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And the new perspective UCAV "Sirius" supposed to have its maiden flight this year.


This one is similar to Turkey's new Akinci drone.
@vostok , we need 64 of those jets. 29th (with the 4+ engnce that ill bet that will be a 5th gen engine and will smoke every engine called 6th jen out there not to mentioned supercureise (and have you seen the HUSE fuel tanks on the spine the new w engine LERXtanis are HUGE and thats why you have never ever seen the Su-35with drop tanks? For desire the su-57 wo;; have enough uinfuel to carry it of major interdiction that just mivht put the Raptor to shame, especially with its new hypersonic miles lo;l

This piece of art and super trehnology tent kid out there that will make mincemeat out of the f-22 Raptor.
Good progress.

You rate two flights within two years a "good progress"!?? :blink:

Pardon, but that's a good joke. :omghaha:

Maiden flight on 30. March 2019 and now after exactly two years hiatus a second one is all but "good progress"!
You rate two flights within two years a "good progress"!?? :blink:

Pardon, but that's a good joke. :omghaha:

Maiden flight on 30. March 2019 and now after exactly two years hiatus a second one is all but "good progress"!
ur focusing on the wrong thing.
You rate two flights within two years a "good progress"!?? :blink:

Pardon, but that's a good joke. :omghaha:

Maiden flight on 30. March 2019 and now after exactly two years hiatus a second one is all but "good progress"!

Russia today is clearly not Russia of the 1980s. It is pretty fast considering their current capability.
You rate two flights within two years a "good progress"!?? :blink:

Pardon, but that's a good joke. :omghaha:

Maiden flight on 30. March 2019 and now after exactly two years hiatus a second one is all but "good progress"!
It was seriously rebuilt during this time.
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