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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

Stealth plane with smoke ???...no fun. But anyway this is done deal because its coming with RD93, but J10 deal failed due to better engine sanction/ AL31. J10 engine and frame wise better then J31. ..2cents
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Pakistan today said it is looking to sell JF-17 Thunder combat jets and trainer aircraft to Saudi Arabia, but rejected reports it was in talks with the oil-rich nation for nuclear cooperation. Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud is scheduled to visit Pakistan during February 15-17. The visit is expected to focus on deeper security and defence cooperation between the two sides.
Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam told a weekly news briefing that defence cooperation would figure in the Crown Prince’s interactions and that Pakistan was eyeing Saudi Arabia as a market for military gear. “Certainly, defence cooperation would figure in the talks. The army chief would be calling him separately,” she said.
Pakistan is interested in selling arms to Saudi Arabia, including the JF-17 Thunder jet co-developed with China, the Mushak trainer aircraft and other equipment, she added. Aslam rejected recent Western media reports suggesting that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are looking at nuclear cooperation, describing them as “baseless”. “There is a whispering campaign and at times there are reports based on leaks or background briefings…They are baseless. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are not discussing nuclear cooperation,” she said.
This would be Crown Prince’s first visit to Pakistan after he became Defence Minister in 2011. Prince Salman, Aslam noted, was also the Deputy Prime Minister. During the visit, the Prince will hold talks with President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on bilateral and global issues of mutual interest.
Why people like you or me cant be the journos who actually knows a few things about defence-
Question: how to apply to be a journalist? -:raise:
consult hamid meer to be a davil one or consult lukman to be more davil :P
It would have clear first shoot advantage against Rafale but on the downside in internal bay only configuration it won't carry more than 4 AAMs and it probably lacks a canon too.

The weapons load is too soon to tell. However, first shoot advantage it would have against most Indian platforms. Yet, I dont see that as a reason for purchase as much as the ability to attack within a dense air defence network with some impunity.

In a short conflict---neither parties can afford to lose over 50 aircraft a piece. After digging deeper into it----india cannot have any conflict with Pakistan---plain and simple---. It simply cannot afford to---.

There is too much risk involved----and then the " what if " factor---. As a striking force----it will suffer heavier losses of its aircraft---. If the iaf suffers 1 and 1 / 2 to twice the numbers----its myth is blown to smithereens---from a wannabe policeman of south asia---it would become a laughing stock.

And what about the counter---paf will always make counter strikes---as a matter of fact as the iaf strikes be coming in---paf strikes would be going out as well.

If paf can get 2 sqdrn's of heavies---I would say that Mr Modi will have some serious second thoughts.
The heavies in my opinion will be some custom made J-20s for PAF, I think it because PAF pilots were invited to get into them...
These will be on top of the FC-31s the medium stealth platform. They might be 24 heavies and 80 medium weights.
China is not selling the j20. As per report above . This is their version of the f22 raptor.

They Will not sacrifice their cutting edge technology falling into USA hands..

As report states it's the smaller lower cost j31 that is bring marketed to buyers hence with only prototype they are keen to display this.

J20 will enter service by 2020.with plaaf and j31.several years later again just like raptor and lightening program
is it possible that you might update the info and inventory of PAF on wikipedia page, I ve noticed a lot of information is woefully outdated, it needs an update, looks like nobody has bothered updating it, yet everyone checks it.

Had done that exercise many years ago ... it got changed many times by others. But good idea ... I will give a go at it again, when I have some free time.
Country is obviously Egypt. But why does the report mentions 'Twin engine fighter'. JF-17 has a single RD-93 engine?
Are you suggesting maximum 2 squadrons of J-31, FC31P for Pakistan, to do the job?


2 sqdrn's of heavies is for the current situation----like the J11 variants or the J7 H B version or maybe maybe F15's.

J 31 is 6 to 10 years away. We have a current problem at hand that needs to be addressed as well.
Country is obviously Egypt. But why does the report mentions 'Twin engine fighter'. JF-17 has a single RD-93 engine?
It might be 'Twin seat fighter' which is miscommunicated as twin engined fighter.
Who will be seller, china or Pakistan?
Which engines will be used?
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2 sqdrn's of heavies is for the current situation----like the J11 variants or the J7 H B version or maybe maybe F15's.

J 31 is 6 to 10 years away. We have a current problem at hand that needs to be addressed as well.
I always wished that if we decided not to detonate the bomb then should have demanded 2 squadrons of F-15s from Clinton, he was already offering F-16s and Patriot batteries as a bribe for not going Nuclear.

world Knew we had the capability so I dont know we wont have lost any prestige (we paid too much for detonating due to sanctions).
even two such squadrons of these heavy jets primed for only one purpose and one purpose alone, intercept, air domination and killing every moving hostile plane in its range with no ground based multirole nonsense. (I wish)

still doable if such philosophy is applied on -11 Russian clones
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