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hello guys.
does anyone of our Russian friends have any information on how much an empty KB SAT SR-10 weight's??

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Structurally, the SR-10 has an overall length of 31 feet, 5 inches, a wingspan of 27 feet, 6 inches and a height of 11 feet, 7 inches. Gross weight is 5,300lb with a Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) of 6,000lb. July 2017 - KB SAT has proposed an unmanned version of its manned AR-10 intermediate trainer.May 21, 2018


My boat weighs more than that thing! :lol:
Mi-38 for the President's team.
Syria - view from the Russian helicopters Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-35M

I tell ya, look how beautiful historical Syria still is despite the brutal pounding it has taken in the last 8 years or so. Such a wondrous country and what a shame what happened to it and how it was basically pulled apart and destroyed by outside forces and yet it still is a remarkably beautiful country.
@vostok , have you seen these pics here? There's a quick snipit of the Su-57 in the video of the R-37M being mounted on the Su-35S for trials of this aircraft flyng without a cockpit, but no mention of why and if it's part of the testing process. Do you know anything about this?




And then there is this pic that is also circulating around SM which people are wondering why the gun barrel is so visible on the nearer aircraft and why the panels are missing off of it? Any idea that you heard about what is going on with these two circumstances?

I`ve seen this video for the first time, so I know nothing, sorry.
Ok, no worries, thanks anyway. I figured it was a unique thing. I'm willing to bet it's most certainly a test of some sorts, to see how much of an effect losing the canopy has on the pilot's ability to bring back the aircraft and land it safely. While it's a very dangerous test, it doesn't look like he was at a crippling high altitude and as long as he has his oxygen mask and all systems are working properly and he's in good physical condition, then his heart rate might go up a little bit along with some other heightened senses but all in all, it looks like he was able to bring her home safely and without any damage to himself, either.

I'm just blown away at how it's almost ready for serial production and we haven't seen a single weapon's bay test yet. Only that one shot with the aircraft going vertical but that weapon wasn't coming out of any bay and looked like it was mounted on either some rail or pylon. They must've kept all those tests securely hidden for some reason, not sure why. We'll see them at some point.
Really looking forward to seeing more of this Okhotnik or Ojotnik stealth UCAV/UAV/Slave Drone and how impressive the size of that things is! You can really see that aspect in this satellite picture here as it's right next to an Su-57 which isn't a small aircraft, either. And the fact that they just installed an Su-27 engine right on it and got it going is really fantastic. I love the Russian engineering mentality that doesn't get bogged down on certain details, as big as they can be, and aren't afraid to implement quick, logical and very efficient designs elements like that borrowing from Su-27 until they figure out if that will be the final design or if they'll change the powerplant or the shape of the fuselage around the engine. This method has served them well in the past and look at the size of that thing!

Episode 98. Combat aircraft in Syria. Aircraft.

One of the best ones I've seen of this great program. Like I said before, this guy is about as irritating as them come looool but what a great program and this one is a continuation of the Syrian operations and it features the Su-25, Su-35, Su-34 and a neat surprise at the end, but the life on the base is really great and much of what we don't normally see. Well worth the 37 minutes or so.

@Barmaley , looks like they've introduced the new weapons they've built specifically for the Su-57 weapon's bays, including the one bay under the wing by the levcons (which I'm still a bit skeptical as to it being a weapon's bay but I'm coming around to it from some good convincing by my other Russian friends.)

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