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Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

Just for fun, don't get annoyed...

Blind psychic Baba Vanga who foresaw 9/11 said Putin will be 'Lord of the World'

Amazing. Putin rules over a poverty stricken hellhole where large parts of population have no toilets and running water. Maybe he fix that first before wanting to rule the world?
Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus is: it is the footstool of the Lord's Throne! The Russian person must understand this and thank God that he is Russian."

14. Martyr-Eldress Duniushka of Siberia (+1918):

"Russia will be supreme in the world. Her name will be 'Holy Rus'.
This is a blasphemy. If it was from a believer, he would have said God will be supreme in the world (instead of Russia). God does not need a footstool, aid, crutch, partner, associate, person, tribe, or nation. This is simply worship of Russia. Replace it with any other country and it would be equally blasphemous. Also, countries do not have faith, individuals in it do.
This is a blasphemy. If it was from a believer, he would have said God will be supreme in the world (instead of Russia). God does not need a footstool, aid, crutch, partner, associate, person, tribe, or nation. This is simply worship of Russia. Replace it with any other country and it would be equally blasphemous. Also, countries do not have faith, individuals in it do.

Exactly as i said. Facism cloaked with religion. God doesnt need russia.
Can you prove that Russians did not kill civilians in Bucha? UAV footage and Satellite Imagery of Russian atrocities in Bucha are deep fakes? Bucha residents are lying as well?
Time will tell who is lying and who is not, but right now I won't believe any side until the fog of war is over.
The Nayirah testimony

Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was pushed by her father (then Kuwaiti ambassador to USA) to give False Testimony about Iraqi atrocities in a Kuwaiti hospital in front of the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus to convince American Public to support decision of Bush administration to liberate Kuwait.

American reporter John Martin (ABC News) investigated and refuted the Nayirah testimony in March 1991. Amnesty International followed suit and found Bush administration guilty of "opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement."

Western Media and sources set the record straight.
They were forced to come out because their lies was busted, and Kuwait Ambassador to US did not pull this stunt on his own, the US Govt most likely asked him to lie to turn the favor of its public to go to WAR, you have no idea how America works, you just have links that you copy and paste.
My point is to respect "evidence."
"Evidence" which can be manipulated and faked. US/West has caught lying hence my reluctance on trusting their and their allies sources when it comes to incidents, right now western propaganda machine is in full swing, that does not mean war crimes are not be done by Russians, or Ukrainians, both side I am sure are involved in inhuman activities, this is war and its a dirty business.
See above.

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Did you even bother to check sources and their contents that I shared with you in my post # 35?

Meduza = Latvian source (this source hired Russian professionals for its works)

The shared article presents visual evidence (UAV footage) of Russian atrocities in Bucha.

New York Times = American source

The shared article presents visual evidence (Satellite Imagery) of Russian atrocities in Bucha.

Daily Mail = British source

The shared article provides general information about war crimes of Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

Aljazeera = Qatari source

The shared article presents visual evidence (Photography) of Russian atrocities in Bucha.

Multiple lines of evidence from different sources.
British ? Qatari and Latvia ? I mean seriously ? dude you live under a rock, all three nations are under heavy influence of America and NATO, You really expect British who are in front of this whole war to speak truth against the Russian ? lol its like saying Indians say everything truth about Pakistan, Latvia another heavily rely on US support and Qatar's Al-Jazeerah ? yeah right... I'll wait :)
You showed absolute lack of open-mindedness in your responses in this thread.
You are mad because I called West Liars and have history to prove me right, your idea of truth lacks credibility as for me, if countries caught lying their credibility in my book is very low, even if they are telling the truth their testimonies must be rechecked by other sources, Yes there are videos of dead bodies and even interviews of people talking about Russians open fire on civilians, no one is denying that but Truth always lies between the both side narrative, I neither believe west nor Russian sources when International geopolitics and national politics is at stake.
This is a blasphemy. If it was from a believer, he would have said God will be supreme in the world (instead of Russia). God does not need a footstool, aid, crutch, partner, associate, person, tribe, or nation. This is simply worship of Russia. Replace it with any other country and it would be equally blasphemous. Also, countries do not have faith, individuals in it do.
What exactly is your religion?

Support putlers murderous war and because of what?
How many times do I have to tell you? How thick is your head? Do you have a problem understanding things? I'm not supporting the war. I said from the beginning that they shouldn't have invaded. What I say is that they were pushed to this reaction by the Americans and British.
What exactly is your religion?
This is my innate belief called Islam, it means submission to the unseen God who created us. The God I worship is without partner and without need. But, we need God. We seek to be in the righteous path, we seek guidance from God for the pleasure of God, so we actually do things for our sake. People including me commonly say 'for God's sake!', but technically it is not correct. Quran 4-116 and 15-35.
What exactly is your religion?

How many times do I have to tell you? How thick is your head? Do you have a problem understanding things? I'm not supporting the war. I said from the beginning that they shouldn't have invaded. What I say is that they were pushed to this reaction by the Americans and British.

Oh your theory is that usa and uk installed a facist tyrant in russia in an attempt to let russia attack Ukraine?

UAVs and satellites can be used to capture activity in a warzone on a regular basis in this age.

Communications can also be intercepted:

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People can be made to give false testimonies for narrative-building purpose but there is a limit to faking stuff.

See above.

The footage in the link (BITCHUTE) is a compilation of 3 different clips.

Original clip in following link:


4. The victims were killed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis’

The Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that the victims found on Yablonska Street were “killed by nationalists from Serhii Korotkykh’s group” (Serhii “Botsman” Korotkykh is a Belarusian neo-Nazi, who fought in Ukraine’s far-right Azov Battalion and went on to become a Ukrainian police official). Korotkykh’s combat group, the newspaper claimed, entered Bucha after Russian troops had left the city and killed everyone it considered collaborators.

To prove the nationalists’ alleged guilt, pro-Kremlin journalists posted a video from the Telegram channel “Botsman” that shows members of his combat group walking around Bucha and discussing whether to shoot people without blue armbands (which Ukrainian soldiers wear to distinguish themselves).

It’s true that Korotkykh’s group was in Bucha after Russian troops left. Members of the group filmed the video on Vokzalna Street, where Russian military vehicles that were destroyed by Ukrainian artillery fire in early March are still standing. The area where the bodies lay on Yablonska Street is less than 500 meters (547 yards) away.

However, Sergey Korotkykh himself told Meduza that the video was filmed on April 2, when Ukrainian police officers and journalists had already entered the city. To prove the claim, Korotkykh sent the video’s metadata, including a timestamp: 1:47 p.m. on April 2. Recall that the first video showing the victims’ bodies appeared on the evening of April 1 and was filmed earlier that day.

Korotkykh himself didn’t go to Bucha, he told Meduza; the video was taken by two of his subordinates, who were just passing through the town. “We don’t know Bucha very well; we went in at the very end,” said Korotkykh. “Most of our work was in Irpin.”

None of the group saw any of the fighting in Bucha, one of Korotkykh’s subordinates from the video told Meduza. In addition to the video they posted on Telegram, the two men also took some footage of the bodies on Yablonska Street, but ultimately decided not to post it. “I didn’t count the number of dead people, but there were really a lot of them. I didn’t have a notepad to count them all. There were dead people, burnt equipment, ruins! I don’t know how to explain it to you. It was like a nightmare — like something from the movie ‘Purgatory.’ Have you seen it?” said one of the men.

In any case, all of the available evidence indicates that by the time the nationalists entered the city, the civilians had already been killed.


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- People lie when it suits them.
- Organizations (and governments) lie when it suits them.

But there are ways to debunk lies and uncover truth.

People also have conscious and will spill the beans at some point.

England blocked Russia's request in UN to conduct investigation in Bucha. Why ? Why is England afraid of the truth ?
Russians didn't do Bucha, Brits framed them up.

Remember the casualties that Russians tolerated during their retreat from northern Ukraine. Why did it happen, was because of avoiding civilian casualties by Russians. Russians should have bombed every damn inch of the retreated area but they didn't and eventuallly lost tens of men and military hardwares. Their columns were located in civilian areas hence the hard retreat.

Brits the habitual liars, told similar lie in case of Syria and the white helmets a branch of Al-Qaeda that became the main source of British propaganda against SAA, Syria and Iran.

Oh my goodness just for the sake of Almighty please don't lie. Have you seen the pics and videos of every single city. They have destroyed it completely. Russian Soldiers are killing innocent people, raping them and you are saying Britain is framing it.
This is my innate belief called Islam, it means submission to the unseen God who created us. The God I worship is without partner and without need. But, we need God. We seek to be in the righteous path, we seek guidance from God for the pleasure of God, so we actually do things for our sake. People including me commonly say 'for God's sake!', but technically it is not correct. Quran 4-116 and 15-35.
And why do you have that nickname here?
Spare me your iranian bullshit. Your words are as meaningless as your thoughts.

Your post is indicative of your ignorance. I am a Pakistani, Sunni Muslim, not Iranian. My words are for those who have the ability to use their brain.

As for your "two words" ... chew on this ....

Your post is indicative of your ignorance. I am a Pakistani, Sunni Muslim, not Iranian. My words are for those who have the ability to use their brain.

As for your "two words" ... chew on this ....

I dont know. I go to premium restaurants.

You simply hate europeans, thats your problem.

England blocked Russia's request in UN to conduct investigation in Bucha. Why ? Why is England afraid of the truth ?

England blocked nothing. What happened in butcha is typical for russia and part of their military tradition. Name a war where they did not act like savages
And why do you have that nickname here?
It's part of a supplication from an ancient Roman poet named Virgil who must have been a believer. There were individual believers around the world since Adam and Eve.

'The great order of the ages is born afresh, now justice returns, honored rules return, now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.'

"Medieval Christians read Virgil's poem as a prophecy of the coming of Christ."
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