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Russian Official: 45 PLA Servicemen Dead News by Tass Agency Was Based on "Unverified Indian Sources"

It was 20-0 for many months and now it’s 20-4.
Just like the coronavirus numbers, people will not believe that it was just 4. What’s clear is that the Indian side hasn’t suddenly discovered more died and needed to revise any counts. To acknowledge 4(of the total)deaths, many months later, is not just an embarrassment to the government but also to the very soldiers who fought and lost their lives.

When has any communist government immediately accepted any data doesn’t make them look good?
Nobody said it was 20-0 except in your Indian mind. Even back in June we said there were casualties on our side but it was considerably lighter than Indians, and we're withholding the figure not to aggravate the situation further. Yet you didn't take the hint and went around chanting JAI HIND SUPAPAWA INDIA #1. Well it turns out you started the fight and you got spanked, and we got you on tape.
Nobody said it was 20-0 except in your Indian mind. Even back in June we said there were casualties on our side but it was considerably lighter than Indians, and we're withholding the figure not to aggravate the situation further. Yet you didn't take the hint and went around JAI HIND SUPAPAWA INDIA #1.
Indians still can't accept that their Indian soldiers run away from battles

lol they already entered the Indian claim under a label "other claims" next to "Indian claims" on that Indian history revisionist cesspool that is Wikipedia. Implying its not an Indian claim. 😂

Of course the editors are Indians and they insult the people pointing out its an Indian claim as doing bad research and tell them to discuss the Indian claim that its a Russian claim on the less visible talk page. So until Indians conceede they are lying in some background discussion, the already debunked lie will stay added there without any evidence that its an indpendent claim.

They also put the post-skirmish troop strength there so it looks like China was outnumbering the Indians during the skirmish, despite footage of Indians outnumbering Chinese like 10 times in the beginning and still by some less visible accounts at the end of the skirmish.
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Indians still can't accept that their Indian soldiers run away from battles
View attachment 718191
View attachment 718192

If they had one, just one picture of a Chinese soldier running from battle then they don’t need to resort to trolling the board with crying Chinese soldier video taken out of context. The fact of the matter is that they got wrecked and have nothing concrete to show for it other than sneaking onto some heights when the PLA wasn’t looking.
I also dug into the "American intelligence" claim that is now echoed like a fact both by Indians and American media.

I already knew it traces back to this statement of a small Amerian website doing mostly shady infomercials (i.e. paid advertisements for products written to look like news articles) and an author called Paul Shinkman himself. Unsurprisingly with a history of writing lazy anti-China propaganda for clickbait.
American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News.

So without the euphemistic speech thats means someone anonymous told this fake journalist from usnews.com that they are familiar with what U.S. intelligence thinks.
The article carefully does not claim that this info is necessarily real U.S. intelligence
The article carefully does not claim that this info is directly from U.S. intelligence agencies.
The article carefully does not claim to have any evidence that its true.

What I didnt heed enough attention the last time is this part in their report:
The sources who spoke with the Times said 43 Chinese troops died in the fighting.
That is obviously the claim Indian propaganda fabricated and only Indians touted at this point.
So the anonymous source of the claim of familiarity with what U.S. intelligence thinks, was also peddling the baseless Indian "Chinese intelligence leak confirming 43 Chinese deaths" propaganda lie pushed by ANI.

So at this point thanks to opaqueness and irresponsible reporting practices of U.S. media, its just speculation, but technically this is entirely possible and something you can easily imagine Indians would do:
Some Indian propaganda mouthpiece just told a small U.S. news channel a lie about knowing about U.S. intelligence so they can later misquote their own claim as an U.S. intelligence report.
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I also dug into the "American intelligence" claim that is now echoed like a fact both by Indians and American media.

I already knew it traces back to this statement of a small Amerian website doing mostly shady infomercials (i.e. paid advertisements for products written to look like news articles) and an author called Paul Shinkman himself. Unsurprisingly with a history of writing lazy anti-China propaganda for clickbait.

So without the euphemistic speech thats means someone anonymous told this fake journalist from usnews.com that they are familiar with what U.S. intelligence thinks.
The article carefully does not claim that this info is necessarily real U.S. intelligence
The article carefully does not claim that this info is necessarily from U.S. intelligence agencies.
The article carefully does not claim to have any evidence that its true.

What I didnt heed enough attention the last time is this part in their report:

That is the claim Indian propaganda fabricated and only Indians touted at this point.

So their anonymous source claiming to know what" U.S. intelligence" thinks, was also peddling the Indian "Chinese intelligence leak confirming 43 Chinese deaths" propaganda lie pushed out by ANI.

In the next few weeks I expect them to shift the focus from PLA casualties to some other Indian "victory". Their own general refuted the notion that they had precise PLA casualties numbers. Either way, they can't white wash the fact that they essentially abandoned their troops to the elements after losing the battle. The video release by China also refutes their lie that Col Babu and soldiers were unarmed and heavily outnumbered. If anything, it was the other way around before reinforcement arrived.
I also dug into the "American intelligence" claim that is now echoed like a fact both by Indians and American media.

I already knew it traces back to this statement of a small Amerian website doing mostly shady infomercials (i.e. paid advertisements for products written to look like news articles) and an author called Paul Shinkman himself. Unsurprisingly with a history of writing lazy anti-China propaganda for clickbait.

So without the euphemistic speech thats means someone anonymous told this fake journalist from usnews.com that they are familiar with what U.S. intelligence thinks.
The article carefully does not claim that this info is necessarily real U.S. intelligence
The article carefully does not claim that this info is necessarily from U.S. intelligence agencies.
The article carefully does not claim to have any evidence that its true.

What I didnt heed enough attention the last time is this part in their report:

That is the claim Indian propaganda fabricated and only Indians touted at this point.

So their anonymous source claiming to know what" U.S. intelligence" thinks, was also peddling the Indian "Chinese intelligence leak confirming 43 Chinese deaths" propaganda lie pushed out by ANI.
Here is the same US news on the recent China and India situation

The fact that they rely on hearsay and made up facts to argue against hard evidence (photos, videos, etc.) presented by the Chinese side shows that they have no confidence in their position. Their beliefs in their deity has shaken. If we are lucky, China will shatter it completely with the POW videos.

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