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Russian aggression towards Ukraine could jeopardise Indo-Pacific stability, says US after Quad meeting


Jun 18, 2012
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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a joint press availability at the Quad meeting of foreign ministers in Melbourne, Australia, February 11, 2022

Daniel Hurst in Canberra

The stability of the Indo-Pacific will also be in danger if Russia is allowed to threaten Ukraine with impunity, the US secretary of state has warned during a visit to Australia.
Antony Blinken said on Friday there were “very troubling signs of Russian escalation”, adding: “We’re in a window when an invasion could begin at any time – and to be clear, that includes during the Olympics.”

He said the US would continue to draw down its embassy in Kyiv and reiterated calls for any American citizens who remain in Ukraine to leave immediately, following Joe Biden’s comment that “things could go crazy quickly”.

After joining with his Australian, Indian and Japanese counterparts for a meeting of the Quad in Melbourne, Blinken made the case that allowing Russia to further invade Ukraine would have far wider consequences and could embolden other countries, such as China, to pursue military aggression.

Australian defence minister Peter Dutton
Peter Dutton labels Vladimir Putin an ageing dictator who is becoming ‘more irrational’
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Russia, he said, was challenging the principles that “one country can’t simply change the borders of another by force” or “dictate to another its choices, its policies, with whom it will associate”.
“If we allow those principles to be challenged with impunity, even if it’s half the world away in Europe, that will have an impact here as well – others are watching,” Blinken told reporters.

“Others are looking to all of us to see how we respond. So that’s why it’s so important that we have this solidarity: that we do everything possible, through diplomacy, to try to avert a conflict and prevent aggression – but equally, to be resolute if Russia renews its aggression.”
Russia has accused the west of ignoring its requests for security guarantees, including an assurance that Ukraine never join Nato.

Blinken was in Melbourne for a meeting with foreign ministers of the Quad, an increasingly active diplomatic grouping that is viewed warily by China, which sees it as an effort to contain its influence.
The meeting comes a week after China’s Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin of Russia signed a joint statement calling on the west to “abandon the ideologised approaches of the cold war”, as the two leaders showcased their warming relationship in Beijing at the start of the Winter Olympics.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a joint press availability at the Quad meeting of foreign ministers in Melbourne, Australia, February 11, 2022

Daniel Hurst in Canberra

The stability of the Indo-Pacific will also be in danger if Russia is allowed to threaten Ukraine with impunity, the US secretary of state has warned during a visit to Australia.
Antony Blinken said on Friday there were “very troubling signs of Russian escalation”, adding: “We’re in a window when an invasion could begin at any time – and to be clear, that includes during the Olympics.”

He said the US would continue to draw down its embassy in Kyiv and reiterated calls for any American citizens who remain in Ukraine to leave immediately, following Joe Biden’s comment that “things could go crazy quickly”.

After joining with his Australian, Indian and Japanese counterparts for a meeting of the Quad in Melbourne, Blinken made the case that allowing Russia to further invade Ukraine would have far wider consequences and could embolden other countries, such as China, to pursue military aggression.

Australian defence minister Peter Dutton
Peter Dutton labels Vladimir Putin an ageing dictator who is becoming ‘more irrational’
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Russia, he said, was challenging the principles that “one country can’t simply change the borders of another by force” or “dictate to another its choices, its policies, with whom it will associate”.
“If we allow those principles to be challenged with impunity, even if it’s half the world away in Europe, that will have an impact here as well – others are watching,” Blinken told reporters.

“Others are looking to all of us to see how we respond. So that’s why it’s so important that we have this solidarity: that we do everything possible, through diplomacy, to try to avert a conflict and prevent aggression – but equally, to be resolute if Russia renews its aggression.”
Russia has accused the west of ignoring its requests for security guarantees, including an assurance that Ukraine never join Nato.

Blinken was in Melbourne for a meeting with foreign ministers of the Quad, an increasingly active diplomatic grouping that is viewed warily by China, which sees it as an effort to contain its influence.
The meeting comes a week after China’s Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin of Russia signed a joint statement calling on the west to “abandon the ideologised approaches of the cold war”, as the two leaders showcased their warming relationship in Beijing at the start of the Winter Olympics.

Meaning US does not have capacity to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously
  1. Russia attacks Ukraine
  2. China attacks Taiwan
  3. Pakistan attacks India
This is what a bipolar world looks like Mr. Blinken. Open your eyes to a world where the US is no longer the only superpower.
The opposite is true.
Putin seeks fun games.
The reason for him to go to war is like this: you have too much time and too much weapons. You are bored have nothing to do.
The world is focusing on China, while Russia offers nothing but gas. Putin is jealous.
After joining with his Australian, Indian and Japanese counterparts for a meeting of the Quad in Melbourne, Blinken made the case that allowing Russia to further invade Ukraine would have far wider consequences and could embolden other countries, such as China, to pursue military aggression.

Don't do what washington wants in military aggression in Taiwan, after the US does nothing to save the Ukraine - US is weak, organize the silver producing socialist latin american countries to nationalize their mining industry and sell their silver to a new exchange in China, and get the globe on a silver standard to end the US empire. China would be on the ground floor, stockpile the most and could pay off debts with surpluses. And then have a financial crisis worse than 2008 with the banks that are shorting silver going under, the entire US debt bubble bursts and unable to fund anything - military, debt, etc. This would end the US empire.

The Ming Dynasty was made on silver. Simply don't back your currency with silver, silver reserves for the strongest fiat currency - the Yuan.
Russia losing Ukraine is tantamount of China losing Yellow River, Vietnam losing Song Hong, India losing Indus (and India does lost Indus). The Kievan Rus @ Ukraine is Russian birth place.

This is unacceptable to Russia.
Meanwhile sleeping Joe just told his TV interviewer that he has enough of war on Iraq and Afghanistan, he will not send US troops into Ukraine to fight Russians if they invade.

His best advice to Americans in Ukraine is to get out ASAP by commercial and private jets because he think the war is going to break out any time. He is not going to send US military jets into Ukraine to evacuate American civilians there.
I am worried for Pakistan. Russia wants it's old soviet states back. Russia wants dominance again. Russia isn't an ally of Pakistan so it's not good. Also Ukraine has it's own strategic importance and Russia knows it well.
The opposite is true.
Putin seeks fun games.
The reason for him to go to war is like this: you have too much time and too much weapons. You are bored have nothing to do.
The world is focusing on China, while Russia offers nothing but gas. Putin is jealous.
Yes, the gas you are talking about are now powering your Europe. Dont curse what feeds you.

I am worried for Pakistan. Russia wants it's old soviet states back. Russia wants dominance again. Russia isn't an ally of Pakistan so it's not good. Also Ukraine has it's own strategic importance and Russia knows it well.
Russia just protects what left for her. They are not going back Soviet times. Their economy is in bad shape. Just like Pakistan try to claim back Kashmir as theirs.

It is the US who keep pushing NATO membership, put more soldiers and encourage others antagonizing Russia.
Yes, the gas you are talking about are now powering your Europe. Dont curse what feeds you.

Russia just protects what left for her. They are not going back Soviet times. Their economy is in bad shape. Just like Pakistan try to claim back Kashmir as theirs.

It is the US who keep pushing NATO membership, put more soldiers and encourage others antagonizing Russia.
That will backfire if Russia uses gas to blackmail others. Not a good strategy in the long run.

Putin can blame himself why he doesn’t ask himself why countries around him seek protection in the NATO. Saying western propaganda is more effective is embarrassing.
That will backfire if Russia uses gas to blackmail others. Not a good strategy in the long run.
They been doing that for long time. I know the gas and electricity price in EU has shot up. So its better for you to keep quiet if u do not want further inflation to bite you in EU.
Don't do what washington wants in military aggression in Taiwan, after the US does nothing to save the Ukraine - US is weak, organize the silver producing socialist latin american countries to nationalize their mining industry and sell their silver to a new exchange in China, and get the globe on a silver standard to end the US empire. China would be on the ground floor, stockpile the most and could pay off debts with surpluses. And then have a financial crisis worse than 2008 with the banks that are shorting silver going under, the entire US debt bubble bursts and unable to fund anything - military, debt, etc. This would end the US empire.

The Ming Dynasty was made on silver. Simply don't back your currency with silver, silver reserves for the strongest fiat currency - the Yuan.
The Ming changed to silver because paper money became worthless. Tell to Erdogan he can learn it from the Ming.
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