing the V2 like factory paint scheme.
Well, the J-20 route may give us an idea how we will be seeing the V2 like factory paint scheme.

Yes and no ... if V2 is comparable to the J-20 revised '201x' prototypes, then it is likely that it is painted too ...
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