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S. Korea responds to ship attack report

Oh,:eek:Korea WARII? So why not S.Korea just start it now, why they claim if N.Korea attack them again they will start the war? Why they need N.korea to attack them again?:lol:

Cliton and chinese leader are talking about this now, and the scenario is here.

Clinton: We should give N.korea a lesson.
Hu: No china doesent do this.
Clinton: US can do it herself.
Hu: You wanna Korea WarII?
Clinton: No, china should not join it.
Hu: N.Korea is china's millitory alliance what has been witten on paper.
Clinton: Just break it.
Hu: We are not US.
Clinton: .......US need do somthing to our lapdog.
Hu: economic sanctions.
Clinton: OK, let all countries stop trade with N.Korea.
Hu: china only support harmless sanctions.
Clinton: What is harmless sanctions?
Hu: All sanctions are harmful except nulear.
Clinton: ...............Just help us to save some face.
Hu: Ok.

And second day, the news about US and China agree harmless sanctions on N.Korea will be published. But no one knows what is harmless sanctions.:lol:

Let's see the result.
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can they?

without ToT from the US what can south korea do besides fake biomedical news and stealing patents? they BOUGHT a russian rocket and couldn't even use it right, you think they can make a ballistic missile? :rofl: india and south korea are definitely brothers, their skill in YY is 天下无双

Are you retarded? Why do you bring India into every post?
can they?

without ToT from the US what can south korea do besides fake biomedical news and stealing patents? they BOUGHT a russian rocket and couldn't even use it right, you think they can make a ballistic missile? :rofl: india and south korea are definitely brothers, their skill in YY is 天下无双

hey.... what about arunachal pradesh...???

when r u going to take it back...?? vat happened to ure ballistic misslies...???

are u scared of india..??? :tongue:
:lol:Dont try bragging me into your trap, I will not argue with you more. Bcoz you are already a banned member.:lol:

if MOD ban only me because of reply a member who called some one mad dog not u ....... so it can show their fairness how fair they are???
Germany's reunification was painful but thanks to the Europeans' assistance in what they believed to be a righteous cause, the pain was bearable. If the war between the two Koreas resume to a shooting fight, NKR will lose and when the time comes, the rest of Asia, notably Japan, out of fear of a rising China, will come to Korea's aid. The US will place our military on high alert with a couple of aircraft carriers stationed in the region to keep the peace. Sorry, but no DF-21s here. Kim Junk Ill's irrationality will do Chinese interests more harm than good.

yes out of fear of a rising china...like china isnt rising right now and the us already dont have 2 carrier groups ready to response in the area, one right away another in a day or two not to mention multiple bases in the region. also you really think anyone in the region wants to have a arms race with china?

now then north will lose everyone knows this but integration will cost much more than Germany in terms of money and lives, i fully expect the west/japan etc to help the south out but that doesn't make it any easier especially with a paranoid population.

also side note:i dont like kim at all
no, it'll be:

north korea and south korea both lose.

and if we get involved fast enough, we could push south korean forces off the peninsula.

then they can go to japan or USA and start a "government in exile" like south vietnam.

after that we can shoot kim.
Idiots abound.

Didn't you guys noticed the "torpedo" was all rusted and had corals grown all over it??? How long did you think that "torpedo" as sitting on the ocean floor??? Decades perhaps.


Another defence expert. If corals grew on top of torpedoes we don't have to fear the extinction.
depends. USA is a businessman first and foremost and SK is relatively expendable compared to the US's big buddies like UK and Israel.
no, it'll be:

north korea and south korea both lose.

and if we get involved fast enough, we could push south korean forces off the peninsula.

then they can go to japan or USA and start a "government in exile" like south vietnam.

after that we can shoot kim.

shoot kim first

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