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Russian Military Police Enter Syria's Saraqib to Ensure Security

His position is only in danger because people are not satified with him, being able the elect and get rid of your leader when the situation requires it is a blessing. Turkey might not have the best democracy but at least thats something Turks are able to, can you do the same over there?
I knew, I knew. I am expecting debate like yours.

Yeah, we can throw our wrong leader out and elect another one.
~~~ Oh, wait, the new leader is another fcuking idiot, we can throw our wrong leader and elect another one.

Can you make a better argument?

Personally, I think Erdogan is not a bad leader, he has ambitions, he knew how to keep his power, which is good when Turkey want to expand.

The thing is, and I think you will agree(per my observation of your previous post), Erdogan should focus on Turkey national interest only. I remembered you disagree with some of Erdogan's policy, especially foreign policy. Turkey fought for Ummah, fought for a Muslim leader role, which not necessarily serve Turkey herself's interest.

Despite I don't like Turkey foreign policy toward China, as an observer, I have no bad intention toward Turkey nor Turks. I think Turkey is a great nation and you have reasons to be proud of.

But I do believe Turkey made too many rivals, it's quite risky. Turkey may get rid of this trap later on, repair relationship with other nations around. It will take a long road. And the price is not cheap, what do you think?
Turkish Army is not fighting directly in Saraqib. We only provide air and artillery support. You guys are weak in nature and no courage, history proves this. We are fighting Syria+Iranian+Shiamilitia+Russian AF in Idlib and we are only supporting rebels.
LOL.. China afraid countries smaller than their size? Like what? Give up Scarborough Shoal to Philippines or we give way to Vietnam in SCS to let them drill oill in out nine dash line?

While we have Turkish bravado keep try to come up with all kind of delusion comment try convince us of mighty Turkish military might. Tell me why rugged Syrian army with obsolete equipment like BMP-1 and old T-72 able to beat off turkish army and rebel to retake Saraqib. Or you want to convince us Saraqib is in complete Turkish control to keep repeating the fake lies?

I dont think I need to remind you Saraqib lies on M4 and M5 highway to Aleppo. Whoever take this area , gains the upper hand.

Yeah, those little terrorists deserved to die i guess.

it's like me posting media from heval PKK media, gerila tv etc. even if it's not related to PKK or Turkey, it's promoting a terrorist platform.

Similarly to the past ramialolah the isis retard, WorldonAlert is another ISIS promoter.

If you were a good boy you would only post from the great Arabian Al Jazeera, but you're not.
I knew, I knew. I am expecting debate like yours.

Yeah, we can throw our wrong leader out and elect another one.
~~~ Oh, wait, the new leader is another fcuking idiot, we can throw our wrong leader and elect another one.

Can you make a better argument?
You want a better argument? Well you have a idiot leader that you cant throw out, how about that?

Personally, I think Erdogan is not a bad leader, he has ambitions, he knew how to keep his power, which is good when Turkey want to expand.
He is the worst in republic history for many many reason in my opinion.

But I do believe Turkey made too many rivals, it's quite risky. Turkey may get rid of this trap later on, repair relationship with other nations around. It will take a long road. And the price is not cheap, what do you think?
And thats exactly why Erdogan is not a good leader, he alone is responsible for this mess.

it's like me posting media from heval PKK media, gerila tv etc. even if it's not related to PKK or Turkey, it's promoting a terrorist platform.

Similarly to the past ramialolah the isis retard, WorldonAlert is another ISIS promoter.

If you were a good boy you would only post from the great Arabian Al Jazeera, but you're not.
I see dead children caused by indiscriminate bombing, there is no discussion about it, period.
And you my friend are sinking very low by relativising this.

If you were a good boy you would only post from the great Arabian Al Jazeera, but you're not.
Im not posting anything from anyone but i still have common sense to judge whats right and whats wrong.
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The SAA continue to push deeper into Idlib province. Afes is now liberated.
It appears that Spring Shield operation is on halt, from the way I see it is that Turkey is struggling to find an ally that would step in to support them.

It’s not that Turkey is weak. It’s just that the other side is a combination of a SAA-Russia-Iranian backed militia. It’s essentially a 3 on 1. Yes, SAA is weak af, but factor in Russia and Iranian militia, and you’ll get a strong and resilient opponent. On top of that, US said it will offer no military assistance, and EU nations just gave political backing and statements.
US agreed recently to provide ammunition, but you're summary is still correct- Turkey is the only country on NATO's side that will lose lives in Syria going forward.

Russia has strategic interests in Syria and they could risk a war for their own interests (not for Iran or Syria). Nato is dying, US and Europe have economical conflicts. The Brexit en current refugee problem and northstream 2 project will not add to the appetite of attacking Russia.
No lies detected.
Those pakistanis has the reason to fight turkey and terrorist. I can bet most of those Pakistanis are Pashtun.


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As the Taliban consolidated its hold over Kabul and the rest of the country, the alliance of opposition parties in the north remained riven by feuds among the various factions: the Tajik-dominated Jamiat-i Islami of Burhanuddin Rabbani and Ahmad Shah Massoud; the Uzbek-dominated Junbish of Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum; the Hazara Hizb-i Wahdat with its stronghold in the central mountainous region of the country known as Hazarajat; and the predominantly Pashtun Hizb-i Islami of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The history of bloodshed among all of these parties dates from before the fall of Dr. Najibullah’s government in 1992. Battles for control of Kabul among these factions in 1993-1995 destroyed at least one-third of the city, killed thousands of civilians, and drove a half million refugees to Pakistan.6 As party leaders frequently had only nominal control over their commanders, much of the northremained a patchwork of fiefdoms under the authority of various warlords. For civilians there was little security from murder, rape and extortion.

Turkey is no saint when comes to Pakistanis. He host a murderer who hands are filled with blood of many enthic Pashtuns. You can ask Imran Khan if he thinks Dostum is innocent.

Please give up trying to manipulate us. We are completely pro-Turkish, when it comes to Syria, just like most of the Sunni population around the world.

Turkey is in many ways a mirror of Pakistan. We have both faced similar struggles and have a similar mission.

where is Göktürks now?

Erdogan's throne is in danger. Erdogan light the fire because of his ambition, it just backed fire on himself.

Erdogan is just like a gambler, double down to save face, it may succeed. My estimation is he will lose double if not all.

PKK surrounding Turkey's southern border was indigestible by Turks. As grand plan was being enacted against Turkey by all foreign players. Turkey unexpectedly broke through the noose and put the Syrian regime on the run.

This is the same nation which defeated the Crusades, ended the Mongols, and conquered into the heart of Europe. Never underestimate Turks

Erdogan should focus on Turkey national interest only. I remembered you disagree with some of Erdogan's policy, especially foreign policy. Turkey fought for Ummah, fought for a Muslim leader role, which not necessarily serve Turkey herself's interest.

The Muslim nation has fractured and been occupied by Non-Muslim powers, the same powers pit us against each other in their proxy wars. It is up to strong Muslim states like Turkey and Pakistan to break through the status quo, expand, remove threats, and promote stability on their borders.

Despite I don't like Turkey foreign policy toward China, as an observer, I have no bad intention toward Turkey nor Turks. I think Turkey is a great nation and you have reasons to be proud of.

Good sentiment.

But I do believe Turkey made too many rivals, it's quite risky. Turkey may get rid of this trap later on, repair relationship with other nations around. It will take a long road. And the price is not cheap, what do you think?

The noose is being wrapped around the Turkish neck (and all strong Muslim nations) regardless, isn't it better to fight back rather than surrender?
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You want a better argument? Well you have a idiot leader that you cant throw out, how about that?

He is the worst in republic history for many many reason in my opinion.

And thats exactly why Erdogan is not a good leader, he alone is responsible for this mess.

I see dead children caused by indiscriminate bombing, there is no discussion about it, period.
And you my friend are sinking very low by relativising this.

Im not posting anything from anyone but i still have common sense to judge whats right and whats wrong.

This is what ba'ath regimes do, Saddam gassed the entire area, took Kuwait and dropped some more gas on the Kurds. Then throw people off of buildings and beheaded them (fedayeen Saddam units did this). Yet Arabs loved it and supported it.

No one says Assad is a saint, he's a violent animal of course. But that doesn't take away that Erdogan is a situation exploiting expansionist faggot making it look like he cares for Syrians. As for Idlib those people are Arabs, nowadays you guys talk like they're your people
This is what ba'ath regimes do, Saddam gassed the entire area, took Kuwait and dropped some more gas on the Kurds. Then throw people off of buildings and beheaded them (fedayeen Saddam units did this). Yet Arabs loved it and supported it.

No one says Assad is a saint, he's a violent animal of course. But that doesn't take away that Erdogan is a situation exploiting expansionist faggot making it look like he cares for Syrians. As for Idlib those people are Arabs, nowadays you guys talk like they're your people
The point is you guys are like terrorist this terrorist that when in reality 90% of the civilian casualties are coming from Assads side.
Please give up trying to manipulate us. We are completely pro-Turkish, when it comes to Syria, just like most of the Sunni population around the world.

Turkey is in many ways a mirror of Pakistan. We have both faced similar struggles and have a similar mission.
It's funny, it's all the while you all pro Turkish keep selling the idea of Pakistan completely side with Turkey. While the rest just saying the truth about the real situation of how Pakistan shall handle the situation regards to Syria war, not siding with any side.
Turkey is so good to Pakistan? Then why until now you still avoid explaining to me why turkey decide to side with dostum? You still refuse to talk about dostum bloodshed against the Interest of Pakistan.

Talking about Pakistan. I hope u are reminded Pakistan is a 80% Sunni and 20% Shia Islam country. What u are driving is division for Pakistan. It is all the while of your hard selling of selling out Pakistan to turkey with no regards to well being of Pakistan as whole.
It's funny, it's all the while you all pro Turkish keep selling the idea of Pakistan completely side with Turkey. While the rest just saying the truth about the real situation of how Pakistan shall handle the situation regards to Syria war, not siding with any side.
Turkey is so good to Pakistan? Then why until now you still avoid explaining to me why turkey decide to side with dostum? You still refuse to talk about dostum bloodshed against the Interest of Pakistan.

Talking about Pakistan. I hope u are reminded Pakistan is a 80% Sunni and 20% Shia Islam country. What u are driving is division for Pakistan. It is all the while of your hard selling of selling out Pakistan to turkey with no regards to well being of Pakistan as whole.

You don't have proper facts to discuss Afghanistan or Syria. China is far removed from both conflicts.

Right now Assad is slaughtering 90% of his Syrian population who are resisting his regime, due in large part to sectarian militias which Iran placed in Syria to back him up. They are running torture centers for Syrian women and children to use to demoralize Syrian resistance. Rape and sexual violence is being used actively by the regime and its supporters, yet you feel the need to take the side of this tyrannical regime.

I always disliked Assad, from the beginning when his Atheist genocidal policies became apparent, long before the the Syrian students took to the streets to demand right to govern themselves.

Bashar is a kind of monster who took money from the US to torture and abuse people whom the US caught and accused of terrorism, which ran in tandem with Bagram, Abu Ghareb, and Guantanamo.

He is not a Shia, nor even a Muslim, but an evil man who will go to any means to stay in power, even when the majority of his people want him to go. He will play and use any power for that purpose, previously it was US, then Iran, and now Russia.

I am very indignant about the conduct of Chinese members on this topic. You are supporting a regime which is committing mass genocide on a religious group by any means available to them. This will make relations very difficult with China for the 85% of the Muslim world which is Sunni and 87% Sunni Pakistanis. Think before you put your eggs in the wrong basket.

Russia and Iran have historical hatred against Turks and Sunnis, so their conduct is understandable. China has no such problem, therefore bad policy has no excuses.
I was speaking to a Japanese guy, we were talking about world politics etc, then about China. I said China is building up a large military, he said yes but they are wimps in the inside they have no bravery and courage. I always thought this but from someone who knows the chinese better is mind opening.

That's why Göktürks analed them many times in history.
:yu: Only if you could stay on topic.
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