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Russian ships arrive on Ukraine's Crimean coast

Reminds me of Tom Clancy's new book Command Authority.
Command Authority by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney :: Books :: Reviews :: Paste

In the east, a bellicose Russian president with ties to the USSR’s intelligence agencies begins rousing his bear, setting off tensions in Kiev between Russian loyalists and Ukrainian nationalists. (Does this seem vaguely topical right about now?) The Russian leader goes so far as to invade Estonia (as our Russia did Georgia in 2008) as part of an effort to destabilize NATO and enhance an Eastern alternative.

The white hats beat back this Estonian advance, of course, but Clancy merely wishes to whet appetites before the real action starts in Ukraine. In these arenas, action reigns supreme. Regular armies and CIA operatives and off-the-books US assets and Russian gangsters all battle it out, with radio-controlled RC-car GPS tracker-delivery systems, state-of-the-art tanks, and a myriad of laser-loosing, Hellfire-firing, saber-spinning helicopters.

Are you really an old man?
Georgia version 2.0 :)

US Senator: we will provide support
Russia: send in the military
Ukrainian trouble makers: Uncle Sam where's the support?
US: Sorry pals, we do not want to mess with the Russians, you are on your own
Ukrainian trouble makers: F*CK the US
Georgia version 2.0 :)

US Senator: we will provide support
Russia: send in the military
Ukrainian trouble makers: Uncle Sam where's the support?
US: Sorry pals, we do not want to mess with the Russians, you are on your own
Ukrainian trouble makers: F*CK the US

Damn good lessons for others trying to cozy up to the yanks.. :tup:.. Russia should just annex Crimea and rest of East Ukraine with these CIA paid mercenaries try to push their luck too far
Let's not be children about it,the "F... the EU " comment was not uttered in the context you've suggested.

Crux of the matter is that in a short time there will be free elections in Ukraine in which pro russian candidates have their chance but noooo,"let's roll the army to liberate them" soviet style.It's not going to happen anyway,Russia won't intervene militarily.

US did not think twice before invading Iraq under the garb of "finding the Iraqi WMDs" which are yet to be found. This is not a moral issue at all, Russia has the right to act in self-interest.
Go russia and bang these american scums and their allies. They have simply mistaken and they thought this some arab nation where they can easily make stupid people fight and divide in the name of religion.давай россия и удачи

HUH! o_O

I thought that Pakistan is Amereeki ally.
I thought that Pakistan is Amereeki ally.
Well the whole world knows the reality of this US Pakistan alliance :lol:
In the past one decade or by looking at the history we should realize the reality of these selfish americans.I have more respect for russia.
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Until the amphibious operation occurs the Russians and Ukrainians will say something like this -

Ukrainian 'Navy Wannabe': Approaching Russian vessel, please turn back at once...
Russian Badass Navy: Vee donnt heaar u. Vlis reytranzmit message
UNW(scared as $hit) : Russian ship be warned, please turn back at once...
RBN : Dhis iz not a ship, bat a peytrol boot, zi intyr Blak Zee Fleeet iz coming, rekoesting permizzon to land..
UNW: no response...station deserted
If true, Russia has no respect for their neighbours, and they deserve some American democracy!

First Georgia, and now Ukraine?
comes from the afghan? america attack you despite not even bordering you

Russia wont take Crimea, they will support its independence from ukraine and recognize it like abkazhia and south ossetia even if it means military.

Ukrainians are hypocrites they demand sovereignty from us while oppressing their minorities denying them their language and administration
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