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Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

Why run all its neighbors away from it?

What has russia to offer? Why has it zero attraction?
Ειλικρινά,μου έχεις ζαλίσει τ'αρχίδια. Δεν γουστάρεις τον Πούτιν; Οκ,καλή φάση. Σου λέω ξανά και ξανά ότι δεν έπρεπε να μπούν στην Ουκρανία,αλλά κάνεις σαν παιδάκι και λες ο Πούτλερ κι'ο Πούτλερ. Δες λίγο τι κάνει το ΝΑΤΟ 20 χρόνια και πως θα ένιωθες εσύ σαν Ρωσία,αν έβλεπες ότι οι Αμερικανοί αθετούν τον λόγο τους και προσπαθούν να πάρουν συνέχεια χώρες με το μέρος τους. Σηκώθηκαν ενα πρωί και νοιάστηκαν για τους Ουκρανούς νομίζεις; Θέλουν να τους χρησιμοποιήσουν σε proxy war κατά των Ρώσων. Ούτε καν τους νοιάζει πόσοι πεθαίνουν. Όσο πιο πολλοί,τόσο πιο καλά γι'αυτούς.

Russia has a lot of problems and hasn't had much progress economically or technologically,compared to Europe or the Japan and Korea. But slap yourself in the face and see the American and British hypocrisy on the matter. If you don't care about Russia? Well good for you. At least understand that not all wars are black and white. If you think that NATO is innocent and hasn't sparked this conflict,then wake up and read some history. Enough.

One day you don't care about immigrant when they die,the next day you talk about human rights. One day you say you only like democratic countries,the next day you support the complete ban of everything Russian.

One day you talk about tolerance and freedom,the next day you mock Islam and everything east of Europe.
USA liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. Then, the alliance removed a dictator who had used chemical weapons on Kurdish villages which killed 5000 civilians. USA invaded Afghanistan where the mastermind of 911 atrocities was. In these wars, some war crimes occurred but this was not ordered by the American high command or the President.
Kuwait's liberation was just. Saddam was a brutal dictator. But Americans only cared to go to war against him when he threatened their interests after he invaded Kuwait. They incited the Kurds and the Shias of Iraq to start a rebellion against Saddam and then they left them alone. And Saddam slaughtered them.

The question remains: Why do the Americans have the right to support dictators (for example Nicaragua,Guatemala,El Salvador,Cuba) and then point the finger at others when they do the same? What right do the Americans have to change regimes when they want,but cry foul when others do it? Why did NATO expand when the Cold War was over and there was little to no threat?

Why is it legal for Kosovo to leave Serbia but illegal for Crimea to leave Ukraine? Why is it freedom when the U.S. and British forces invade Iraq in 2003,but aggression when Russia helps the Syrian government? Why is it ok for Israel to invade Lebanon in 2006,but evil when Russia invades Georgia in 2008?

Israelis will say "To fight Hezbollah". Russians will answer "To protect the South Ossetians".

It's double standards. It's hypocrisy. It's lies. And NATO has used propaganda and lies too much in the last 30 years to justify bombing countries and changing regimes. They were silent when others did it or still do it.
They incited the Kurds and the Shias of Iraq to start a rebellion against Saddam and then they left them alone. And Saddam slaughtered them.
You need to upgrade your morality. Use of chemical weapons is illegal against soldiers or rebels, but Saddam slaughtered women and children. I remember the horrific pictures.
"The incident was the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history,[2] killing between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injuring 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians.[3][4] Preliminary results from surveys of the affected region showed an increased rate of cancer and birth defects in the years afterward.[5]

The Halabja attack has been officially defined by the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal as a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people in Iraq under Saddam Hussein.[6]"
I dont know. I go to premium restaurants.

You simply hate europeans, thats your problem.

How are those Premium Prices looking when Europe cannot import wheat?

You say I hate Europeans, is yet another example of your sheer ignorance and hatred for others. You also called me an Iranian.

FYI I married a European and I am proud of her as much as she is proud of me being Pakistani and Muslim.

Its people like you and your leadership that bring disgrace to the rest of Europe.

You need to upgrade your morality. Use of chemical weapons is illegal against soldiers or rebels, but Saddam slaughtered women and children. I remember the horrific pictures.
"The incident was the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history,[2] killing between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injuring 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians.[3][4] Preliminary results from surveys of the affected region showed an increased rate of cancer and birth defects in the years afterward.[5]

The Halabja attack has been officially defined by the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal as a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people in Iraq under Saddam Hussein.[6]"
That's what I'm saying 🙄 Hello?

Did you even read my post?
Wrong, Putin gives shit about religion. He uses it to impress the dummies. How religious is it to murder, rape and pillage? The entire country is rotten to the core.

As for the rest of your bullshit. Lol.

Whenever you drive a car, fly aircraft or use a computer you can thank us in the west.

Charlemagne was a criminal, genocidal monster btw

When you drive a car, aircraft or use a computer also think about the origin and those who taught you the knowledge or provided you the foundation.
That's what I'm saying 🙄 Hello?

Did you even read my post?
I read it. You don't have a point. Rebels were not under American command and America had no obligation to them. Moreover, under no circumstance did it justify the use of chemical weapons, especially on civilians. After using chemical weapons, Saddam became a threat to humanity and to the international order created by USA which hosts the UN. Doubt another nation can.
How are those Premium Prices looking when Europe cannot import wheat?

You say I hate Europeans, is yet another example of your sheer ignorance and hatred for others. You also called me an Iranian.

FYI I married a European and I am proud of her as much as she is proud of me being Pakistani and Muslim.

Its people like you and your leadership that bring disgrace to the rest of Europe.


Idk i dont look at prices 😅

Thing is Europe is rich and can afford wheat. Problem is in northern africa and middle east. We will need to help them
I read it. You don't have a point. Rebels were not under American command and America had no obligation to them. Moreover, under no circumstance did it justify the use of chemical weapons, especially on civilians. After using chemical weapons, Saddam became a threat to humanity and to the international order created by USA which hosts the UN. Doubt another nation can.
Saddam used chemical weapons against the Iranian army. Wasn't he a threat back then?

The Americans promised the poor Kurds and Shias help and in the end left them to die. That's after the Gulf War.

Furthermore,the Americans have a habit of supporting insurrection and riots to destroy entire countries from inside.
Kuwait's liberation was just. Saddam was a brutal dictator. But Americans only cared to go to war against him when he threatened their interests after he invaded Kuwait. They incited the Kurds and the Shias of Iraq to start a rebellion against Saddam and then they left them alone. And Saddam slaughtered them.

The question remains: Why do the Americans have the right to support dictators (for example Nicaragua,Guatemala,El Salvador,Cuba) and then point the finger at others when they do the same? What right do the Americans have to change regimes when they want,but cry foul when others do it? Why did NATO expand when the Cold War was over and there was little to no threat?

Why is it legal for Kosovo to leave Serbia but illegal for Crimea to leave Ukraine? Why is it freedom when the U.S. and British forces invade Iraq in 2003,but aggression when Russia helps the Syrian government? Why is it ok for Israel to invade Lebanon in 2006,but evil when Russia invades Georgia in 2008?

Israelis will say "To fight Hezbollah". Russians will answer "To protect the South Ossetians".

It's double standards. It's hypocrisy. It's lies. And NATO has used propaganda and lies too much in the last 30 years to justify bombing countries and changing regimes. They were silent when others did it or still do it.
He is confused kid whose brain hasn't fully developed as a teenager. No point wasting time discussing with kids who are the upmost hypocites due to critical thinking
He is confused kid whose brain hasn't fully developed as a teenager. No point wasting time discussing with kids who are the upmost hypocites due to critical thinking
Well said
He is confused kid whose brain hasn't fully developed as a teenager. No point wasting time discussing with kids who are the upmost hypocites due to critical thinking
Says the kid who enjoys western political freedoms but doesn't understand people fought for it. Try talking smack against the Chinese government in China.
Since Putin bases his regime on a corrupted alliance with a compromised church (the russian patriarch was a former KGB spy and prays for war...) he of course had a holy relic on his flagship. A piece of the cross from Jesus was on board in the ship chapell and went down with the ship.

In a religious way, this is a huge loss. And i wonder how they will spin that in their propaganda. Some users here like @Foinikas base their support for Putinism on their beliefes, that it will be some sort of orthodox empire.

They dont see how this regime uses religion for their perverted agenda.

For me, the sinking is a clear symbol and a message.


What kind of people who put the holy relic that teaches about peace into a warship that means for conflict and killing people?

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