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Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West tightens sanctions

This is the hard fact they have to deal, how?
US and Canada can increase supply. They may find other options too. I'm not an energy expect. I only ask that you don't try to convince me that you are one. Don't be in a rush to declare victory on internet forums :laugh:
Yes, I believe that Putin has not actually factored all in. He is just another tyrant who has laid a landmine and then stepped on it himself.
You forget that Putin is not a career politician. He has been in the thickest of policy manipulation, social engineering, battle plans, secrets, etc, for a large part of his mayoral career. He's seen what happens to dictators who use rampant force without thought. Dismissing him as "another tyrant" is ill advised, no matter how much the Western media is portraying him as the losing side and Zelensky as the victor.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens have decided to fight against Russia with full commitment. NATO will arm them to the hilt. This will eventually turn into an occupation that is struggling to manage an insurgency.
Says who? Right now believing the media is a joke on either side. Ukrainians themselves are divided.

Though all of them don't want war (since almost 40% people have families in either countries, the ones on eastern side of Dnipr river are Russia speaking & have sympathies towards Russia. Remember that eastern cities just caved in at such a speed not just because Ukrainians were dying or soldiers were running away. Several just joined in.

All through it, EU and US will enforce their sanction on Russia. All these countries you've listed will comply with economic sanctions for the most part - including India. EU parliament is looking to move away from Russian energy dependency as a strategic objective now. It will take a few years, but once it materializes - Russia will not be able to balance its book anymore. Putin hopes that this occupation will succeed in weeks and not years; his fanboys will be inclined to think that - not me :-)

Wishful thinking. Some small states might, but most others won't. India certainly won't. Our stand is clear; no sanction acceptable other than UNSC approved sanction. Isolating India is NOT an option for the West right now as much as us going against them is not an option. It's a two-way street.

European suppliers like BP, Shell & Equinor are the only ones who will be left. Qatar, UAE, Saudi all refused to commit higher gas and oil quotas. They also said that even if they did, there was no way on earth that they could supply at Russia's rates, with the stability. Azerbaijan has already signed a treaty of alliance with Russia. They are not sanctioned as it would spiral Europe into an energy crisis. The reason why Russian supplies are stable simply because they mostly cross their own territory and that of their satellite states.

Putin is a modern day monarch. He can only be dethroned by mass public upheaval. This is very difficult to achieve given the state control of Russian media.

Sometimes, the West needs to be careful what they wish for, like in this case. Putin's dethroning will handover the power to the Bolshevik Party that is #2 in Russia behind United Russia Party (Putin's). Putin just wants bordering countries to be neutral if not his satellites, meanwhile Bolsheviks want USSR back.
You forget that Putin is not a career politician. He has been in the thickest of policy manipulation, social engineering, battle plans, secrets, etc, for a large part of his mayoral career. He's seen what happens to dictators who use rampant force without thought. Dismissing him as "another tyrant" is ill advised, no matter how much the Western media is portraying him as the losing side and Zelensky as the victor.

Says who? Right now believing the media is a joke on either side. Ukrainians themselves are divided.

Though all of them don't want war (since almost 40% people have families in either countries, the ones on eastern side of Dnipr river are Russia speaking & have sympathies towards Russia. Remember that eastern cities just caved in at such a speed not just because Ukrainians were dying or soldiers were running away. Several just joined in.

Wishful thinking. Some small states might, but most others won't. India certainly won't. Our stand is clear; no sanction acceptable other than UNSC approved sanction. Isolating India is NOT an option for the West right now as much as us going against them is not an option. It's a two-way street.

European suppliers like BP, Shell & Equinor are the only ones who will be left. Qatar, UAE, Saudi all refused to commit higher gas and oil quotas. They also said that even if they did, there was no way on earth that they could supply at Russia's rates, with the stability. Azerbaijan has already signed a treaty of alliance with Russia. They are not sanctioned as it would spiral Europe into an energy crisis. The reason why Russian supplies are stable simply because they mostly cross their own territory and that of their satellite states.

Sometimes, the West needs to be careful what they wish for, like in this case. Putin's dethroning will handover the power to the Bolshevik Party that is #2 in Russia behind United Russia Party (Putin's). Putin just wants bordering countries to be neutral if not his satellites, meanwhile Bolsheviks want USSR back.
Putin is nothing more than a tyrant. Plenty like him have come before. If he is replaced by another, then such successors will be dealt with according to their actions.

The media that one wants to subscribe to is personal choice. I'll take the western media any day over authoritarian controlled media of despots. In this particular case, I see that even some pro-Putin Ukrainians whom I know personally are angry and upset with his actions.

To think that India can afford to not comply with western sanctions is truly wishful thinking. India does already comply with Sanctions on Iran. Indian vote in UN is because of Russian influence over Indian defense equipment; but to compensate for this, I'd say that India will comply with western economic sanctions on Russia. I remember when US removed GSP status for India back in 2019, people were saying that it did not affect India much. A couple of years later, now India is desperate to lobby for this again. Any small indication from US to place sanctions no Indian good/services export to US will send shockwaves through the Indian economy. This is the reality.
US and Canada can increase supply. They may find other options too. I'm not an energy expect. I only ask that you don't try to convince me that you are one. Don't be in a rush to declare victory on internet forums :laugh:
Alberta alone can replace Russian gas and oil. Alberta province of 4 million has more oil then Russia lol.

These forum members and there wet dreams supporting Putin. Fucking hilarious.

At the end if uncle sam grab there balls these third world SOUTH countries will shit in streets.

Russians are already crying like bitch. US and EU just made there bond to junk, shut down Moscow stock, currency is toilet paper more is coming.

not to mention Japan and swiss also put sanction.
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Alberta alone can replace Russian gas and oil. Alberta province of 4 million has more oil then Russia lol.

These forum members and there wet dreams supporting Putin. Fucking hilarious.

At the end if uncle sam grab there balls these third world SOUTH countries will shit in streets.

Russians are already crying like bitch. US and EU just made there bond to junk, shut down Moscow stock, currency is toilet paper more is coming.

not to mention Japan and swiss also put sanction.
Alberta oil is from oil sand. It is expensive to produce, although the current price level certainly helps yield profits. However, Alberta doesn't have much oil processing capability. Keystone pipeline is supposed to bring that oil to the gulf region for processing. Well, Biden killed it.
Alberta oil is from oil sand. It is expensive to produce, although the current price level certainly helps yield profits. However, Alberta doesn't have much oil processing capability. Keystone pipeline is supposed to bring that oil to the gulf region for processing. Well, Biden killed it.
This will change soon. Now that Russia will be shut off. We are at the beginning of new geo politics where canada will greatly benefit from its resources.

Alberta oil sand cost is 35 to 40 while current market is 100 plus for western select.

Alberta also has massive largest gas reserve.

That is just Alberta. Not rest of canada.

And usa it self is an energy superpower can easily replace entire Russian supply in next few years.
This will change soon. Now that Russia will be shut off. We are at the beginning of new geo politics where canada will greatly benefit from its resources.

Alberta oil sand cost is 35 to 40 while current market is 100 plus for western select.

Alberta also has massive largest gas reserve.

That is just Alberta. Not rest of canada.

And usa it self is an energy superpower can easily replace entire Russian supply in next few years.
Your dream, china will buy up oil of russia at a discount,and your alberta shit will bamkrupt.
Your dream, china will buy up oil of russia at a discount,and your alberta shit will bamkrupt.
Ha ha ha.

Alberta bankrupt🤣🤣🤣🤣

Soon toilet paper companies will face tough competition. Toilet paper or Russian currency. Tough choice.
Putin is nothing more than a tyrant. Plenty like him have come before. If he is replaced by another, then such successors will be dealt with according to their actions.

The media that one wants to subscribe to is personal choice. I'll take the western media any day over authoritarian controlled media of despots. In this particular case, I see that even some pro-Putin Ukrainians whom I know personally are angry and upset with his actions.

To think that India can afford to not comply with western sanctions is truly wishful thinking. India does already comply with Sanctions on Iran. Indian vote in UN is because of Russian influence over Indian defense equipment; but to compensate for this, I'd say that India will comply with western economic sanctions on Russia. I remember when US removed GSP status for India back in 2019, people were saying that it did not affect India much. A couple of years later, now India is desperate to lobby for this again. Any small indication from US to place sanctions no Indian good/services export to US will send shockwaves through the Indian economy. This is the reality.

Western media is no different than the Russian one in that case; just that they dress up the topics in a more believeable fashion. Americans are masters at marketing and there is just no comparison to their skills in this area. Normally during a war, believing either side is foolish.

India is desperate for the GSP for one simple reason; growth. Both India and West need each other right now, which is why there haven't been any sanctions against us yet. Simple. If it were that black and white, they'd have taken us down long ago. You are overestimating the West well beyond what it is. Remember, its interest coincide with us in a lot more ways and it will choose to follow that rather than emotional outbursts. Same is with a more business-like India under PM Modi.

This will change soon. Now that Russia will be shut off. We are at the beginning of new geo politics where canada will greatly benefit from its resources.

Alberta oil sand cost is 35 to 40 while current market is 100 plus for western select.

Alberta also has massive largest gas reserve.

That is just Alberta. Not rest of canada.

And usa it self is an energy superpower can easily replace entire Russian supply in next few years.
North America will always manage to balance their oil and gas needs. What about Europe? Transporting gas in tankers isn't cheap. It will never be a long-term solution for the Europeans as making an undersea pipeline across the Atlantic is impossible.

The main risk here is for the European continent.
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