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A very poot attempt at 5th generation when you consider Russia deep pedigree in aerospace design and development. Russia has pioneered so many things in both space, and aviation that to see them attempt to pass the Su-57 as 5th is just shameful.

Russia can do better. They get a D-- on the Su57 effort. Even Turkey and Korea have come up with better designs which they are now building...

Can I ask what your qualifications are to confidently claim that it's a poor attempt at a 5th generation aircraft? Or is it simply based on what you've observed in US built stealth aircraft such as the F-22 & F-35 etc.? The other examples that you gave which are on blueprints mean absolutely nothing at this point, no offense. Neither of those have any qualifications that come close to 1/1000th the experience, R&D put into stealth and particularly this endeavor or anything within the rich history of Russian aviation.

There really is nothing so far that suggest a major failure, for that matter, of the Su-57's design as it's still in prototype stage, even with however many examples have been built so far. What is it at, 12 or 13 aircraft? We haven't even seen a weapon's bay test firing yet -- besides the one shot off a rail or pylon in the vertical climb just recently -- but that is hardly any indication.

If you're referring to the exposed engine nacelles and possibly a higher heat signature than desired compared to say the F-22 with it's hidden nacelles and squared, two-dimensional thrust vectoring nozzles? I think that because of the power of the Raptor's engine that no matter how much you conceal the nacelles & tighten the nozzles, there is still a SUBSTANTIAL amount of incredible heat emitted from the Raptor's rear end that it will still exude tremendous amounts of heat signatures. Besides, nothing has a bigger *** hole than the F-35 LOL! :enjoy:

That really leaves the shaping, RAM & avionics (including radar) and maybe, engine to a certain extent in order to make the determination and so what out of those 3 do you see as a poor attempt at stealth? Shaping? Looks fine to me, with no right angles and matching planforms. Sharp edges to deflect radar waves. Center edge right down the entire fuselage to do the same thing. Concealed weapons bays. The only part that bothers me is the space between the 2 engines under the aircraft and the 90 degree corners that create a bit of an area that can cluster waves from radar and give a good return. But maybe they know something I don't about that and that's a 100% chance of possibility LOL!

This is what I'm referring to as the area where the weapons bays are, are in a set in grooved area between the two engines as oppose to making that whole area flat instead so no radar waves get in and bounce around, creating a good return. The whole point of stealth shaping is to divert the waves not allow them to return.


The rest of that is simply magnificent and like I said, I could be 100% wrong in my assessment of that space.

RAM is still TBD or seen so can't judge that and the same with the avionics. The engine is being finalized and we already know that the Su-35's AL-41F1S is capable of super cruise and does it rather easily and the Su-57 is slated to get the AL-41F1 or (izdeliye 117) which is the next revolutionary step up to the amazing and powerful 41FS of the Su-35. So engines with 3-D TV & cruise control is perfect for that AC.

Radar - we also know that the Su-35's IRBIS-E is the most powerful radar for jet fighters in the world with a stated range of 400km and is a PESA/AESA hybrid radar. The Su-35 also has a low L-band AESA radar in the leading edges of the wings which is an incredible design and feature! Keeping the radar in full AESA mode so it's hard to detect and jam will be something that we still have to see on the eventual radar for the Su-57.

So other than these points I mentioned, which are hardly anything to suggest a poor attempt at a 5th generation aircraft, what is it that makes you so confident about your negative view of this terrific fighter jet? Please expound so we know what you mean.
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hello guys.
does anyone of our Russian friends have any information on how much an empty KB SAT SR-10 weight's??

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