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The real reason Israel never sells any military hardware to Ukraine

And there is the excuses
I'm saying the Soviet leadership is even more to blame than the Germans.

They even blew up a hydropower dam in Zaporizhzhya to not let it be captured by Germany, and didn't even try to evacuate the village below it, killing thousands of people.

The Soviet leadership had 0 regards for life.
I'm saying the Soviet leadership is even more to blame than the Germans.

They even blew up a hydropower dam in Zaporizhzhya to not let it be captured by Germany, and didn't even try to evacuate the village below it, killing thousands of people.

The Soviet leadership had 0 regards for life.
no different to the Israeli government and how it treats the Palestinians. so what have you learnt?
There's no one more active than Germans themselves.

We don't blame just one nation for the Holocaust, we blame everyone. The Americans could have bombed the railroad to Auchwitz and save more tens of thousands of Jews, they know about it, but they didn't do it.

Soviets (Ukranians and Russians) didn't let Jewish refugees into the USSR, invaded Poland together with Germany in 1939, had no plan to fight with Germany until operation Barbarossa in 1941.

Yet obviously the Germans are the worst.

Jews were persecuted long before WW2. In the USSR, Jews were hunted in Pogroms.

We were thrown to the side by every nation.
From 1933 to 1941, the Chinese government transferred 30000 Jews to Shanghai through European diplomatic channels. China has helped Jews.

But when Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese, the Jews cooperated with the Japanese to prepare for the founding of the country in Northeast China.

You are born traitors!

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No need to talk about history long ago. From what Ukraine did in recent decade, I have not a little bit of pity to it. This country's elites sold their country to the evil USA to make themselves rich. China's Taiwan is repeating same mistake.
Most of the Soviets that were killed were soldiers, ill equipped, thrown into the machine gun fire with one gun per 100 people

Nope around 11 million soldiers and the rest were civilians

But when Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese, the Jews cooperated with the Japanese to prepare for the founding of the country in Northeast China.

That is Jews for you …

They did the same with Muslims , Muslims always gave them refuge against murdering Christian crusaders and in return they steal our land , murder us , conduct a horribly dishonest campaign against us ..etc

And if you criticize them you get labeled as a anti Semitic
Israel knows what happens when you dump all your high-ticket items into a what is essentially a destabilised country. As the saying goes "no such thing as a free lunch". Or as one prominent Pakistani Parsi business tycoon would say "Business is Business and Cup of tea is Cup of tea". :lol:
If Israel transfers any military equipment to Ukraine that Russia doesnt like, Russia can keep Israel's airforce out of Syria, or even do some attacks on the Israeli army, and US wont be able to protect Israel, simple.

Afterall US wasnt there last year to save ISrael from decapitating and sustained rocket and artillery barrages from the last war against hamas, so US wont be there this time to help ISrael if and when relations with Russia get worse, Russia and Israel are destined to have increasing beef now, because they are firmly in opposite global camps.
So what do you suggest Israel does?
Counter Iran's with it's own by supporting Ukraine. Anti drone tech or provide loitering munitions itself or even ballistic missiles like the Lora.
It's time our airforce send some jf17 to ukraine. The us would be happy and we improve our relationship with the USA. I'd love to see those planes get some combat kills under their belt.
Counter Iran's with it's own by supporting Ukraine. Anti drone tech or provide loitering munitions itself or even ballistic missiles like the Lora.
That would add more fuel to the fire and the war by proxy will get worse for Ukraine. Is that your desired wish to use all means at whatever the cost for client states, to crush Russia? We have seen 12 million refugees with more millions suffering winter hardship in Ukraine. Enough suffering in Syria, enough suffering in Libya, enough suffering in Ukraine. Peace and disengagement is call for today, the US and Russia need to stop battling it out in Ukraine and leave the Ukrainians in peace so that they enjoy their upcoming Christmas in peaceful festivity.

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