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Russian Air Force. Photos & Videos & Discussion


Su-34 with 10 nuclear bombs.
Taken for scale, maybe?


Vostok, this is the camo we want in the EAD when the VVS of VKS or whatever it's called is done with the 76 orders it made which will take a few years as they're assembling the new digital and advanced production line to produce more than 3 or 4 per year. Production line is almost complete so when they come out with #02, they should start wramping up production and please give them the word that they need to produce our order first before any other export customer, even Algeria! lol

This Camo is perfect for up with the desert background, it will blend it very nicely.


Great capture at the victory parade/

Long-range Tu-22M3 bombers landed at Khmeimim airbase in Syria for the first time.
Tu-22M3 flying over Mediterranean Sea from Syria.
Masterpiece that is severely underrated IMO and will surprise a lot of doubters once out there and fully operational.

Masterpiece that is severely underrated IMO and will surprise a lot of doubters once out there and fully operational.

View attachment 754396
its all about electronics
one time a french mirage 2k dodged an amraam by electronic suite
been stealthy a+ but electronics are the real deal
rafale and ef arent sold expensif because they're sexy
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