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Russia warns Pakistan after Ukraine betrayal, Moscow closely monitoring Islamabads arms aid to Kyiv.

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a Big Question Mark, Whichever way you slice it. I am trying to see if there is any way the numbers can be made to work for 2023, and the answer is nobody has a clue. Don't even try to think of 2024 or beyond.

Things will settle once IMF loan has been finalized.
IMF loan, if and when it arrives, plus other loans concomitant to that, can keep the wolf from the door at most for 6 months. The year still has 10 months left.

Forget him, he lives in dream world. Pakistan needs to pay off $20 billion a year for the next few years per:

He runs on pure hopium.
IMF loan, if and when it arrives, plus other loans concomitant to that, can keep the wolf from the door at most for 6 months. The year still has 10 months left.

Once IMF deal is done then KSA, China, ADB and others lenders will chip in.

All Lenders are waiting for the IMF deal to be signed.
But Pak leaders were hoping to establish a good relationship with Russia from almost last decade.

This is a very sick mentality that one country is having good relationship with your enemy then you can't have the better relationship... The time has moved passed by joining to one camp to another...

Such small money by selling the arms will damage the relationship with Russia, again you will try to repair the relationship atleast till next coming decade...

Should have avoided by Pakistan to supply anything to Ukraine or even russia during the war.
Pakistan isn't the one making threats, Russia is.

Pakistan made a transactional trade with Ukraine. Pakistani ammo for Ukrainian technical expertise.

Pakistan doesn't need friendship, it needs cooperation for economic and military sectors.

Pakistan's relationship with Russia has not resulted in any real net benefit, and the only reason why Russia has continued to supply engines to Pakistan through China, despite Indian protests is because the Russians can't say no to China.

The Russians will do nothing, not in the current environment they face.
The policy we had under Imran Khan was the right one. We need to play for our interest. After US evacuation from Afghanistan, we had golden opportunity to seek regional solution to the problem. Russia is the key country in this. Instead, we want to play prostitute for the Americans.

There is no benefit in this camp politics. We have seen this over the last 75 years and particularly in last 43 years of our ill fated engagement in Afghanistan.

Imran Khan had no idea what he was doing with foreign policy/security policy.

He was good internally on other fronts but don't paint him as some messiah.

There's no golden opportunity with Afghanistan that you missed. You tried to lobby for it where you could but Afghanistan itself is continuing to take a hostile path like it did historically.
Once IMF deal is done then KSA, China, ADB and others lenders will chip in.

All Lenders are waiting for the IMF deal to be signed.
All of them put together is not $20 billion, needed to keep the lights on till December. Nobody of any authority has said we have a plan to keep the show running for the full year.
Told you fellows that the country is heading for a split. KPK and Baluchistan will become independent. It will be a tragedy of historical proportions. If these Generals do not change their corrupt and fascist ways very quickly, there is no doubt in my mind that just like in 1971, these Generals and their troops will be surrounded in these two provinces and mercilessly killed by the Locals.
KSA and Iran will sell you OPEC prices $80 per barrel paid in USD. Russian oil is available at $60 per barrel paid in currency of "friendly countries".

The Saudis and Khaleejis have been subsadizing Pakistani energy purchases for a very long time, Iranian oil is sanctioned just like Russian oil, so the pricing is not that different.

Russia sold Mi-35P Hind attack and MI-17 Hip utility helicopters to Pakistan. The parts for the IL-78 come from Russia. Pakistan also directly acquired the Klimov RD-93 turbofans for its JF-17 fighters from Russia. No Russia no JF-17 engine parts. How will Pakistan fly JF-17 with no spares coming from Russia?

And each one of those platforms has a chinese equivalent, with a domestic supply chain either already fully or in the process of being fully disconnected from Russia. Russia is a strategic partner of India, it will never sell anthing significant to Pakistan for obvious reasons. the Mi35 was a small sale, that could have easily also been commercially bought via other soviet countries stock. Like its literally 4 helicopters, and why by Mi-35s at all? You can buy the Harbin Z-20, or a European or American equivalent is available. For the JF-17s RD-93 the engines are already replaced on the new blocs with chinese engines, with improved WS-13s that are to be an upgrade to the RD-93s. The IL-78 has airbus equivalents, and if they are not available, the Xian Y-20 is set to have a version for aeriel refueling after the Y-20B with the domestic engines goes into mass production.
Russia cannot say any thing like this at all while it itself is selling arms to India, this news is being spread by hindutva media channel to please their ignorant people who are asking questions to modi govt , that when our neighbors Iran, Pakistan are selling arms to Russia and Ukraine, you dont have any decent item to sell :lol:
Told you fellows that the country is heading for a split. KPK and Baluchistan will become independent. It will be a tragedy of historical proportions. If these Generals do not change their corrupt and fascist ways very quickly, there is no doubt in my mind that just like in 1971, these Generals and their troops will be surrounded in these two provinces and mercilessly killed by the Locals.

I think this fear is very genuine. Army has been doing things in these provinces which is alienating the people there. Slogans in KPK after terror attack is no one's victory.
Told you fellows that the country is heading for a split. KPK and Baluchistan will become independent.
Are those provinces even capable of existing as separate states? Do they even have enough food to eat without other provinces? Why will they split if the fate of Afghanistan awaits them?

What betrayal? Russia literally to this day provides advanced weapons and technical knowhow to India.

Pakistan and Russia were never friends, and any deal signed was based upon gaining maximum benefits while maintaining healthy political distance.

Let's also not forget that the ONLY reason why Russia even considers selling weapons to Pakistan is for putting pressure on India about its close relationship with the USA.

After selling a few helicopters to Pakistan, the Russians have refused to sell anything advanced to Pakistan since then.

Besides, what's Russia gonna do? Stop giving gas to Pakistan which it already doesn't do?

Russia can't do shit about CPEC, as it's a vital part of China's near abroad economic/military policy. The Russians have no say in it. If anything, the Chinese will tell the Russians to shut up and go back to losing in Ukraine.
Who do you think China needs ? Pakistan or Russia
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