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Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

It's part of a supplication from an ancient Roman poet named Virgil who must have been a believer. There were individual believers around the world since Adam and Eve.

'The great order of the ages is born afresh, now justice returns, honored rules return, now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.'

"Medieval Christians read Virgil's poem as a prophecy of the coming of Christ."
And it's used by Freemasons in America now and you are using it.
And it's used by Freemasons in America now and you are using it.
What kind of logic is that. Nobody owns Virgil's poem. I don't know much about freemasons and I don't believe in conspiracies, but assuming they are bad guys, if criminals or bank robbers shout God damn it open your safe and give me all your money, does that mean we should stop using God. Ohhhhh looook, the bad guy also used the word Jesus, thus nobody can else can use the word God and Jesus?! It's like terrorists yelling Allahu Akbar, which means God is great, yet believers didn't stop saying it daily in their prayers.
Time will tell who is lying and who is not, but right now I won't believe any side until the fog of war is over.

They were forced to come out because their lies was busted, and Kuwait Ambassador to US did not pull this stunt on his own, the US Govt most likely asked him to lie to turn the favor of its public to go to WAR, you have no idea how America works, you just have links that you copy and paste.

"Evidence" which can be manipulated and faked. US/West has caught lying hence my reluctance on trusting their and their allies sources when it comes to incidents, right now western propaganda machine is in full swing, that does not mean war crimes are not be done by Russians, or Ukrainians, both side I am sure are involved in inhuman activities, this is war and its a dirty business.

British ? Qatari and Latvia ? I mean seriously ? dude you live under a rock, all three nations are under heavy influence of America and NATO, You really expect British who are in front of this whole war to speak truth against the Russian ? lol its like saying Indians say everything truth about Pakistan, Latvia another heavily rely on US support and Qatar's Al-Jazeerah ? yeah right... I'll wait :)

You are mad because I called West Liars and have history to prove me right, your idea of truth lacks credibility as for me, if countries caught lying their credibility in my book is very low, even if they are telling the truth their testimonies must be rechecked by other sources, Yes there are videos of dead bodies and even interviews of people talking about Russians open fire on civilians, no one is denying that but Truth always lies between the both side narrative, I neither believe west nor Russian sources when International geopolitics and national politics is at stake.

I am a neutral observer and a person who respects incriminating evidence from any side. I posted limited evidence of Russian atrocities in Bucha in post # 30 but you questioned it in post # 32. I presented good evidence of Russian atrocities in Bucha in post # 35 to address your confusion - in good faith. You chose to ignore it with lame deflections in post # 36, and I addressed them in post # 40. You remain unconvinced, and I am not interested in having an argument for the sake of argument with you. I gave you full opportunity to make your mind with good information on hand but I have no solution for your West-o-phobia and subjective denials. I do not get along with people who do not respect incriminating evidence(s) in person (remind of the kind of people disclosed in the Holy Quran whose senses work but do not work). Do not quote me again because our conversation in this thread cannot be productive any further given your mindset. The line is drawn for you.
What kind of logic is that. Nobody owns Virgil's poem. I don't know much about freemasons and I don't believe in conspiracies, but assuming they are bad guys, if criminals or bank robbers shout God damn it open your safe and give me all your money, does that mean we should stop using God. Ohhhhh looook, the bad guy also used the word Jesus, thus nobody can else can use the word God and Jesus?! It's like terrorists yelling Allahu Akbar, which means God is great, yet believers didn't stop saying it daily in their prayers.
So what is your New Order then?
So what is your New Order then?
It is not my order. God is always in control. The poem is part of a supplication to high heaven to bring justice and honor which is a constant theme of renewal and rebirth through the ages. Do you think Russia brings justice and honor to Ukraine and to the world?
It is not my order. God is always in control. The poem is part of a supplication to high heaven to bring justice and honor which is a constant theme of renewal and rebirth through the ages. Do you think Russia brings justice and honor to Ukraine and to the world?
No. They shouldn't have invaded. But then again,NATO shouldn't have pushed it too far. And the Ukrainians shouldn't have started Euromaidan. It's not black and white.
No. They shouldn't have invaded. But then again,NATO shouldn't have pushed it too far. And the Ukrainians shouldn't have started Euromaidan. It's not black and white.

The Ukrainians should not have voted for freedom and development but stick to rotten carcass russia...

People like you always fail to say...what can russia offer other than misery? Nothing.

Fact is, majority wanted cooperation with EU. On last minute did putins muppet stop it. That was his end.

Maybe in future you understand that Ukraine decides for itself. Not russia
No. They shouldn't have invaded. But then again,NATO shouldn't have pushed it too far. And the Ukrainians shouldn't have started Euromaidan. It's not black and white.
What Russia did is called aggression. Ukraine handed all its nuclear weapons to Russia with the assumption that Russia won't invade. As a political analyst on CNN said Russia has not accepted Ukraine has its own political identity.
The Ukrainians should not have voted for freedom and development but stick to rotten carcass russia...

People like you always fail to say...what can russia offer other than misery? Nothing.

Fact is, majority wanted cooperation with EU. On last minute did putins muppet stop it. That was his end.

Maybe in future you understand that Ukraine decides for itself. Not russia
So if you're Russia,you will let NATO just take every single country next to you and keep a rhetoric that will harm your security and interests? You'd let Americans change regimes like that until they reach Moscow eventually.

What Russia did is called aggression. Ukraine handed all its nuclear weapons to Russia with the assumption that Russia won't invade. As a political analyst on CNN said Russia has not accepted Ukraine has its own political identity.
And tell me,my Australian muslim,does USA and Britain have the right to cry foul when they've done worse the last 40 years?
That's the hypocrisy. That's what makes me angry.
So if you're Russia,you will let NATO just take every single country next to you and keep a rhetoric that will harm your security and interests? You'd let Americans change regimes like that until they reach Moscow eventually.

And tell me,my Australian muslim,does USA and Britain have the right to cry foul when they've done worse the last 40 years?
That's the hypocrisy. That's what makes me angry.

NATO takes nothing. Countries seek protection from a facist hellhole and Ukraine is best example why joining NATO is right thing to do.
NATO takes nothing. Countries seek protection from a facist hellhole and Ukraine is best example why joining NATO is right thing to do.
Hur dur fascist hellhole...here we go again.
does USA and Britain have the right to cry foul when they've done worse the last 40 years?
That's the hypocrisy. That's what makes me angry.
Objectively, they have not done worse. USA liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. Then, the alliance removed a dictator who had used chemical weapons on Kurdish villages which killed 5000 civilians. USA invaded Afghanistan where the mastermind of 911 atrocities was. In these wars, some war crimes occurred but this was not ordered by the American high command or the President.
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