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Russian Language to Become Compulsory in Syrian Schools

Politics aside it is good to have more than 1 compulsory language till the end of high school. I wish in Pakistan schools have 3 Compulsory languages 1) Urdu 2) Arabic) and a third one to be chosen by the parent/student (Chinese or English)

Thanks for some posts of sanity when dealing with that Eskimo/Mongol.

Arabic is spoken by 200 million more people as a native tongue than a largely irrelevant language like Russian. It's in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world as well.

List of languages by number of native speakers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabic is one of the most influential languages in history and the world. It has influenced more or less every language spoken in the Muslim world and dozens of foreign languages have adopted its scripture. I don't think I need to mention those. Those same languages have thousands of Arabic loanwords.

World languages like Spanish and Portuguese have 20-25% of their entire vocabulary originating from Arabic after nearly 1000 years of Arab rule of Iberia. Such is the influence of Arabic.

Arabic is the language of Islam. The second biggest religion in the world. Adhered by over 1.6 BILLION people. The noble Qur'an is written in Arabic and all the prayers and rituals are performed in Arabic.

The literature of Arabic (ancient unlike that of Russia which is a new language and only became relevant 200 years ago as Russia conquered 90% of it's current lands of which most are barren tundra and ice located in an isolated corner of the world) is also unprecedented and among the most rich in the world.

From poems, music, non-fiction, fiction, Islamic texts (all mostly exclusively written in Arabic), ancient historical texts, maqama, novels, plays etc.

Arabic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Arab scientists and scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to compare yourself with Arabs who created more World UNESCO Heritage sites than any other single ethnic group in the world and who created and ruled the biggest empires of any single ethnic group for nearly 1 millennium (created 4 of the 11 biggest empires in human history more than any other people in the top 15) and whose influence is felt more or less on every continent and in every Islamic/Muslim country with 75 years of relevancy (USSR) to that of millenniums of civilization and 200 years of Tsardom relevancy in mostly parts of Eastern Europe and parts of Central Asia.:lol:

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The people known as Arabs today are native to the ancient ME region and the Arab world which is home to the cradle of civilizations and which was the center of the world for millenniums. Not your barren tundra or steppe. Arabs built 11 World UNESCO Heritage sites in Spain alone. Are you kidding me?

Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the Arab Caliphates ruled as the biggest and most influential empire in the world from Portugal in the West to modern-day Pakistan in the East Russia did not even exist.:lol:

Russia first became relevant under the GERMAN Tsar's and especially in the late 17th century under Peter The Great. That's also where 80% of your current lands were conquered from the poor Uralic/Mongol/Tatar natives and obviously Caucasians.

USSR and the later Russian Empire were the only relevant Russian periods. Still they are dwarfed by the achievements of Arabs that I just mentioned. USSR lasted for less than 75 years as well.

Besides USSR was made up by dozens of non-Russian countries and even ruled by non-Russians from Stalin (Georgian) to others.

Also the Arab world is nearly as big as Russia and is located in a much more important and obviously 1000's more historical and beautiful part of the world.

Bordering MOST of a historical sea like the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Gulf etc. You can only dream of that. In terms of resources we are richer than you as well. Anyway the Arab world is not one country despite the Arab League and other Arab organizations so your comparisons are idiotic. At the crossroads of the world connecting Europe, Africa and Asia with each other. Can you say the same about your isolated Siberia which makes up 80% of your entire geography?

Regarding the news then that is obviously a joke. Nobody in the Arab world is speaking Russian nor is it taught. This is just a propaganda show. Arabic, English and French are the languages of our world.

Yet in Russia every Muslim knows at least some Arabic and Arabic is used in all religious occasions among the Muslims of Russia.:sarcastic:

Russian civilization was vastly more superior, see at the stuff i posted since 1000 years we were always in top 5 economies. The only one century egypt was biggest economy (and at that time they havent even spoke Arabic probably).

as to the other nonesen, i say economy. German japanese and russian are more important than arabic
Russian civilization was vastly more superior, see at the stuff i posted since 1000 years we were always in top 5 economies. The only one century egypt was biggest economy (and at that time they havent even spoke Arabic probably).

What a joke vodka addict. Russia did not even exist 1000 years ago. And you first became relevant less than 350 years ago under Peter the Great. That's where you conquered all that empty tundra and ice from all those minorities.

Before that Russia was historically a poor unimportant backwater located in the Northeastern corner of Europe. We can not even call that Europe proper by any means. Isolated and ruled by vicious Mongols for centuries.

Your so-called civilization is not worthy being compared with any civilization from the cradle of civilizations (ME). That's the short message to you aside from the long factual post I already wrote to you which you have interestingly not been able to counter the slightest. Understandable since the truth hurts. You have had 300 years of importance. We had millenniums. It's just a question of time before we assume our rightful place in the world.

Besides nobody in the Arab world cares about Russian as Arabic is much more widespread and important and have given the world so much more and is the language of the second biggest religion in the world. Not even any comparison there again.

Once Syria gets liberated this pathetic decision will be overruled. Be sure of that.

Politics aside it is good to have more than 1 compulsory language till the end of high school. I wish in Pakistan schools have 3 Compulsory languages 1) Urdu 2) Arabic) and a third one to be chosen by the parent/student (Chinese or English)

The focus should just be on Arabic, English and Chinese. 3 of the 5 most spoken languages. More is not needed. China is already the biggest trading partner with the GCC and other Arab countries. Russia is a backwater in comparison and a rival in terms of natural resources. Nothing is needed from them that the West and China cannot give. Aside from the oldest business in the world that they are very eager to show off in certain GCC countries.:lol:

I have long proposed the adoption of Mandarin in the GCC and wider Arab world.
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What a joke vodka addict. Russia did not even exist 1000 years ago. And you first became relevant less than 350 years ago under Peter the Great. That's where you conquered all that empty tundra and ice from all those minorities.

Before that Russia was historically a poor unimportant backwater located in the Northeastern corner of Europe. We can not even call that Europe proper by any means. Isolated and ruled by vicious Mongols for centuries.

Your so-called civilization is not worthy being compared with any civilization from the cradle of civilizations (ME). That's the short message to you aside from the long factual post I already wrote to you which you have interestingly not been able to counter the slightest. Understandable since truth hurts.
yup we drink vodka and we are proud of it better than beating our wifes without drinking any alcohol.

haha so how is it we had 1000 years bigger economy?


russian kingdoms existed since 850

Bunch of historical nonsense. How come Turkey features in year 1000 when it did not even exist back then?:lol: Turks were not even present in what is now Turkey. Nothing called Turkey either.

Back then the most important, biggest and richest power on the planet was the Arab Abbasid Caliphate. Everyone that knows history knows that.

All those were small Slavic vassal states of Mongols. Russia did not exist back then. And they were extremely poor. Offered very little and were an isolated corner of Eastern Europe.

Also in case you have not noticed it then the history of the world is much older than 2000 years but since your people have only been known for a little over 1000 years I understand that you are not well-versed in history predating that period.

Every Russian and person knowledgeable in history knows that Russia first became a relevant corner of the world 350 years ago under Peter the Great. Hence him being called Peter THE GREAT.

Besides after that short period Russia was ruled by German tsar's and then the Georgian Stalin.

Make yourself a favor and don't discuss history with me. I have studied history every single day for the past 10 years or so. Middle Eastern and European history in particular as those are the regions I have ancestral ties to and have lived in and have the greatest interest in.

If you want me to debate Russian history I am ready. But I doubt that you know much other than the propaganda that you are fed with. In fact I hear that you are not even able to write or speak Russian. I also already discussed with the resident commie Vostok and outclassed him as several users saw by providing plentiful of sources and historical arguments. I can easily do the same with you.
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@AUz we Syrians teach Arabic to the world Damascus University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Damascus University is the 1st University in the world when it comes to Arabic lit, so don't worry about Arabic in Syria...
.. and I don't think Russian is mandatory in Syria as of now... however English and French is...

and adding Russian is important, especially for space and etc. I just think the Syrian student are going to have hard time learning multiple languages at the same time, so as of now English is mandatory and an option between French and Russian..
@AUz we Syrians teach Arabic to the world Damascus University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Damascus University is the 1st University in the world when it comes to Arabic lit, so don't worry about Arabic in Syria...
.. and I don't think Russian is mandatory in Syria as of now... however English and French is...

and adding Russian is important, especially for space and etc. I just think the Syrian student are going to have hard time learning multiple languages at the same time, so as of now English is mandatory and an option between French and Russian..

Mandarin is much more important. People are starting to learn Chinese in the GCC and other parts of the Arab world since China is going to become the next superpower. Not Russia.

Arabic is taught across the Arab world. In Yemen, KSA, Egypt, Iraq etc. Those were the historical centers for Arabic learning. Syria included yes.

You know very well that this is just a order from Russia. What do you gain from becoming their puppet? At least ally yourself with a real power. You yourself live in USA. The West. Just at that so-called Russian that bullshits and cannot even speak or write Russian. If Russia is so great why are all the Russia fanboys on PDF not living there?

Russia does not care about Syria or the Arab world. Only their interests. Look at how some Russian users refer to your country and people… Wake up.
Mandarin is much more important. People are starting to learn Chinese in the GCC and other parts of the Arab world since China is going to become the next superpower. Not Russia.

Arabic is taught across the Arab world. In Yemen, KSA, Egypt, Iraq etc. Those were the historical centers for Arabic learning. Syria included yes.

You know very well that this is just a order from Russia. What do you gain from becoming their puppet? At least ally yourself with a real power. You yourself live in USA. The West. Just at that so-called Russian that bullshits and cannot even speak or write Russian. If Russia is so great why are all the Russia fanboys on PDF not living there?

Russia does not care about Syria or the Arab world. Only their interests. Look at how some Russian users refer to your country and people… Wake up.
so the west cares about Syria?? it is something called mutual benefit, it is business... so don't act dumb...order from Russia? like Russia cares if Syrians speak Russian... let me tell you something most of the Syrian engineers are sent to Russia to get their masters and PhD, thus learning Russian in Syria is important, Syria and Russia both share culture centers and etc... and Like I said before, English and French are mandatory in Syria, thus adding another language is not a bad idea if the Students want to learn.... now enough BS....
and btw, don't deny that Syria is the best place to learn Arabic....

Plus I don't understand why you are butthurt... :crazy: you don't have to learn Russian... :disagree:
so the west cares about Syria?? it is something called mutual benefit, it is business... so don't act dumb...order from Russia? like Russia cares if Syrians speak Russian... let me tell you something most of the Syrian engineers are sent to Russia to get their masters and PhD, thus learning Russian in Syria is important, Syria and Russia both share culture centers and etc... and Like I said before, English and French are mandatory in Syria, thus adding another language is not a bad idea if the Students want to learn.... now enough BS....
and btw, don't deny that Syria is the best place to learn Arabic....

Plus I don't understand why you are butthurt... :crazy: you don't have to learn Russian... :disagree:

No, I did not say that. It is only us Arabs that can change our reality and Arab world and help regain our historical position. Not any outsider. I have always said that.

How is it a mutual interest? Why is Arabic not becoming compulsory in Russia? Our language is much bigger, influential and has a much older and bigger heritage. Why can Russia not retain the favor?

Best this best that. There are many Arab countries that offer high qualify study when it comes to the Arabic world. You know this. I already praised that part of Syria so why are you angry?
Because I know that this is not about anything other than Russia imposing their influence in the region for their own benefit only.
No, I did not say that. It is only us Arabs that can change our reality and Arab world and help regain our historical position. Not any outsider. I have always said that.

How is it a mutual interest? Why is Arabic not becoming compulsory in Russia? Our language is much bigger, influential and has a much older and bigger heritage. Why can Russia not retain the favor?

Best this best that. There are many Arab countries that offer high qualify study when it comes to the Arabic world. You know this. I already praised that part of Syria so why are you angry?
Because I know that this is not about anything other than Russia imposing their influence in the region for their own benefit only.
why doesn't USA or the west make it compulsory to learn Arabic? since in most Arab countries English is mandatory.. plus in Russia there are many Arabic institution, and like I said before the Syrian culture Center is open in Russia, and guess what? they teach Arabic lit and culture there.. again leave politics out...
Russia is an important country.not a bad idea,I think..
Considering Syrians have been backstabbed or left alone by quite a lot of countries labeling them self Arab states while their country is overrun by blood thirst terrorists armed,trained, guided and sponsored not just by the usual foes but also some Arab states I can not say I am surprised they want to ditch the whole Arab brother thing and embrace one of the if not most helpful nation instead that rescued hundred thousand of Syrian lives from certain death and oppression in the past two years.
why doesn't USA or the west make it compulsory to learn Arabic? since in most Arab countries English is mandatory.. plus in Russia there are many Arabic institution, and like I said before the Syrian culture Center is open in Russia, and guess what? they teach Arabic lit and culture there.. again leave politics out...

What is that for a question? West is not a country. West has Spain, Italy, Germany and dozens of countries. Their languages are not compulsory in Syria. English is compulsory because it is the most widespread language in the world.

There are Arabic institutions in every country in the world nearly and dozens in the West that you criticize but live in.

Ok, but I am just warning you. Russia only cares about her own interests. Look at how they have treated their Slavic "brothers and sisters" historically. Ask a Pole, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian etc. what they think about their regimes.

Russia should retain the favor since Arabic is much bigger, influential and has a much older and bigger heritage. Why can Russia not retain the favor? Simple question.
What is that for a question? West is not a country. West has Spain, Italy, Germany and dozens of countries.Their languages are not compulsory in Syria. English is compulsory because it is the most widespread language in the world.

There are Arabic institutions in every country in the world nearly and dozens in the West that you criticize but live in.

Ok, but I am just warning you. Russia only cares about her own interests. Look at how they have treated their Slavic "brothers and sisters" historically. Ask a Pole, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian etc. what they think about their regimes.

Russia should retain the favor since Arabic is much bigger, influential and has a much older and bigger heritage. Why can Russia not retain the favor? Simple question.
do I have to remind who supplied Syria, Egypt in their wars against Israel? come on man, this is just an elective class kids take to have fun, I don't know why you're having nightmares.
so let me ask you this, does the USA or UK ( since they speak English) make it mandatory to learn Arabic? that question follows your questions why doesn't Russia make it mandatory to learn Arabic ( even if Russian is not popular as English, but when it comes to space, science, math, Russian is important)... sadly, Arabic is not popular, go to UAE, all they speak there is English... I mean if GCC "Arabs", don't care about their language, why do you want others to care?

See Russia needs Syria as Syria needs Russia, that's why I said mutual benefit...
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