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Russia warns anyone - attack on Iran will be attack in Russia

Russia and China have been cornering themselves in Libya and now in Syria. (Do not get me started on Indian stands.. if there is one). It is Iran that is threatening Strait of Harmouz, not US. Supporting Iran closing strait of hormuz is bad idea for China and Russia.
Sir, I can say that India is made of 99% corrupt and 1% honest. As little bit corrupt we all are, it’s true. And then I would say that over 95% are patriot and rest traitors. And then again I would say that majority of the patriots keep properties of lions, rest are cowards who are just part of ‘system’ in India and they don’t open their mouth no matter how many things go wrong. India not only has lions but also has many cowards who just try to get as much as they can get from that nation. But there is only one Dog we have in India, and that is Dr Manmohan Singh. This is that dog who is Prime Minister of India but he himself can’t win even a single seat but he wants to remain PM of India and till then he will defend all those traitors who are involved in anti-national activities. the traitors who are led by CIA’s spy Sonia Gandhi and her foreign links and her men like Digvijay Singh are getting her work done.

If Dr Singh has even little shame then after anti-national statements of DIgvijay Singh, backed by Sonia, he would either resign or take proper action against these traitors. Even if he let Sonia run from India, it will be a abuse to those Indian Patriots like Rajiv Gandhi/ Indira Gandhi who sacrificed their lives for the good of that nation, but they let a spy, Sonia, come in their family who has done so many anti national activities inside India, including organizing murder of Gandhi’s and other top Congress leaders. How long India, the nation, will have to bear honest face of this only Indian dog, Dr Singh, and when he will take either proper action against these traitors, everyone is waiting for. And if Dr Manmohan Singh cant do his work then he would show little shame to this nation and hand over post of Indian PM to the deserving leader like Ms Mayawati, the true patriot and true leader of Dalits.

(26/11 has unique relationship with my life. Either it was 26/11 2008 or 26/11 2011, we always find something is organized by the foreigners to bring India and Pakistan on the position to fight with each other. First 26/11 2008 was mainly organized by few rogue ISI agents who were loyal to those Pakistani leaders, military/ political both, who maintain their loyalty with British Royal family. Name of Indian Mujahidin was taken by the Pakistani militants during 26/11 20008 attack to prove it were the Indian Muslims behind that attack, which was intended to organize Hindu-Muslim riots in India. And 26/11 2011 was intended to make Pakistan think that India might have hands behind organizing that incident through NATO to take revenge of 26/11 2008. And at the same time they wanted to conduct military operation inside Pakistan but first they wanted to shoot Pakistan to their foot by putting India and Pakistan face to face and then bargain with Pakistan for military operation inside Pakistan. And not just me but also all the RAW agents living around my house must have informed all these to this Dog, Dr Singh, the dramas which has been continuing around me since late 2007. It just depends how long this honest man want to be on the position on Indian PM and this way he may keep defending these traitors including this CIA’s spy, Sonia. Traitors like Digvijay Singh now want to organize riots in India and Dr Singh is waiting to see that certain number of deaths which may finally make him think to either leave his position or take actions against all these traitors.)
I knew it.
You are Satishchandra's assistant.
So how are you buddy.
Way to go giving up your identity so easily.
CIA’s spy Sonia Gandhi
we have in India

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

This is just a case of misprint by some fools.
Russia never said that even supports Iran.
I knew it.
You are Satishchandra's assistant.
So how are you buddy.
Way to go giving up your identity so easily.

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

This is just a case of misprint by some fools.
Russia never said that even supports Iran.

it looks like senior members of this forum know me by my posts only, and the way of my writing........

but Im certainly known to those who are informed about my posts, so anyhow my work is being done...................

Syria is not that significant for Iran anyway, Iran needs it to counter Israel only.
Syria is (was) only ally of Iran in the world. Syria was only Arab state that helped Iran during Iran-Iraq war.
If Russia or China intend to help now is the time they should be providing high tech missiles etc. That might negate the reason to possibly get involved in the future. That's what worries me and makes me think neither Russia or China will get involved. Cos if Iran was that important surely they would be providing weapons now. But as others have posted I think Iranians will give a good account and accept significant western losses in the first 48 hours. Then China and Russia may get involved diplomatically. Maybe they want to see America with a bloodied nose and lose maybe an AC
I think China will supply Iran with arms, especially HQ-9. I don't know if they have already done this, because China would want the delivery to be secret. Even if the delivery has not been made yet, as the tensions rachet up with USA, China would be forced to play this hand. It's national interest to make sure Iran can give USA a bloody nose.

Strategic SAM Deployment in Iran
Oh Gambit has now become a prophet and oracle. At least give us some logic. Its not like you are a world expert on Russia and we should just accept your proclamations.
No worse than all of the other 'prophets' and 'oracles' here. So when are we supposed to 'collapse' again? And again? And again? And again? :lol:

America did nothing for Georgia. I reckon cos they were scared of Russia
You can 'reckon' so. Except in this case, we have US warships in the region. Where are the Russians and the Chinese navies?
Syria is (was) only ally of Iran in the world. Syria was only Arab state that helped Iran during Iran-Iraq war.
negetive.syria is (will be for ever) one of our allies in the world.and dont forget IRAQ,HEZBOLLAH,Venezuela,Cuba,Egypt(in very near Future).and we still have good friend in the world such as china,russia,Brasil,turkey and Pakistan
and about you:you have no friend in the ME and all ME people hate you.
negetive.syria is (will be for ever) one of our allies in the world.
Who helped u during Iran-Iraq war? - Only Israel and Syria. Israel you betryed and Syria is walking dead. Now u remained alone.

and dont forget IRAQ,HEZBOLLAH,Venezuela,Cuba,Egypt(in very near Future).and we still have good friend in the world such as china,russia,Brasil,turkey and Pakistan
Iraq - US puppet.
Hezbollah - its not a country but mafia gang that lives on Iranian charity.
China, Russia - supplied weapons to Iraq during the war against you. Supported anti-Iranian sanctions, denied S-300 missiles.
Venezuella, Cuba - funny clown regimes. Good only for entertainment.
Brazil, Pakistan - buy some oil and gas from Iran, thats all.
Turkey - US NATO ally, supports anti-Syrian rebbels, put anti-Iranian radar.

and about you:you have no friend in the ME and all ME people hate you.
All ME beside Syria and Israel was supporting Iraq during the war against Iran. They did nothing against Israel when we spanked ur beloved Hezbollah. :)
Turkey - US NATO ally, supports anti-Syrian rebbels, put anti-Iranian radar.

Turkish-iranian friendship goes much back in history, before Israel, US or Nato even existed! US is our NATO ally but Iran is our neighbor! So we will continue to mediate between our NATO ally US and friend neighbor Iran try to prevent war.
Turkish-iranian friendship goes much back in history, before Israel, US or Nato even existed! US is our NATO ally but Iran is our neighbor! So we will continue to mediate between our NATO ally US and friend neighbor Iran try to prevent war.
I dont see Turkey doing anything to prevent the war. They allowed to build anti-Iran missile shield, has US bases which can/will be used against Iran. The major Iran ally Syria is under direct hostility by Turkey - terrorists are armed, trained, funded and then send to Syria.
Sometimes i feel that every country who is against US...Just want to use Iran as a means to fight their own dream war against US...But the the problem is no one is like to come in front and support Iran...
REALLY??? WOW!!! Again Really???

Russia Warns to Take Tough Action against Military Strike on Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Moscow warned the western powers to avoid a military threat against Iran, cautioning that Russia would regard any military intervention linked to Iran's nuclear program as a threat to its own security.

The escalating conflict around Iran should be contained by common effort, otherwise the promising Arab Spring will grow into a "scorching Arab Summer," Moscow's departing Ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin warned on Friday.

"Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus. Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security," Rogozin, who is now Russia's deputy prime minister, said two days after the killing of a nuclear scientist in Tehran by a hitman on a motorcycle.

"We are definitely interested in the non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction," Rogozin said on Friday. "But at the same time, we believe that any country has the right to have what it needs to feel comfortable, including Iran."

Dmitry Rogozin, who served as Russia's special envoy to NATO in 2008-2011, was appointed deputy prime minister by Vladimir Putin in December. On Friday he was bidding farewell to his NATO colleagues in the alliance's headquarters in Brussels.

Rogozin, often described as an anti-Western hawk will oversee Russia's defense sector when he returns to Moscow.

The remarks came as Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, said Israel was pushing the United States towards war with Iran.

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