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Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West tightens sanctions

And you really think that Putin may not have factored it all in? Clearly there is something he is trying to achieve here more than what we know here. Europe is equally in trouble with Russian exports contrary to what the media is saying.

If you go by media reports, Europeans appear like a self-sustaining entity that generate resources out of thin air. Just like how Zelensky is made to appear as if he's 1 Km away from Moscow, yelling and waving his sword as the Russians run away in terror. :lol: . The reality is far from it.

Yes, sanctions are a big hit to their economy, but not a Russia destroyer. Azerbaijan, one of the top suppliers of gas and oil signed an alliance pact with Putin just within this week. Qatar put its hands up saying that it can't supply gas at the rates that Russia gives, and Saudi has ruled out pumping more oil, especially at Russian rates.

Ukraine and Russia collectively supply 30% of the world's wheat, most of which goes to the European baking industry. With Ukraine in Russian control, where do you think that would go? Sunflower oil, fruits, berries.. yes, Asia can supplement some of it, but that's already happening. The price for additional demand will be much higher apart from the cost of transporting them. This means you'd be better off getting it rather from Ukraine-and-Russia combo.

Russia exports some of the finest quality of lumber, processed and otherwise for construction, furnishings, etc. Where will the Europeans get it from? Tanzania? Americas? At what price? Did I talk about the tonnes of resources, processed or otherwise, that Russia exports to Europe? Alrosa for example, is the biggest supplier of raw diamonds to De Beers.

CAATSA is applicable only on defense goods; not commercial trade. Other countries will continue trading with Russia for commercial trade. No one would accept to cut all their trade with Russia just to appease one side except the ones that are already integrated into western ecosystem like the Caribbean or the smaller Central & South American economies.

Do you really think that countries like Turkey, us, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea (yes South), entire Africa (growing rapidly), Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, etc., will stop trading with Russia? Come on, man.

There is a bloody reason why Macron is doing his nut to try to negotiate a deal apart from the desire of becoming EU's leader. The Europeans are realistic about trade with Russia and knows that sustaining only on the basis of American support won't work.
Yes, I believe that Putin has not actually factored all in. He is just another tyrant who has laid a landmine and then stepped on it himself.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens have decided to fight against Russia with full commitment. NATO will arm them to the hilt. This will eventually turn into an occupation that is struggling to manage an insurgency. All through it, EU and US will enforce their sanction on Russia. All these countries you've listed will comply with economic sanctions for the most part - including India. EU parliament is looking to move away from Russian energy dependency as a strategic objective now. It will take a few years, but once it materializes - Russia will not be able to balance its book anymore. Putin hopes that this occupation will succeed in weeks and not years; his fanboys will be inclined to think that - not me :-)
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Yes, I believe that Putin has not actually factored all in. He is just another tyrant who has laid a landmine and then stepped on it himself.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens have decided to fight against Russia with full commitment. NATO will harm them to the hilt. This will eventually turn into an occupation that is struggling to manage an insurgency. All through it, EU and US will enforce their sanction on Russia. All these countries you've listed will comply with economic sanctions for the most part - including India. EU parliament is looking to move away from Russian energy dependency as a strategic objective now. It will take a few years, but once it materializes - Russia will not be able to balance its book anymore. Putin hopes that this occupation will succeed in weeks and not years; his fanboys will be inclined to think that - not me :-)
Good opportunity to build an alternative global financial system to replace the western one though, never let a good crisis go waste.
Good opportunity to build an alternative global financial system to replace the western one though, never let a good crisis go waste.
This is possible if the west is divided. Putin's invasion has actually united the west more than ever before. The EU mainstream media has painted the Ukrainian invasion as an invasion of Europe. EU is more proactively against Russia now that the US. Americans formed the AUKUS because EU was reluctant to go along with US worldview on power alignment. Now Putin has taken care of this problem for US.

Unless Putin compromises to pull his troops back, I expect the sanctions to continue for a few years. At that point, Putin will start taking direct orders from Xi. :laugh:
This is possible if the west is divided. Putin's invasion has actually united the west more than ever before.
The west is always divided, everyone goes for their own interests, the united facade won't last long. As long as Putin holds on, the seemingly united front of the west will collapse sooner than everyone expects.

The west is always divided, everyone goes for their own interests, the united facade won't last long.

The EU had no big intention of moving away from Russian energy before. This opinion has changed now. The resolve will harden as the occupation continues. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Yes, I believe that Putin has not actually factored all in. He is just another tyrant who has laid a landmine and then stepped on it himself.

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens have decided to fight against Russia with full commitment. NATO will harm them to the hilt. This will eventually turn into an occupation that is struggling to manage an insurgency. All through it, EU and US will enforce their sanction on Russia. All these countries you've listed will comply with economic sanctions for the most part - including India. EU parliament is looking to move away from Russian energy dependency as a strategic objective now. It will take a few years, but once it materializes - Russia will not be able to balance its book anymore. Putin hopes that this occupation will succeed in weeks and not years; his fanboys will be inclined to think that - not me :-)
It is not yet an occupation. It is still an active invasion. I do hope the transition to occupation or withdrawal to happen sooner so civilians won't suffer from constant shelling and gun fight. One thing I dislike more than an unjust war is a prolonged war.
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It is not yet an occupation. It is still an active invasion. I do hope the transition to occupation or withdrawal to happen sooner so civilians won't suffer from constant shelling and gun fight. One thing I disable more than an unjust war is a prolonged war.
My wild guess - Ukraine will be fully occupied in a month or less. I'll be glad if I'm proven a wrong cynic :cheers:
My wild guess - Ukraine will be fully occupied in a month or less. I'll be glad if I'm proven a wrong cynic :cheers:
I hope if Putin couldn't occupy the eastern Ukraine within 2 weeks starting from the beginning of the invasion, he should just resign, leave and self-exile to Belarus or China or India.
I hope if Putin couldn't occupy the eastern Ukraine within 2 weeks starting from the beginning of the invasion, he should just resign, leave and self-exile to Belarus or China or India.
Putin is a modern day monarch. He can only be dethroned by mass public upheaval. This is very difficult to achieve given the state control of Russian media.
Putin is a modern day monarch. He can only be dethroned by mass public upheaval. This is very difficult to achieve given the state control of Russian media.
Of course, I was pleading to his own conscience. :)
The EU had no big intention of moving away from Russian energy before. This opinion has changed now. The resolve will harden as the occupation continues. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Only found out it's mission impossible

Not in the near future. Don't quote editorial opinions as an insurmountable fact :p:
What about cold numbers?

eu russia gas.jpg
This is well known. It does not mean that alternatives cannot exist and will not be found given the time and motivation. Putin is giving Europe all the motivation it needs by invading it :laugh:
But the hard reality is EU can't find a viable alternative and this is the problem beating all wishful thinkings.
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