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Russian Official: 45 PLA Servicemen Dead News by Tass Agency Was Based on "Unverified Indian Sources"

Indian SUPAPAWA news cycle:

Step 1: Claim you inflicted 10 times the actual casulaties your opponent suffered.
Step 2. Wait for some foreign news source to pick up your claim with no way of verifying.
Step 3: Claim your statement is valid because some foreign news quoted your made up numbers.

China and Pakistan: WTF???

Hey I thought I had copyright on this. Pretty sure I said something similar June of last year.

Reported, quoted, quoted back,Perfect Cycle
To be honest, the image of India and Indian people were pretty good in my mind in the past. But after running into army of India trolls on almost every social media website including the military forum here. And almost everyone of them are not only delusional but also pathological liars with no shame at all. And the India media is probably the worse in the world as far as fake news is concern. I just lost respect for them as a country and people.

My sister wants to visit India few years ago and ask what I think. And I was like NOOOO..... you don't want to do that! :blink:
To be honest, the image of India and Indian people were pretty good in my mind in the past. But after running into army of India trolls on almost every social media website including the military forum here. And almost everyone of them are not only delusional but also pathological liars with no shame at all. And the India media is probably the worse in the world as far as fake news is concern. I just lost respect for them as a country and people.

My sister wants to visit India few years ago and ask what I think. And I was like NOOOO..... you don't want to do that! :blink:

It used to not be so bad... After Balakot (failed) Strikes and Operation Swift Retort they've certainly gone full retard.
Give it Up. We can't beat them on words
india:China first invaded the territory of India.
China: The video shows that India was the first to cross China's territory.
India: We have crossed the line at least 5 times more than they have. Modi is giving China a hard time, our strategy is working.
We lost 20 people, but China lost 40.
China: 4 people killed in clashes.
India: India forces China to admit soldier's death for first time In history, well done.

Give it up, no matter what, India can find its place to win.😂
Indian SUPAPAWA news cycle:

Step 1: Claim you inflicted 10 times the actual casulaties your opponent suffered.
Step 2. Wait for some foreign news source to pick up your claim with no way of verifying.
Step 3: Claim your statement is valid because some foreign news quoted your made up numbers.

China and Pakistan: WTF???
Yes , but that is rhe actual masterstroke by India. Lie so much that the truth gets obfuscated. Same issue throughout the world where regimes are using fake news and repetition from multiple sources to make lies true. It works, India is the petri dish for it and the Indian people the willing guinea pigs.
Yes , but that is rhe actual masterstroke by India. Lie so much that the truth gets obfuscated. Same issue throughout the world where regimes are using fake news and repetition from multiple sources to make lies true. It works, India is the petri dish for it and the Indian people the willing guinea pigs.

Eventually the truth will catch up to them. It always does.
Eventually the truth will catch up to them. It always does.
I don’t think it will - because the other side of the hand which is their economy is still moving along. So they can lie and keep their population with just enough dreams to keep believing.
No different than any other fascist regime from any other country. Only hunger can drive a quest for truth and freedom, otherwise a million people can be gassed under some lie and the majority will sing happy songs.

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