Idk i dont look at prices
Thing is Europe is rich and can afford wheat. Problem is in northern africa and middle east. We will need to help them
Oh really!? I bet France takes the Noble Peace Prize in helping (themselves) in Africa, won't they! Or perhaps Britain must really pleased with itself when it made agreements with the Arabs against the Ottomans, to fight and once the Ottomans were toppled, betray the Arabs with the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
Let's face the facts shall we, Europe (including the island nation of Britain) are as much helping Africa and the Middle East, as America has been in Central and South Americas. If helping Africa was so much on the priority list of Europe, then they would not have plundered, enslaved and colonized Africa as they have had for the last few centuries.
Oh and btw, your "Europe is rich" proclamation, is as hollow as the plunders the West looted as they rampaged across Africa, Asia and South America, trying to colonize those continents. And if you see this as fair game, then it is also fair game that tomorrow Russia will obliterate France, Netherlands, United States, Britain and German leaderships' hypocrisy and lies.
Reality check, Europe has squat diddly for fossil fuels, has a shrinking agriculture base and based on these two indices, Russia trumps both Europe and America put together. Your Najdi-Saudi puppets and their chums are already finding a backbone in the face of a Western collapse as a hegemon. So unless Ursula Von Meyer can pull a rabbit outta the hat, majority of Europeans will be turning into popscle, come Winter 2023!!