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SAAB-2000 Erieye delivery flight to PAF at ATHENS - 27/05/2020

Saab has been contracted to deliver an unspecified number of Erieye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) systems to an undisclosed customer, the Swedish manufacturer announced on 18 May

The systems, which will be hosted aboard a Saab 2000 twin-turboprop aircraft, are valued at SEK1.553 billion (USD160 million) and will be delivered between 2020 and 2023.

“The industry’s nature is such that due to circumstances concerning the product and customer, further information about the customer will not be announced,” Saab said.

While Saab declined to provide further details, the nature of the system, the contract value, and the delivery timelines all indicate that the order is likely to be for between two and three systems.

Given that Saab’s primary AEW&C offering is the Bombardier 6000/6500-based GlobalEye, utilising the Erieye Extended-Range (ER) radar, it is likely that the Saab 2000-based platforms are for a follow-on customer looking to augment their existing fleet, rather than a new customer looking to acquire the latest solution. The only two customers already known to operate the Saab 2000 AEW&C are Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The Saab 2000 AEW&C utilises the Saab (formerly Ericsson) PS-890 Erieye radar system, which is fitted to the aircraft as a dorsal ‘plank’ antenna. It features an electronic warfare suite that includes electronic support, threat-warning and countermeasures dispensing subsystems, an identification friend-or-foe subsystem, command-and-control (C2) capabilities, and a ground-based mission trainer. The aircraft has a 2,868 km range, a cruise speed of 321 kt, and a maximum take-off weight of 22,800 kg.


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Is it not apparent from my first reply that I am stating why 250km detection range is insufficient (because the rafale can attack Pakistan undetected?) If not, it is now and I don't think it's necessary to clog up other's alerts and clutter the thread any further.
Oh bhai RAFALE is not stealth or 5th gen jet to being undetected at 250 km, it has reduce RCS in clean configuration it has a RCS of 1 meter 2 square and with weapons especially air to ground weapons it has much larger RCS and as for scalp cruise missiles we have the capability to intercept it through FM-90/LY-80 combo even Indian Brahmouse can be intercept by our LY-80
Hi guys just a question that what has become of our ZDK O3 AWACS? Considering that we are inducting more Erieyes based systems did we finally give up on ZDK 03? Does anyone haVE any idea what were the issues with ZDK 03 that we dropped them in favour of Erieye based AWACS.
You would have gotten your answer if you had read the whole thread. You would have ended up being more informed. Please do read the whole thread. It will inform you of why we think PAF has gone for more Erieyes and what the problems with the ZDK03 are and what is its current use where it is best utilized. If you have not found your answers by tomorrow come back and I will answer you.
People need to stop being lazy and need to start reading. Most of us are getting old. How long do you think we will last? You have to take up the mantle from us and take the forum forward. For this you need to read extensively.
I have your best interest in my mind which is why I am trying to get you on the right track. The rest is upto you.
Already discussed there is a thread running. Yes high probbaly that it is pakistan that gets it.
We will have 10+ Saab's at this rate plus 4 Chinese AEWCs I think

Do we actually need this many?
We will have 10+ Saab's at this rate plus 4 Chinese AEWCs I think

Do we actually need this many?
I also had the same doubt...
probable Reasons:
1. Preparing for a war on two fronts! May be ?
2. Serviceability of these planes us low?
3. To fill in the critical gaps in air defence, highly likely

BY the way extended eyerie is supposed to be more than 450 kms detection range for fighter size objects....

The only way this advantage of Pakistan is negated is using a stealthy plane. These will become useless in such scenario
You could also have said that without sounding like a jackass. FYI i did go through entire thread multiple times but couldn't find suitable answer. Also saw other threads where some said reason was pulse Doppler radar and some said high maintenance. Both have not been issue for PAF in the past.

Er so, Erieyes link with EVERYTHING, the ZDK-03 cannot communicate with out F-16's. Also, the erieye suite comes with a very potent EW/ECCM setup too alongside its ability to track very small ground and sea targets. The erieyes are also very cost effective and would have been cheaper to acquire since we already own 3 baseline saab 2000's so all we would need is the conversion to the erieye standard/systems which was around 50-60m per system, a VERY cost effective solution, just look at the Indian's, their phalcons on IL-76's cost 330m+ PER UNIT vs roughly 60m per unit for our systems
You could also have said that without sounding like a jackass. FYI i did go through entire thread multiple times but couldn't find suitable answer. Also saw other threads where some said reason was pulse Doppler radar and some said high maintenance. Both have not been issue for PAF in the past.
So be it. When you get old ie periretirement by UK Standards you get a bit overbearing and that goes with seniority. You may or may not agree with it but that remains the case.
If you have gone through the thread then you would have noticed that posters pointed to the problem of ZDK03s having been unable to pick targets clearly in an environment of clutter. You may also have read a post by @Raven saying that there were problems integrating the AESA instead of the current PESA. Then there are issues of integrating the ZDK03 with the 16s without the ground stations which serve as nodes. @Dazzler and @aziqbal have pointed out that the first ZDK03 is still in China undergoing upgrades. It has also been pointed out that this might take a few more years due to the complexity of the integration. You may have also read posts to the effect that PAC's ability to repair the damaged Erieyes has not only given it the experience of integrating the AESA on the Saab 2000s but also seriously embarrased the SAAB people who told us that the platforms could bot be repaired. There are 2 ramifications of this bit of news. Firstly and possibly the integration is being done locally and planes flown over to Sweden for certification. The other most likely scenario is that they have been brow beaten into selling us platforms at a fairly reasonable rate. Cost per hour for the ZDK03 remains higher but that is a secondary factor in the presence of more compelling factor.
Under these limitations it has been decided to use the ZDK03 for marritime surveillance roles where they integrate best with the JFT and M3/5s and increasing the Erieyes for land plus naval surveillance.
All this information I have related to you barring the news regarding the repairs of the Erieye are from this particular thread and posters who have been tagged can verify that. If I am still a jackass then I just have to accept it.
So if we had 3 original SAAB working 3 more which we ordered in 2018 and now 2 more so it will make 8 SAAB and 4 Chinese. Question is can we order even more AWACS and if yes why not try to get those which UAE bought from SAAB
We shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket, it doesn't make military sense. We need to diversify and develop better equipment ourselves.
I also had the same doubt...
probable Reasons:
1. Preparing for a war on two fronts! May be ?
2. Serviceability of these planes us low?
3. To fill in the critical gaps in air defence, highly likely

BY the way extended eyerie is supposed to be more than 450 kms detection range for fighter size objects....

The only way this advantage of Pakistan is negated is using a stealthy plane. These will become useless in such scenario
Pakistan is paying high emphasis on network centric warfare capability with data linked ground sea and air assets. Emphasis on more AWACs is part of that doctrine. Force multipliers add quite a punch.
New long range radars are are also being added as well as SAMs without much advertisement. Might have seen the splashes in the news for a anti stealth capable radar being spotted?
You could also have said that without sounding like a jackass. FYI i did go through entire thread multiple times but couldn't find suitable answer. Also saw other threads where some said reason was pulse Doppler radar and some said high maintenance. Both have not been issue for PAF in the past.

Be respectful..that is the hallmark of a gentleman. The word you used was in bad taste to say the least.

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