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Russia’s 1st forward-swept wing training aircraft performs maiden flight (VIDEO)

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Russia’s 1st forward-swept wing training aircraft performs maiden flight (VIDEO)
Published time: 1 Jan, 2016 16:58Edited time: 2 Jan, 2016 06:05
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© kb-sat.ru
SR-10 is a subsonic, single engine, all-composite dual-pilot aircraft with a moderate forward-swept wing scheme. Its reported maximum takeoff weight is 2,700 kilograms. The aircraft can reportedly be powered with either a Soviet design AI-25TLSh engine or a modern Russian-made AL-55 gas-turbine jet engine.


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The SR-10’s flying quality parameters largely depend on the power unit. It was designed to have 900kph maximum horizontal flight speed, 1,500 km range capability and a 6,000-meter practical ceiling. Its cruising speed at the 6,000-meter height is 520kph.


© kb-sat.ru
In 2014, the SR-10 lost a Russian Defense Ministry primary training aircraft tender to Yakovlev Yak-152 turboprop trainer aircraft.However, KB SAT is still offering the aircraft to the Air Force as an intermediate trainer.


© sdelanounas.ru
Dagestan’s Industry, Trade and Investment Ministry revealed plans to produce up to 16 SR-10 aircraft for Russia’s Defense Ministry, which is expected to allocate up to 2.5 billion rubles into the SR-10 project, the regional bureau of RIA news agency reported in mid-September.


© sdelanounas.ru
As of now, Russia’s Air Force is actively using the recently developed Yakovlev Yak-130 as an advanced jet trainer. This aircraft is also delivered to foreign militaries, being positioned also as light attack aircraft.

Until now, the only operable forward-swept wing aircraft in Russia has been the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Golden Eagle) fighter jet, which never went into mass production, yet became an advanced concept technology demonstrator and a testing ground for technical solutions later integrated into Russia’s 5G fighter jet PAK-FA.


Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut [Golden Eagle] fighter. © Pashkovskiy / Sputnik

Russia’s 1st forward-swept wing training aircraft performs maiden flight (VIDEO) — RT News
Not too much point to forward swept wings. They can improve agility, but the limiting factor on military jet agility is the pilot, not the plane anyhow. The wing itself has some serious issue - aeroelasticity top amongst them.

The wing bends when in a turn. The tip will bend up, increasing the amount of drag generated (and thus lift) causing the aircraft to turn tighter, bending the wing further, etc.

There are some civilian aircraft that use a very modest forward sweep, but they are not operating at high speeds.

For a severe example of forward sweep, see the Grumman X-29 (way back in 1984). The USAF used a very conservative fly-by-wire program, so the aircraft did not actually achieve significantly better agility.
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