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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate


Lovely bird
Pakistan is the only potential buyer at this point, however these are early days as J31 is not a high priority for the Chinese, the J20 is.
J-31 V.2.0 CG

It is official: negotiations with overseas customers who have shown keen interests in FC-31 are ongoing.



Credit to @cirr

Pakistan? Iran? Turkey? Saudi Arabia? Bangladesh? :coffee:

Pakistan - Possible

Iran - Possible

Turkey - Not possible ( only NATO compatible aircraft will be operated) TFX project and F35 on-order.

Saudi Arabia - Not possible ( Only western jets will be considered, probable customer of TFX)

Bangladesh - Not possible ( Economy and threat perception warrants JF-17 or J-10 at best ) however current political situation votes against JF-17.

Other probable options?

Algeria and other African nations which are currently operating Su30 and can't afford PAKFA.

South American countries that can't afford PAKFA.

Good Day!
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i think its an old image a year or two old

Indeed ... but even if I'm usually already more than impatient, I always thought, SAC will likely show the FC-31.V2 at least by late September in order to "celebrate" 4th maiden-flight anniversary.

Given that these rumours are around since - like You say - more than a year and V1 was unveiled on 16. September 2014 followed by a maiden flight on 31. October I'm slowely losing my faith ! :(
Indeed ... but even if I'm usually already more than impatient, I always thought, SAC will likely show the FC-31.V2 at least by late September in order to "celebrate" 4th maiden-flight anniversary.

Given that these rumours are around since - like You say - more than a year and V1 was unveiled on 16. September 2014 followed by a maiden flight on 31. October I'm slowely losing my faith ! :(

Well, the V1 technically flew on 31 October 2012, so we still have 10 days left. :P
Looks so real, and flattering too.

Looks so real, and flattering too.
its J-31 v2, mock-up will be shown in up coming Zuhai airshow in china, first flight will be expected in letter this year or early next year:china:
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