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Russian rubbish? India reportedly disappointed with stealth fighters from Moscow

China won't stop buying from Russia otherwise from where will you copy. :lol::lol::lol:

All of China's new weapons are modeled after American weapons. Type 052D resembles Arleigh Burke. J-10B resembles a canard F-16 with DSI. J-20 is essentially a big canard F-35, with the same air intakes and EOTS. WZ-10 resembles AH-64. Heck, even Type 093 resembles Los Angeles submarine. What exactly has China bought from Russia other than Su-30MKK over a decade ago? :p:
If you don't, you wouldn object France from upgrate Pakistan JF-17. Anything that could enhance Pakistan forces has caused India with great concern, when you don't have any leverage over Russia, do you think they will be care of India's concern?

They should help pakistan...I told it before and am saying it now...
Afterall its a business...And a competition will only make India stronger...
They should help pakistan...I told it before and am saying it now...
Afterall its a business...And a competition will only make India stronger...

what make you think that India will get stronger with arm race competition?, you guys only count on import to boost your defense readiness and progress on nothing, it's more likely to make your arm supplier or dealer more stronger because with Indian's money they can invest on next generation weapons.
People underestimate the strength of India-Russia alliance.

PAK-FA is a done deal and it would be in IAF. all the tantrums by Indian babus are to get more out of the deal from Russia nothing else. Otherwise nothing wrong with PAK-FA.

This beauty is coming soon.:man_in_love::man_in_love:




People underestimate the strength of India-Russia alliance.

PAK-FA is a done deal and it would be in IAF. all the tantrums by Indian babus are to get more out of the deal from Russia nothing else. Otherwise nothing wrong with PAK-FA.

This beauty is coming soon.:man_in_love::man_in_love:





When will these artistic sketchs will see the light?:raise:
Russian rubbish? India reportedly disappointed with stealth fighters from Moscow
By Maxim Lott

Published January 24, 2014
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Is the Russian arms industry getting soft?

“Clearly they want to go more Western because they recognize that the Russian stuff just isn't up to the western standards."- Robbin Laird, consultant to the Marine Corps and Air Force
“The Russians are certainly not up to speed in avionics,” Robbin Laird, who has served as a consultant to the Marine Corps and Air Force and started the website Second Line of Defense, told FoxNews.com. “For them to pull off a stealth airframe, and for it to actually be stealthy, the engine technology has to be very good. Americans have done it with the F-22 and F-35. But it’s not easy to do. No one has done it but ourselves.”
“The Indians for a long time have split their fighter industry between western work and Russian work,” Laird said.
Other security experts said that India has a history of incompetence when it comes to military procurement, and so it did not necessarily reflect badly on Russia.

India has had so many problems absorbing modern equipment and supporting it that it’s difficult to know whether it says anything about the Russian systems at all,” Anthony Cordesman, who has served as a consultant for the State and Defense departments and who holds the Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told FoxNews.com.
The Rafale is a very nice aircraft, and they'll look at all the stuff the French are putting on that aircraft, and they'll look at the Russian stuff and say, why am I going down that path? Do I trust the Russians really are going to reach to the standards we set?”
“If they get a chance to really look at the F35, they would want it," Laird said. "The Indians have requested 3 times to talk to people about the F-35B, which is the true revolutionary aircraft -- and the administration never answered the mail, they've blown them off, it's typical of the Obama administration. We love our allies except if you want anything.”
“The Russians are good aircraft designers, and they know how to build an agile aircraft, and [the new plane they are working on] is a step forward the path of more agility and flexibility, but the problem is -- it's not all about the frame, it's about what your put in it. The F35 can see around itself, 360 degrees, can see a missile take off 820 miles away, it has a radar that's extraordinary, and the systems are integrated. The Russians I think are nowhere near that at this point.”
Cordesman also said that he was unsurprised by the Indian complaints, given what he knew about Russian air capabilities.

The author of the piece can be reached at maxim.lott@foxnews.com
or on twitter at @maximlott

A brief summary of this FoxNews made article:
Russian designed and made aircrafts are outdated junk. Anything superior can be made only in the US. India has an extensive experience comparing Western and Russian technologies, but due to its incompetence has numerous problems absorbing Western equipment. Rafale is a nice aircraft but F-35 is a real WunderWaffe. Cordesman is an outstanding expert in Russian air capabilities.

Now some evidences:
Polish Air Force have difficulties in service of US made F-16C/D. This fact forced the Polish Defense Ministry to sign a contract with Russia to extend the life and modernization of Polish MiG-29 fighters. According to Polish sources, training fights between F-16 and MiG-29 ended in a draw, despite the fact that the F-16s belong to the latest modifications, and MiGs are of the earliest production batches.
Poland faced with unreasonably long delays in delivery of spare parts for two F-16 aircraft broken during the flight to the Polish airbase in November 2006. Shortly thereafter on one of the fighters an onboard radar failed, and on the second one a fuel system failed. Polish Government has sent a formal request to the U.S. authorities, demanding an explanation for the technical problems on the new aircrafts. The Polish side was not satisfied with vague explanations of Lockheed, boiled down to the novelty of the aircraft.
В ВЗГЛЯД / F-16 разочаровал Варшаву
Also in 2007: Polish and Dutch F-16s do not fly because of mice. Mice ate wiring in aircrafts and used it for nests.
Also recommend to read: Jane's Defence Weekly, Robert Hewson "Rocket motor mystery continues to halt AMRAAM deliveries" about AMRAAM fails.

US made equipment can be easily seen as hardly better junk in comparison to Russian made.
European customers can be seen as the same incompetent in using US made equipment as customers in India.
There are more than enough sources that give more reliable estimation of F-35 then this article.
Cordesman remains an outstanding expert in Russian air capabilities. Probably here without any options.
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