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Russian sailors of INS Vikramaditya roam naked on Karwar beach, cops in a tizzy

Bhaisaab, the humour was not lost on me. I know you were being humorous and drawing a comparison to the homophobes, I said so in my post that I understand that.

To those who ask you what is stopping you from committing heinous crimes, you should ask them whether they are all secretly wanting to do the crimes in question, but only holding back due to the fear of the big spycam in the sky. When the atheist Penn Jillette was asked why he does not rape and murder anybody he wants, he replied "I do, and the number for both is zero."

I watched that interview.

'The real question is, what kind of sick F!ck do you have to be to have a list ready just in case god is not there. Those people need religion.'

Ignore @Manvantaratruti

You did say that you understood my joke. Sorry :)
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Ya they were walking down the beach. So that makes it ok to be naked ....... maybe have sex on the beach too. After all that too is a very natural.

Creeps who are conceited enough to call others prudes needs to be paid back in their own coin.


Since you brought it up. The beach is an excellent place to make some sweet love.
"We found it difficult to communicate with them as most of them don't understand English," said a police officer.
And they've come to train Indians? :what: Training by sign language, eh? :lol:
Hangama Hai kyon Barapa

Thori see jo pee li hai

And they've come to train Indians? :what: Training by sign language, eh? :lol:
I don't know whats in this case,but during the time when Russians trained us with the Osa class missile boats in 1971,our boys learnt Russian,and were talking in Russian through the radio when we went blow up karachi (Op Trident and Python).
well roaming like that is illegal in india. they cannot be entertained. simple.
I'm sorry, but getting totally boozed in public and getting nude in public areas(Unless nude beach:P) is totally unacceptable even if you're an ordinary citizen

It's even more unacceptable when you're doing that while you're representing not only your country, but one of it's defence branch.

It shows you have no respect or decency for the host country you're in.

I get what you are saying and I realize that, but there was no need for it to be in the media.
I don't know whats in this case,but during the time when Russians trained us with the Osa class missile boats in 1971,our boys learnt Russian,and were talking in Russian through the radio when we went blow up karachi (Op Trident and Python).

That was true of IAF pilots in the air war as well. They were talking to each other in fluent Russian on their radios in their spanking new mig-21s, that the Pakistani pilots listening to the radio chatter alleged that the mig-21s were being guided and controlled by a Russian AEWACS!
I get what you are saying and I realize that, but there was no need for it to be in the media.

It's perfectly valid. Media reports more stupider things.

And I've been hearing Russians and Israelis are doing retarded shit in Goa. They better know their limitations.
@Water Car Engineer thats nothing.... Do you know town of goa been taken over by russian population? I went there and didnt find even one indian.... Every russian females were looking at me and their males were looking at me as if they meant get out of Our russia. Its shocking that goa been taken over by russian population. India has to get tough. Goa capital of drugs atm.... U can see there britishers, yankees, aus, israelis and russians doing naked dance after taking drugs every evening.... Police been bribed by drug lords. Russian mafia all over Goa. All u see in Goa is half naked sun baked whites dancing in open night club around beach. Its very sad. They even rape little girls and boys. There is high demand from Europians. They into kids. I blame indian goverment for it.... To the extend i blame Goa goverment who support pervert europians.
reminds me of babas in Kumbh mela , media had any problem with their ding-dongs...:cheesy:


@Water Car Engineer thats nothing.... Do you know town of goa been taken over by russian population? I went there and didnt find even one indian.... Every russian females were looking at me and their males were looking at me as if they meant get out of Our russia. Its shocking that goa been taken over by russian population. India has to get tough. Goa capital of drugs atm.... U can see there britishers, yankees, aus, israelis and russians doing naked dance after taking drugs every evening.... Police been bribed by drug lords. Russian mafia all over Goa. All u see in Goa is half naked sun baked whites dancing in open night club around beach. Its very sad. They even rape little girls and boys. There is high demand from Europians. They into kids. I blame indian goverment for it.... To the extend i blame Goa goverment who support pervert europians.

Were you accompanied by your "Anunaki n Grey" pals ? :lol:
@Water Car Engineer thats nothing.... Do you know town of goa been taken over by russian population? I went there and didnt find even one indian.... Every russian females were looking at me and their males were looking at me as if they meant get out of Our russia. Its shocking that goa been taken over by russian population. India has to get tough. Goa capital of drugs atm.... U can see there britishers, yankees, aus, israelis and russians doing naked dance after taking drugs every evening.... Police been bribed by drug lords. Russian mafia all over Goa. All u see in Goa is half naked sun baked whites dancing in open night club around beach. Its very sad. They even rape little girls and boys. There is high demand from Europians. They into kids. I blame indian goverment for it.... To the extend i blame Goa goverment who support pervert europians.

Even the Menu cards in restaurants are in Russian :angel: (used to have hebrew a few years back) ....... Indians are made to feel unwelcome by restaurant owners and shop keepers. Russians have completely pushed out the Israeli.

Not to mention the Nigerians who supply the drugs.

However Goa'ns do not protest too much since they get to make a LOT of money off the foreign tourists.

However all this is off topic. Goa's is not a place Indians would want to go if they want to feel welcome.
@Water Car Engineer thats nothing.... Do you know town of goa been taken over by russian population? I went there and didnt find even one indian.... Every russian females were looking at me and their males were looking at me as if they meant get out of Our russia. Its shocking that goa been taken over by russian population. India has to get tough. Goa capital of drugs atm.... U can see there britishers, yankees, aus, israelis and russians doing naked dance after taking drugs every evening.... Police been bribed by drug lords. Russian mafia all over Goa. All u see in Goa is half naked sun baked whites dancing in open night club around beach. Its very sad. They even rape little girls and boys. There is high demand from Europians. They into kids. I blame indian goverment for it.... To the extend i blame Goa goverment who support pervert europians.

What the **** are Indians thinking by letting these idiots into India? If you show no respect to your host land, ship their asses to the beaches of Somalia, lets see them have fun there.
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