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Russian President's visit to Pakistan delayed


P President: Hello putin President of Pakistan speaking.


Putin: president of what???

President: You promised to come with goodies , freebees and candies.

Putin: Im sorry wrong number.

P president: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Putin: we trolled them... again.

MK Gandhi is a revered man all around the world you have your freedom because of him.

we have our freedom totally because of Quid-E-Azam and illama iqbal and millions of lives that were sacrificed sorry wont give an iota of importance in regards to freedom of Pakistan

HQ-9 nowhere seems to be present in the arms transfers:

Would you like source and proof of transfer of M-11 Missiles & Nuclear technology on miniaturisation from China and initial support for Missile development from N. Korea? Next, you would also want me to provide source of joint Pak-China development of a single, multi system, anti air shield......multiple layers & methods of threat detection, analysis, engagement and confirmation for all aerial threats.

Actually, do not worry my friend, the military will have to declare tests of the systems sooner or later, they cannot keep the systems strategically undeclared for the rest of their life.
even if he did visit . i doubt it would have changed any equation between India and Russia. our partnership goes back over half a century . those who believed that Pakistan would gain Russian weaponry were just living a fools paradise.

I don't agree with your assessment. Traders, merely want to sell their products and will find ways to please their fat customers while at the same time make smaller sales on the side. Engines on JF-17, Mi-17 Helicopters are straight examples, then there are J-5's, J-6's, J-7's and numerous other sales indirectly through China. What Russia cannot sell straight to Pakistan, it will sell through China......Russia will not let anything hamper her sales to India but at the same time, it will leave no opportunity in selling to any other customer as well as long as that customer does not directly pose a threat to Russian political designs/plans.
It doesn't matters PUTIN delayed his visit to islamabad, but wht is most important is the visit by pakistan,s most strongest man(Gen.Kiyani) is still on!
Surly it will bring the lacking trust between both the nations, & hopefully Zardari will go to moscow soon after.
For indians , guys your worries aren't over yet , keep waking in the nights, cause this forth comming relationship is being made more secretive by putin himslf now its more important & more lethal cause no-one really knows what will be disscused & reached .
Its off-media now!
I don't agree with your assessment. Traders, merely want to sell their products and will find ways to please their fat customers while at the same time make smaller sales on the side. Engines on JF-17, Mi-17 Helicopters are straight examples, then there are J-5's, J-6's, J-7's and numerous other sales indirectly through China. What Russia cannot sell straight to Pakistan, it will sell through China......Russia will not let anything hamper her sales to India but at the same time, it will leave no opportunity in selling to any other customer as well as long as that customer does not directly pose a threat to Russian political designs/plans.

Selling & buying isn't only on the top of russian agenda now, pakistan (gwadar ) iran. & midlest is far more important for russia now adays ?
Sirya is the modest example right now, russia sees it a oppourtunity to push america out of midleest , thts why they are working on at pakistan , which is seen uncomortable as a partner with america !
Let's nt go so low , tht pakistan only eyes buying weapons & russia eyes selling , its beyond tht!
Nobody respecting Pakistan, what to do? so sad:cray:

The way Indians are respected world over, I honestly wish and pray that we never get that kind of respect. Perhaps your understanding of respect is very different from the actual meaning. You know what India is called......of the world?
In diplomacy there is nothing sure or permanent so he can rescedual his dates and visit at another convenient time.

And the Red one: Pakistan has awarded few contracts to Chinese without bidding in past and IP gas line was one of the important project for Pakistan and their was great synicism and zeal amongst many Pakistani posters and GoP as they were/are proactive to get this done. May be Russians were asking for big money.

If that is indeed the case, then Russians are being unreasonable. Pakistan will never walk away from China. Russia may compete with other Pakistani suppliers but never with China. Atleast not until the trust and support level come at par.
Are you referring to BLA and TTP here ?? After all they are considered freedom fighters as well by some...

Seriously, NO! Pakistan itself invited UN observers on Baluchistan issue which is proof of our transparency on the issue. First, let me clear your misconception, TTP is a terrorist organization which states that it wants Pakistan to stop supporting the US in this war and they have never made a demand for independence. Having cleared the misconception about TTP, BLA is supported by 3 tribes out of 72 that live in Baluchistan, it's hardly 5-10% who are miscreants or their supporters/sympathisers, the rest are patriotic Pakistanis.......you are most welcome to try it :)

By the way, it is quite typical of you to start off topic discussions. As you, I hope, are not stupid enough to not understand what I meant in my previous post!

And then you cry a river when someone speaks badly about Muhammad (PBUH).. He was a man too.. Right?? If you want respect for your revered ones, learn to give respect to others' as well...

Don't you do the same when people speak about Lakshman and Ram etc.??? Or are you that insane to not understand the difference b/w a freedom fighter and a prophet?
Still waiting for the bear hug

What was billed as a ground-breaking first ever visit by a Russian President to Islamabad next week has ended in disappointment for Pakistan with Vladimir Putin’s decision not to go.

President Putin was to attend a summit of the quadrilateral forum of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and Tajikistan that Islamabad was scheduled to host on October 3. Pakistani officials were expecting the Russian leader to arrive a day earlier for an official bilateral visit.

For weeks Pakistani media were agog over the anticipated Putin visit, describing it as “historic” and a “landmark”, even claiming that Pakistan “would be on top of the list of countries Putin would be visiting this year.”

However, a few days before his expected arrival in Islamabad, Mr. Putin sent a letter to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari informing him that he would not be coming. This has compelled Islamabad to “reschedule” the quadrilateral summit.

Russian diplomats say that Mr. Putin’s visit was indeed discussed but insist it was not cancelled simply because it was never confirmed in the first place.

“Russia agreed to take part in the quadripartite meeting, but we never said Mr. Putin will lead the Russian delegation,” said Mr. Zamir Kabulov, head of the 2nd Asia Department in the Russian Foreign Ministry, which looks after South Asia and Iran.

Three MoUs

Pakistani leaders are themselves to blame for the flop. According to Mr. Kabulov, the sides had readied themselves for signing just three non-binding memoranda of understanding — on the expansion of the Pakistan Steel Mills, and on cooperation in energy and education. They are largely a reiteration of agreements signed last year when Mr. Zardari visited Moscow. The Kremlin was apparently concerned that the visit was going to be long on ceremony and short on substance.

“Russian-Pakistani relations have been on the rise in recent years but progress has been mostly at political and emotional levels, while economic ties have lagged behind,” he said.

Pakistan wants Russia to overhaul the Karachi steel mills, undertake several power sector projects and help prospect for oil and gas, but details of the deals are yet to be finalised.

“Declarations are galore but they have little impact on the ground,” the Russian diplomat told The Hindu .

Moscow is also worried over a lack of progress on major regional projects approved by the leaders of the quadrilateral forum at their meeting in Sochi two years ago. These include the Central Asia-South Asia electricity transmission from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan (CASA-1000), and the construction of rail tracks and motor roads from Tajikistan to Pakistan to create new trade routes in the region.

Russia has thrown its weight behind these ambitious energy and infrastructure projects, with Mr. Putin pledging to invest $500 million in CASA-1000 and offering to help fund and build the other projects. Yet, they have made hardly any headway.

“The Asia Development Bank, dominated by Japan, and the U.S.-controlled World Bank appear reluctant to support ventures where Russia plays a lead role,” Mr. Kabulov said, adding though that Russia would still support the regional projects if they are undertaken by western, not Russian companies.

“Big-time economic projects will work for peace and stability in Afghanistan and help normalise bilateral relations in the region, including India-Pakistan and Pakistan-Iran ties,” he said.

Those in India who are suspicious of rapprochement between Russia and Pakistan need not rejoice at Mr. Putin’s failure to visit Islamabad. In his letter to Mr. Zardari, Mr. Putin voiced confidence that the upward trend in relations between Moscow and Islamabad would continue.

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry quoted Mr. Putin as expressing his eagerness to “jointly enhance our efforts to further develop Russian-Pakistani ties and advance mutually beneficial trade and economic projects.”

Central to Russian strategy

Pakistan is central to Russia’s strategy for stabilisation of Afghanistan after the pullout of U.S.-led coalition forces in 2014.

“Our own experience in the past and the track record of others in recent years has taught us that the problem of Afghanistan cannot be resolved without the constructive involvement of Pakistan and Iran,” said Mr. Kabulov, who is also the Russian President’s special envoy for Afghanistan.

Moscow and Islamabad share similar perceptions on the post-2014 scenarios for Afghanistan. Both believe in regional solutions for Afghanistan and both are strongly opposed to Washington’s plans to retain military bases in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the coalition forces. Improved political and economic ties with Pakistan should also help Moscow counteract U.S. plans to shut out Russia from Central Asia, which is the goal of the New Silk Road project promoted by Washington.

“Russia belongs to this region and is against attempts to reorient regional economy and trade from the north to the south,” he said.

Russia has backed Pakistan’s bid to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the two countries have for the first time set up an intergovernmental joint commission to promote bilateral trade and economic ties.

“We would like to have normal, even ideal relations with Pakistan,” Mr. Kabulov said pointing out that the years of hostility had brought no gains either to Moscow or Islamabad.

The Russian diplomat did not rule out that at some point in future Moscow may supply anti-terror and anti-drug trafficking hardware to Pakistan even though it is not on the list of countries where Russian exporters can sell weapons.

“Such supplies may come when we achieve a balanced picture of bilateral relations and have big civilian contracts in the pipeline,” he said.

He stated though that Russia’s engagement with Pakistan would not be at the expense of Moscow’s relations with New Delhi.

“India remains our special privileged strategic partner and Putin’s coming visit to New Delhi will demonstrate our commitment to deepen and enrich this partnership.”

Putin’s decision not to visit Pakistan has disappointed Islamabad but does not take away from the importance Russia attaches to rapprochement with a former foe
Still waiting for the bear hug

He stated though that Russia’s engagement with Pakistan would not be at the expense of Moscow’s relations with New Delhi.

“India remains our special privileged strategic partner and Putin’s coming visit to New Delhi will demonstrate our commitment to deepen and enrich this partnership.”

End of the 'story'.
Not really, we already have HQ-9B (FD-2000) systems that were acquired 2-4 years back from China. FD/FT-2000 systems are the latest Chinese variants of S-300 systems.


Just to prove a troll wrong, you should not be handing out state secrets. I know this was a top secret and some punk in a show of bravado leaked it online, but its best we keep our lips shut to not divulge further information regarding this system. I can tell you for a fact that the top brass of PAF was not happy when it was found out this info was leaked online, they were pissed. This is why they have put a permanent seal on these leaks, you probably would have noticed that no news regarding the JF17's or any other systems have been leaked in the last 3-4 years.


Just to prove a troll wrong, you should not be handing out state secrets. I know this was a top secret and some punk in a show of bravado leaked it online, but its best we keep our lips shut to not divulge further information regarding this system. I can tell you for a fact that the top brass of PAF was not happy when it was found out this info was leaked online, they were pissed. This is why they have put a permanent seal on these leaks, you probably would have noticed that no news regarding the JF17's or any other systems have been leaked in the last 3-4 years.


Answer to a question in my mind for a long time! Why there is a strict clampdown of late. Thanks.!
Would you like source and proof of transfer of M-11 Missiles & Nuclear technology on miniaturisation from China and initial support for Missile development from N. Korea? Next, you would also want me to provide source of joint Pak-China development of a single, multi system, anti air shield......multiple layers & methods of threat detection, analysis, engagement and confirmation for all aerial threats.

Actually, do not worry my friend, the military will have to declare tests of the systems sooner or later, they cannot keep the systems strategically undeclared for the rest of their life.

Still !

Source for HQ-9s , guess it is just fantasies then :laugh:
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