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Russian Air Force. Photos & Videos & Discussion

Tu-160 and Mandalorian

Hey, meya=55 (Arabic in case you didn't notice) but we need 5 of those........well maybe with weapons and training just two and not one will f..excuse me but no one will mess with us, especially those Mongolians across the Med. They won't even mess with us with their ancient F-4s hehehe or their AIM-120B. Then when the Su-35 comes, look out!!!

Now let's see how many come to their defense, we know what nationality and that's [perfectly fine. We can have a good discussion on the lethality of Russian weapons and Rafales and MiG-35s. vs that antiquated air force lol dabooom.
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Off road on a plane
In this episode of Combat Approved, we’ll show you what many would consider crazy: the heavy IL-76 transport aircraft landing on a field covered with snow! And we are talking about an ordinary field, where there is no concrete, no tarmac, where grass grows in summer. Almost no one in the world performs landings in such extreme conditions for heavy aircraft, except for the Russian pilots of military transport aircraft. What's more, you will see how such landings are performed at night, for example, at our country's northernmost snow-covered airfield on Franz Josef Land. That is where the film crew of Combat Approved will go today. In addition, journalists will visit Tver, Orenburg, Arkhangelsk, where the pilots will show all their capabilities, performing takeoffs and landings in the most extreme road conditions: on the snow, grass, ice and even on the glacier of the most northern and most secret airfield on the military base on Franz Josef Land.
'Teaching aircraft to fight and pilots to win' | RT visits Russia's military aviation center.
RT's Yulia Shapovalova pays a visit to the Lipetsk Aviation Center where pilots learn the most difficult types of flight training and new aircraft systems are tested out.
Su-57 gun firing testing.





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