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Russians start to wreck Ukraine's power plants to stop America supplied tanks and artillery

Russians were playing too nice, not sure why, they should have copied US/Western playbook and destroyed all of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, power plants, water treatment plants, baby formula/medicine factories, food distribution infrastructure and anything to sustain life in Ukraine from the get go.
Russians were playing too nice, not sure why, they should have copied US/Western playbook and destroyed all of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, power plants, water treatment plants, baby formula/medicine factories, food distribution infrastructure and anything to sustain life in Ukraine from the get go.
It was simple.. they expected a cake walk like Crimea. However, NATO has intervened and Russia now has decided let's do it.

1. Electricity should be out.
2. All railway junctions Road networks out
3. All Internet and coms out
4. Knock out all airports.
5 monitor every truck entering Ukraine and attack it.
6. Industrial infrastructure. Hitbit hard
7. Repeat until they get the message
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It was simple.. they expected a cake walk like Crimea. However, NATO has intervened and Russia now has decided let's do it.

1. Electricity should be out.
2. All railway junctions Road networks out
3. All Internet and coms out
4. Knock out all airports.
5 monitor every truck entering Ukraine and attack it.
6. Repeat
Well US expected a cakewalk as well in Iraq and other third world hellholes, yet they still went full gung ho from the get go...
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