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Russian S-300 anti-air weapon delivered to Iran


Apr 2, 2008
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Russian S-300 anti-air weapon delivered to Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report

Despite the efforts of US and Israeli leaders, Moscow has begun delivering the highly sophisticated medium-range air defense S-300 system to Iran for securing its nuclear and strategic sites against potential attack.

The RIA news agency reported Wednesday night, Dec. 18: "Moscow has earlier met its obligations to supply Tor-M1 (short-range) systems to Iran and is currently implementing its contract to deliver S-300 systems."


DEBKAfile's military sources disclose the S-300 deliveries began two weeks ago.

Their installation, coinciding with the return home of members of Iranian air defense officers from training in Russia, means that air or missile attacks on Iranian sites will henceforth be extremely difficult and carry a high price.

On 9th October, DEBKAfile's Moscow sources reported that Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert failed in the key mission of his trip to persuade Russian leaders to refrain from selling this advanced weapon to Iran and Syria.

On July 9, US Secretary of State Robert Gates said: "Based on what I know, it's highly unlikely that those air defense missiles would be in Iranian hands any time soon." Clearly, Gates was misinformed and his intelligence wrong, since five months on, those missiles are on their way to Iran.

While both the Bush administration and Israeli leaders insisted that a military option remained on the table if Iran persisted in its nuclear weapons program, neither took into account that Tehran was not deterred or standing idle.

This week, the Israeli defense ministry announced that Amos Gilead, a high official, would travel to Moscow Wednesday, Dec. 17 in a final bid to hold the Kremlin's hand. But Olmert and defense minister Ehud Barak had missed another boat.

DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources report that after Iran, Moscow will install the S-300 in Syria, focusing on securing the Russian naval bases going up in the Mediterranean port of Tartous. By selling these countries top-line weaponry, Moscow is strengthening its military presence and influence in two Middle East countries of especial interest to the United States and Israel – a tactic Soviet Russian employed in the Cold War.
Press TV: Israel worried about S-300 sale to Iran
Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:14:55 GMT

Israel urges Russia not to supply Iran with advanced S-300 missile defense systems, claiming the arms delivery would put peace at stake.

"The deliveries of dangerous armaments to our enemies won't serve the interests of peace," Israeli Defense Ministry official, Major General Amos Gilad, told the Interfax on Friday.

Gilad, who is in Moscow, added that such advanced anti-aircraft systems could pose a threat to Israel, demanding that Moscow exercise 'responsibility' on the issue.

Earlier in October Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had also traveled to Russia to dissuade Russian President Dmitry Medvedev from selling the S-300 system to Iran.

Moscow has delivered 29 Russian-made Tor-M1 air defense missile systems to Iran, a short range surface-to-air missile system.

There is also speculation that Russia will supply Iran with S-300, a long range surface-to-air defense missile system that can intercept and attack intruder planes at great distances.

Israel's concerns over Russia's arms sales to Iran come as Alexander Fomin, deputy head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, said Wednesday that military cooperation between Russia and Iran "has a positive influence on stability in this region".

"We developed, are developing, and will continue to further develop this cooperation. The security of the region depends on this to a significant degree," Fomin said.

RIA Novosti, citing unnamed sources, reported that the Kremlin was fulfilling a contract to sell the S-300 defense system to Iran. According to Fomin, such systems benefit the whole region by preventing new military conflicts.

Tehran's arms deal with Moscow comes at a time that Iran is improving its defensive capabilities amid threats against its sovereignty.

Israel has threatened Iran with a military strike, arguing that Tehran's nuclear work poses a potential threat to Tel Aviv.

Iran rejects the allegations, saying it is only after peaceful nuclear technology.

The system consists of two vehicle

S-300, the S-300 Inflatable

On the positions


Pilots say that from a altitude where jet planes fly the s-300 inflatable looks just like a real thing, and also it has a special metal thread, so radars think it’s a real metal structure.

Probably such inflatable systems would be sold to Iran in order they could display much more defensive power they have in fact.

Builder: Almaz Scientific-Production Association
Lemgth: 7.0 m - 7.5 m - 48N6 S-300PMU1
Diameter: 0.45 m - 0.50 m - 48N6 S-300PMU1
Weight: 1,480 kg - 1,800 kg - 48N6 S-300PMU1
Propulsiom: Single-stage, solid-fuel rocket
Range: (km) 45 km - 5V55K, 90 km - 5V55R, 150-200 km - 48N6 S-300PMU1
Altitude: (m) 30,000 m
Basic load on vehicle
Detection range, km
Reaction time, sec
Speed: 1.7 km./sec S-300P - 2.0 km./sec S-300PMU
Reload time
Warhead: 70-100 kg high explosive - 5V55K, 145 kg high explosive - 48N6 S-300PMU1
Command guidance
  • Flap Lid or Tombstone engagement radar
  • Clam Shell acquisition radar
  • Big Bird designation radar
The S-300PMU [SA-10 land-based, SA-N-6 naval version] surface-to-air missile system is able to engage a number of targets simultaneously, countering intensive aircraft raids at low-to-high altitude. The SA-10 offers significant advantages over older strategic surface-to-air missile systems, including multitarget handling and engagement characteristics, a capability against low altitude targets with small radar cross-sections such as cruise missiles, a capability against tactical ballistic missiles, and possibly a potential to intercept some types of strategic ballistic missiles.

The first SA-10 site became operational in 1980. Over 80 sites were operational by 1987, when work was progressing on at least another 20 sites. Nearly half of these sites were located near Moscow. This emphasis on Moscow as well as the deployment patterns noted for the other SA-10 sites suggested a first priority on terminal defense of command-and-control, military, and key industrial complexes. A program to replace all of the older strategic SAM systems with the SA-10, well under way by 1996, has been considered by experts to be one of the most successful reequipment programs of the post-Soviet armed forces.

This vertically launched missile uses a single-stage solid propellant rocket motor. It is normally armed with a 100 kg HE-fragmentation warhead with a proximity fuse, though a low yield tactical nuclear type is believed to be an alternative warhead option. The missile's vertical launch trajectory provides fastest available reaction time capability to counter targets approaching from any azimuth. Missile engagement altitude extend from 25 m up to about 30000 m. The maximum engagement range is stated as at least 90000 m, though in practice it is probably greater.

The SA-10A launch complex consists of a missile battery which includes a battery command post and engagement control center, the large CLAM SHELL 3D continuous wave pulse Doppler target acquisition radar, the FLAP LID A I-band multi-function phased-array trailer-mounted engagement radar with digital beam steering in hardened sites, and up to 12 semi-trailer erector-launchers which mount four tubular missile container-launchers. The towing unit for the semi-trailer erector-launcher is the KrAZ-260V (6 x 6) tractor truck. The launchers are usually positioned on concrete pads with the trailers being leveled by the use of four hydraulic jacks. An S-300PMU Regiment comprises three such batteries and employs the BIG BIRD 4 meter tall F-band long-range, 3D surveillance and tracking radar at the Regimental command post for initial target detection.


In the mid-1980s design work on the mobile S-300PMU SA-10B GRUMBLE Mod 1 was completed. This version of the weapon is carried and vertically launched from a dedicated four-round capacity transporter-erector launcher vehicle based on the MAZ-7910 (8 x 8) truck chassis. The combined engagement radar and control station is mounted on the same chassis. The SA-10B mobile missile battery comprises the combined FLAP LID B engagement radar and engagement control/command post station mounted on a MAZ-7910 chassis, up to 12 TELs (SPU: mobile launcher unit), a trailer-mounted 36D6; CLAM SHELL 3D 360º scanning target designation radar, and a maintenance section. The SA-10B Regiment consists of three such batteries with an additional radar section and a number of TZM (transport-loader vehicles) MAZ-7910 transloaders for resupply purposes. The TEL carries a total of four sealed container-launcher cylinders, each of which is used for the storage, transport and launching of a missile. When traveling the launcher system is carriedin the horizontal position but at the launch site is elevated to an angle of 90º.

The combined FLAP LID-B radar/engagement control vehicle has the 2.75 m2 planar array antenna on a box-like antenna mount and support systems container. When traveling the array is carried horizontally, and when deployed it is raised above the container to an angle of approximately 60º.

The battery takes only five minutes to deploy once it comes to the halt. The vehicles have electronic inter-vehicle communications and data transmission links with elevatable pole-type antenna, and thus it does not require interconnecting vehicle cables. Each of the MAZ-7910 derivative vehicles has four hydraulic jacks positioned either side between the first/second and third/fourth road wheels which are lowered to the ground to provide a more stable and level environment.

Missile guidance is of the Track-Via-Missile (TVM) type with the FLAP LID guidance radar capable of engaging up to six targets simultaneously, with two missiles assigned per target to ensure a high kill probability. Maximum target velocity is stated as 4200 km/h with the battery capable of firing three missiles per second.

If the battery is employed in rugged terrain or forest then the engagement radar system can be mounted on a special trailer-mounted extendible 24.4 m high tower to improve radar coverage. The use of this extended-range radar for low level engagements increases the system's range to 43,200 m from the original 32,000 m. In its sealed container-launcher cylinder the missile is considered to be a round of ammunition and is said not to require any check-ups or adjustments for a period of 10 years.

The S-300PMU1 is an extended range version of S-300PMU with a limited anti-ballistic missile capability, including capabilities against aerodynamic targets with speeds up to 3 kilometers/second.

The S-300PMU2 Favorit variant is a new missile with larger warhead and better guidance with a range of 200 km, versus the 150 km of previous versions. Unveiled at the MAKS'97 exhibition in August 1997, it represents a thorough modification of the S-300PMU1. The first tests were performed on 10 August 1995 at the Kapustin Yar firing range. One new element is the entirely new 96L6E autonomous mobile radar, which works in conjunction with the 83M6E2 control post and S-300MPU2 launchers. The new 48N6E2 missile, developed by MKB Fakel, weighs 1,800 kg, and is 7.5 m long and 0.5 m in diameter. After a cold start in the upright position with help of a catapult, the 48N6E2 accelerates up to 1,900 m/s in 12 sec time, and then approaches the target from above. The 48N6E2 differs from the older 48N6E in having a new warhead specially designed for destroying ballistic missiles, with a warhead weight of 145 kg versus 70-100 kg.

The S-300PMU2 Favorit can engage targets flying from 10 m to 27 km above the surface at a speed of up to 10,000 km/h. It is claimed that it has a kill ratio ranging from 0.8 to 0.93 against aircraft and from 0.8 to 0.98 against Tomahawk-class cruise missiles.




In the early 1990s China imported 100-120 S-300 missile systems which are deployed aroung Bejing, and it has been suggested that China intends to obtain a license to produce them, with a designation variously reported as either HQ-10 or HQ-15. The first Chinese copy have been tested, but all the components of the first copy version were imported from Russia. The October 1999 parade celebrating the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China in Beijing featured a large number of truck towed quad-cannister systems associated with the SA-10.

Since 1995 India has been negotiating with Russia regarding purchase of the S-300, in response to Pakistan's deployment of M-11 missiles from China. In 1995 Russian Defense Deputy Minister Kokoshin offered to sell S-300 missiles during his trip to India. Following this offer Indian officials started negotiations with the Russian manufacturers, and in August 1995 the Indian Defense Secretary Nambiar went to Russia to observe tests of the missiles near Moscow. The $1 billion purchase is said to include six S-300 systems, with each combat system consisting of 48 missiles. Reportedly in June 1996 27 S-300 missiles were delivered to India.

Cyprus signed an agreement with Rosvooruzhenie (Russian Armament) state arms-trade agency on 4 January 1996.

South Korea discussed possible purchase of the SA-10, prior to deciding in late 1999 to purchase the American Patriot PAC-3
Beside selling arms Russia has also shown signs of supporting Iran. However, Russia seems not to be dedicated in its stand as its was expected.
that looks lik some strong air defence. russia is tryin to get itself closer to muslim world. there was a confrence organised in russia lik a month back. in its russia portrayed itself as a friend of muslim world.
It's about time! Russia sent a clear message to the west and their allies, that their support for their region still stands strong.

Present Scorecard,

Iran :1
DEBKA reports that Israel has developed a new UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) called the Harop. This is what is called a loiter drone which flies to a designated area and ‘loiters’ around looking for a target, in this case the formidable S-300.


The S-300 is one of the most advanced anti-air defense systems in the world being able to track up to 100 targets at a time and having a radar unit that is supposedly immune to jamming. It is generally regarded that going up against it will result in heavy casualties in aircraft and missiles. Israel and the US are extremely worried that Russia will break its word not to sell the system to Iran and do so in the near future since Iran’s nuclear reactor is nearing completion and Tehran fears an Israeli air strike will take it out. A lot of behind-the-scenes negotiating is going on right now to try and prevent such an event, but this new development seems to be Jerusalem’s ace in the hole.


DEBKA states that Iran has 5 S-300 batteries on order in a deal worth $800 million. So far, they have not been delivered. However, Iran is now urgently pushing Moscow to hurry up because the news of the Harop has got them in a panic. That is because it is designed to take out both radar installations and anti-air units. It has a 1000 km range and can remain over its target area for several hours looking for its prey.


One of the Harop’s best features is that it can detect enemy weapons’ systems even when they are in inert mode, on the move and when radar units are turned off to avoid detection. This will give Israel the ability to clear out the S-300 and other defenses ahead of any potential Israeli and/or US air strikes.


This new UAV is so powerful that both India and Turkey are currently interested in buying it. The fact that Israel is already willing to sell it on the open market shows how much confidence they have in the system as well as sending another of many messages to Iran.


The Harop couldn’t have been developed a minute too soon since today (25 February 2009) Iran is running the first test of its reactor. Iran is hell-bent on continuing its nuclear program at any cost and that has got Israel and much of the world very worried. Sanctions and embargoes have not helped much, leaving force as the only option. Iran sought to cut off that possibility with the S-300 but now that too seems to be a pipe dream.


Hopefully, the Harop is everything the Israelis say it is so that when the time comes, the IAF (Israeli Air Force) can do to Iran what it did to Syria and Iraq: turned their nuclear reactors into so much expensive dust.
I guess we will see most likely in the future if the S300 lives up to it's hype of being able to kill stealth aircraft. one thing it will do is cause the area nations to increase their orders for 5th generation aircraft.
I guess we will see most likely in the future if the S300 lives up to it's hype of being able to kill stealth aircraft. one thing it will do is cause the area nations to increase their orders for 5th generation aircraft.

I guess S400 can encounter 5th gen air craft?

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