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Russian mercenaries 'beat and beheaded Syrian man' in leaked video


Jan 20, 2011
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A video has emerged purporting to show Russian mercenaries torturing and beheading a Syrian army deserter, in what is thought to be rare footage of Moscow's shadowy paramilitary outfit operating in Syria.

The video, which dates to 2017 but was only released in full on Russian social media site VK last week, appears to show Russian-speaking fighters striking the man with a sledgehammer before decapitating him and lynching his body.

It came to the attention of online sleuths who used open-source intelligence to geolocate the footage to al-Shaer oil fields in Homs, central Syria, which was under Russian and Syrian government control at the time of the attack.

Russia has been fighting on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since it intervened in the war in 2015.

The Syrian army, depleted by mass defections and casualties, had been struggling before Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, decided to support the regime with air cover and troops on the ground.

The video is understood to have been posted last week on a private VK account linked to Russian security contractors called Wagner Group.

الرقة تذبح بصمت


3- Hamadi from “Alkhorayta” village in #DeirEzZur countryside, he was in #Lebanon and got arrested when he get back to #Syria.#Russia #US


4:53 PM - Nov 17, 2019
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See الرقة تذبح بصمت's other Tweets

The private security firm, which is largely made up of retired Russian soldiers, has waged secret wars on the Kremlin's behalf in Ukraine, Syria and the Central African Republic in recent years.

Moscow has never publicly acknowledged their presence in Syria, however their role came to public attention after US air strikes on a Wagner position last year left dozens of contractors dead.

The group is known to have strict rules governing communication and social media use. Wagner employees have their phones confiscated while on missions and are banned from posting about them once home, making leaks such as this one rare.

Conflict Intelligence Teams, a Russian investigative journalism organisation which analysed the footage, noted that the fighters in the video were not wearing Russian Armed Forces' uniforms and that their weapons - AK-74 assault rifles and an RPK-74 machine gun - appeared to be relatively old models not used by Russian troops.

The victim in the video was named as Muhammad "Hamadi" Abdullah al-Ismail, 32, from Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria. Ismail had reportedly fled for neighbouring Lebanon seeking refuge a number of years ago.

He returned last year to Syria, where shortly after he was arrested and forcibly conscripted into the army.


Russian forces have played a key role in consolidating the Syrian president's position CREDIT: AFP
He was accused of trying to flee his post by the contractors, who are seen in the video - which is too graphic for The Telegraph to publish - briefly questioning him before pushing him to the ground.

They then laugh as the rein down blows of a sledgehammer on his legs, arms and torso. He is then beaten and kicked unconscious before the Russian men behead him and cut off his forearms.

Some are heard advising how best to do, while one is heard saying “this will happen to every Isis fighter" as they accuse him of being a jihadist simply for wanting to desert.

As the fighters begin lynching the body, they discuss where they should leave it: "Where the commander says," one of them says. “So, will we play football today?", asks another fighter as he kicks the decapitated head.

They hang him upside down by the feet and pose for a picture with his corpse before dousing it with petrol and lighting it on fire.

They discuss whether they should cover their faces for the video, but agree there is no point as "it’s not gonna go anywhere."

Russian forces and mercenaries have helped swing the war in Assad’s favour.
Well a deserter is a deserter and a bigger threat alive than an enemy.
Not many armed forces will allow such a man to live on during an armed struggle.
And russians, they just make sure people learn their lessons...
We know cruelty of russians from afghan war, they used to laydown whole families and drive a tank on top of them. Itwas this cruelty that enraged Afghans and then they beat the crap out of these sick psychos. No wonder russians still shit their pants when hear about pashtuns.

A video has emerged purporting to show Russian mercenaries torturing and beheading a Syrian army deserter, in what is thought to be rare footage of Moscow's shadowy paramilitary outfit operating in Syria.

The video, which dates to 2017 but was only released in full on Russian social media site VK last week, appears to show Russian-speaking fighters striking the man with a sledgehammer before decapitating him and lynching his body.

It came to the attention of online sleuths who used open-source intelligence to geolocate the footage to al-Shaer oil fields in Homs, central Syria, which was under Russian and Syrian government control at the time of the attack.

Russia has been fighting on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since it intervened in the war in 2015.

The Syrian army, depleted by mass defections and casualties, had been struggling before Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, decided to support the regime with air cover and troops on the ground.

The video is understood to have been posted last week on a private VK account linked to Russian security contractors called Wagner Group.

الرقة تذبح بصمت


3- Hamadi from “Alkhorayta” village in #DeirEzZur countryside, he was in #Lebanon and got arrested when he get back to #Syria.#Russia #US


4:53 PM - Nov 17, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

See الرقة تذبح بصمت's other Tweets

The private security firm, which is largely made up of retired Russian soldiers, has waged secret wars on the Kremlin's behalf in Ukraine, Syria and the Central African Republic in recent years.

Moscow has never publicly acknowledged their presence in Syria, however their role came to public attention after US air strikes on a Wagner position last year left dozens of contractors dead.

The group is known to have strict rules governing communication and social media use. Wagner employees have their phones confiscated while on missions and are banned from posting about them once home, making leaks such as this one rare.

Conflict Intelligence Teams, a Russian investigative journalism organisation which analysed the footage, noted that the fighters in the video were not wearing Russian Armed Forces' uniforms and that their weapons - AK-74 assault rifles and an RPK-74 machine gun - appeared to be relatively old models not used by Russian troops.

The victim in the video was named as Muhammad "Hamadi" Abdullah al-Ismail, 32, from Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria. Ismail had reportedly fled for neighbouring Lebanon seeking refuge a number of years ago.

He returned last year to Syria, where shortly after he was arrested and forcibly conscripted into the army.


Russian forces have played a key role in consolidating the Syrian president's position CREDIT: AFP
He was accused of trying to flee his post by the contractors, who are seen in the video - which is too graphic for The Telegraph to publish - briefly questioning him before pushing him to the ground.

They then laugh as the rein down blows of a sledgehammer on his legs, arms and torso. He is then beaten and kicked unconscious before the Russian men behead him and cut off his forearms.

Some are heard advising how best to do, while one is heard saying “this will happen to every Isis fighter" as they accuse him of being a jihadist simply for wanting to desert.

As the fighters begin lynching the body, they discuss where they should leave it: "Where the commander says," one of them says. “So, will we play football today?", asks another fighter as he kicks the decapitated head.

They hang him upside down by the feet and pose for a picture with his corpse before dousing it with petrol and lighting it on fire.

They discuss whether they should cover their faces for the video, but agree there is no point as "it’s not gonna go anywhere."

Russian forces and mercenaries have helped swing the war in Assad’s favour.
Hope Russians beheaded this person for good & just reasons!

Btw, who this person was? An ISIS affiliate, a Spy or what? Keep in mind, after all it's Syria: One of the hotbed of Western sponsored Terrorism and ever shifting grounds!
Unlike the UK/US armies who most of them time follow rules of war as laid out in Geneva convention the Russians however are known to follow no such rules, go ask the Chechens or Afghans how Russians soldiers would massacre whole villages just for fun and then lay out the heads to take pictures with them. Recently UK prosecutors are looking into possible war crimes committed by British troops but you will never hear Russia investigate its troops for war crimes because Russian commanders encourage their troops to kill, torture and rape people in war zones.
Western media has a lot of information to "leak".
Nope... the vid was posted by one of the soldiers... every psycho in this conflict is happy to share their " behavior"...
People get surprised by it... but something like that is posted almost everyday on twitter... They post it as a badge of honor...

They do not fear repercussion...since it's flooded already so one or two more ain't gonna change... they all accepted that reality... since there is no "Punishment" out of it... either from their own higher ups or international bodies...

You will be surprised to see/hear/witness what Humans are capable of when the only judgement possible comes from a "Human"... and when that same "Human" is ok with it...But that you already knew about...
It is curious how the news is reported by a Portugese, who happens to be in Beirut and is published by the Telegraph, a British newspaper. Russian Military or PMCs do not conduct themselves in this manner. But I have had the unfortunate experience to work with British PMCs. I can tell you for certain, that if anyone is capable of such behavior (purported in Telegraph exposé), they are the PMCs/Militaries of America, Britain, Australia & New Zealand. Particularly Britain, their "squadies" are the scum, pure evil.

History is littered with examples of British lies and deciet. Be it the Crimean War, the unholy alliance between British Empire, Saud (Najdi), Abdullah Ibn Wahhab (heretic) and Hussain Ibn Ali (Shareef), Slave Enterprise, slaughter of Zulu tribe, Opium smuggling into China to provoke war and to eliminate China as an economic power, East India Trading Corporation to infiltrate into the Mughal Empire and usurp it to make it their colony. Britain is a country owned and controlled by Zionists, a country which establish the BBC News Network, designed from the outset, to spin lies, create confusion, sound eloquent, look appealing and claim to be the bastion of true journalism. Spawning off many news outlets that claimed and behaved the same way as their nanny in-charge, the BBC.

So do not be fooled into thinking anything these maggots claim in their newspapers to be true, is in fact a twisted lie. Remember, the only reason why they print or post such news, is to further their agenda. They use the tactic of using unverifiable news and claiming it to be the truth. In reality, as a news network, it is the job of the news outlet, to verify and validate whether the story is true or not, before posting it on their news website or in their newspapers. But don't expect this from Brits, Yanks, Frogs or any other western media outlet. Also, do a little digging up on big news networks and you will find out (if you are lucky enough to the bottom of it) is owned by Zionists. Lastly, Zionists aren't Christians or Jews, rather adopt such identities for political exploitation and gain.

Russia does not start wars, America, Britain, France do!!!
It is curious how the news is reported by a Portugese, who happens to be in Beirut and is published by the Telegraph, a British newspaper. Russian Military or PMCs do not conduct themselves in this manner. But I have had the unfortunate experience to work with British PMCs. I can tell you for certain, that if anyone is capable of such behavior (purported in Telegraph exposé), they are the PMCs/Militaries of America, Britain, Australia & New Zealand. Particularly Britain, their "squadies" are the scum, pure evil.

History is littered with examples of British lies and deciet. Be it the Crimean War, the unholy alliance between British Empire, Saud (Najdi), Abdullah Ibn Wahhab (heretic) and Hussain Ibn Ali (Shareef), Slave Enterprise, slaughter of Zulu tribe, Opium smuggling into China to provoke war and to eliminate China as an economic power, East India Trading Corporation to infiltrate into the Mughal Empire and usurp it to make it their colony. Britain is a country owned and controlled by Zionists, a country which establish the BBC News Network, designed from the outset, to spin lies, create confusion, sound eloquent, look appealing and claim to be the bastion of true journalism. Spawning off many news outlets that claimed and behaved the same way as their nanny in-charge, the BBC.

So do not be fooled into thinking anything these maggots claim in their newspapers to be true, is in fact a twisted lie. Remember, the only reason why they print or post such news, is to further their agenda. They use the tactic of using unverifiable news and claiming it to be the truth. In reality, as a news network, it is the job of the news outlet, to verify and validate whether the story is true or not, before posting it on their news website or in their newspapers. But don't expect this from Brits, Yanks, Frogs or any other western media outlet. Also, do a little digging up on big news networks and you will find out (if you are lucky enough to the bottom of it) is owned by Zionists. Lastly, Zionists aren't Christians or Jews, rather adopt such identities for political exploitation and gain.

Russia does not start wars, America, Britain, France do!!!

Someone got lost in an Alternate History lessons... or is Hypocrite... you choose.
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