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Russia warns anyone - attack on Iran will be attack in Russia

You cant blame others for your coward-ness. “China didn’t help those Pakistani troops who were employed on the border to protect their territory and were killed one by one but their own Pakistani military didn’t help their friends while those NATO’s helicopters remained on the spot for over 1.5 hours?” Only those get help who may help themselves. Your friendship with China only insults China. Even if Iran needs help, then it is possible only when they would come with something to say that, “Iran has sunk a US’s AC and now what Iran would do?” and then China or Russia would talk to US/ West. And I hope Iran is capable enough to defend itself and protect honor of her friends like Russia/ China also, which Pakistan couldn’t.
Ow! So here come an analyst..
Well first of all China is not like U.S to interfere in personal matter without getting permission..But Their stance they've taken is very much appreciated in Pakistan on public level...Then next! Our Politicians and Bureacrats+some generals have accounts in some foriengn lands so they just for their self accounts safety they have done some deals with U.S... these traitors didn't gave order to shot down NATO's choppers..There is no point of doubt on Pakistani defence abilities.. Watever you said right afterwards is reflecting to your lack of knowledge on certain conditions... Better for you to grow up then try to do some analysis...
The Russians could try to defend Iran but I doubt they would be able to hold off the US or Israel. Russias armed forces are in horrible shape. Low morale, old equipment, lack of training..... they have a great military on paper but if tested they would prove to be hollow at the moment. The Russians have started some very good reforms but they need at least a decade before they could throw with modern armies imho.

The point is Russians could give losses to America and Israel which would be regarded as unacceptable. Note with Georgia even after encouraging Georgia to be bellicose against Russia, they didn't dare lift a finger when Russia attacked Georgia

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

The Russians will do nothing once the shooting starts.

Oh Gambit has now become a prophet and oracle. At least give us some logic. Its not like you are a world expert on Russia and we should just accept your proclamations.

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

The Soviets did nothing for Iraq. What make you think the smaller Russia can do anything for Iran?

America did nothing for Georgia. I reckon cos they were scared of Russia

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

Then why don't you go for it then. Stop stalling.

Yea Americans have been huffing and puffing for 30 years. Go for it.
Ow! So here come an analyst..
Well first of all China is not like U.S to interfere in personal matter without getting permission..But Their stance they've taken is very much appreciated in Pakistan on public level...Then next! Our Politicians and Bureacrats+some generals have accounts in some foriengn lands so they just for their self accounts safety they have done some deals with U.S... these traitors didn't gave order to shot down NATO's choppers..There is no point of doubt on Pakistani defence abilities.. Watever you said right afterwards is reflecting to your lack of knowledge on certain conditions... Better for you to grow up then try to do some analysis...

Sir, I would like to apologize for anything I said which won’t suit reputation of Pakistan. And I preferred to make very few statements on that incident of 24 Pakistani troops. But here the things become different when I find our Pakistani side trying to discourage Iran’s civilians and then I find myself in the position to interfere. Here I made comment because it was the question “Whether Russia/ China would help Iran or not.” And one more time I had to interfere when our one Pakistani member tried to prove “no matter what Pakistan is superior to Iran.” And I had to come with comparison based on GFP, as per in my post 118 as below

And I only tried to say that “Only those get help who can help themselves” and yes we all need help as no one is a born superman. I find Iran would either get rid off the sanctions somehow, or, they have to fight. And if we can’t help them then at least we may keep their morale high?

And about traitors? India itself is full of traitors who are being funded by the foreigners to even organize riots in India and most of them are being led by a CIA’s spy Sonia Gandhi. Its true that we have threats from traitors, not from enemies. and in case of Pakistan, I find Pakistani troops full of lions but as they are led by dogs, they are facing all these circumstances……....
China already said that it supports Iran against USA, and will not join USA sanctions. If Iran needs weapons, China will definitely sell weapons too.

It's impossible for China to deploy PLA to Iran and keep them supplied. But it is possible for China to launch attacks on US troops in Afghanistan in retaliation if USA launches a war against Iran.

As for Pakistan, because we have the Karakorum highway already and China is building a railway as well, it would be possible for China to supply Pakistan with weapons in the event of a war against USA or india or even to deploy PLA along these highways / railways if necessary.
If Russia or China intend to help now is the time they should be providing high tech missiles etc. That might negate the reason to possibly get involved in the future. That's what worries me and makes me think neither Russia or China will get involved. Cos if Iran was that important surely they would be providing weapons now. But as others have posted I think Iranians will give a good account and accept significant western losses in the first 48 hours. Then China and Russia may get involved diplomatically. Maybe they want to see America with a bloodied nose and lose maybe an AC
Sir, I would like to apologize for anything I said which won’t suit reputation of Pakistan. And I preferred to make very few statements on that incident of 24 Pakistani troops. But here the things become different when I find our Pakistani side trying to discourage Iran’s civilians and then I find myself in the position to interfere. Here I made comment because it was the question “Whether Russia/ China would help Iran or not.” And one more time I had to interfere when our one Pakistani member tried to prove “no matter what Pakistan is superior to Iran.” And I had to come with comparison based on GFP, as per in my post 118 as below

And I only tried to say that “Only those get help who can help themselves” and yes we all need help as no one is a born superman. I find Iran would either get rid off the sanctions somehow, or, they have to fight. And if we can’t help them then at least we may keep their morale high?

And about traitors? India itself is full of traitors who are being funded by the foreigners to even organize riots in India and most of them are being led by a CIA’s spy Sonia Gandhi. Its true that we have threats from traitors, not from enemies. and in case of Pakistan, I find Pakistani troops full of lions but as they are led by dogs, they are facing all these circumstances……....

First of all.. you could find different preceptions from one nation.. On iran's matter ..some Pakistanis support them ,some talk neutral..and some discourages them but its don't matter..just views and preceptions..wats matters is our national policey on iran.. Did it ever opposes them? Ever?

No doubt that iranian Navy is getting better and better.... But do you have any doubt on our PAF and Land forces ..even Our current navy has Guts to shake any land..talking about all options... Pakistan and iran Both have few different geographical views on that basis both forces are in edge at different scenarios..

If You're talking about war then we Pakistanis better know wat to do... So I prefer temperament on Morale and advice iran to do same..

The last Para of your post contains nothing to disagree...
But Our not all Generals did wrong except few ones...
So I personally really love them and salute their bravery..
If Russia or China intend to help now is the time they should be providing high tech missiles etc. That might negate the reason to possibly get involved in the future. That's what worries me and makes me think neither Russia or China will get involved. Cos if Iran was that important surely they would be providing weapons now. But as others have posted I think Iranians will give a good account and accept significant western losses in the first 48 hours. Then China and Russia may get involved diplomatically. Maybe they want to see America with a bloodied nose and lose maybe an AC

That's a possibility indeed! But the question is how can they expect to see america with a bloody nose if they don't provide the tools to do it?
if they wanne help us they should give our s-300,buk,su-27,mig-31 and su-30 mkp that we ordered soon

You will make your friends proud by winning this war against so called super power US and yes Iran is well positioned to win this war against US+EU. Russia can give Iran as many arms as Iran needs but if you will win against US, (very likely if we have a look on heavily indebted US+EU economies), then it will be your own strengths you have developed till now. Western countries create very complicated circumstances for Russia whenever Russia thinks for Iran otherwise there is no reason why Russia don’t sell their key arms to Iran. But Iran can proud to say that you have developed as much defense capabilities by yourself that Iran now can’t be won by US until sanctions would first break down your economy then US would attack on Iran. And here, I find either Iran will get rid off sanctions imposed on it, or, Iran is going to break down US’s economy by imposing a real war on them, which US will certainly lose. And after losing a war against Iran, US is going to lose its every credibility as longer the war will be extended, more it is likely that US’s economy may have been collapsed during that time. heavily indebted US is on the mercy of Iran right now, you just have to trust in yourself.
First of all.. you could find different preceptions from one nation.. On iran's matter ..some Pakistanis support them ,some talk neutral..and some discourages them but its don't matter..just views and preceptions..wats matters is our national policey on iran.. Did it ever opposes them? Ever?

No doubt that iranian Navy is getting better and better.... But do you have any doubt on our PAF and Land forces ..even Our current navy has Guts to shake any land..talking about all options... Pakistan and iran Both have few different geographical views on that basis both forces are in edge at different scenarios..

If You're talking about war then we Pakistanis better know wat to do... So I prefer temperament on Morale and advice iran to do same..

The last Para of your post contains nothing to disagree...
But Our not all Generals did wrong except few ones...
So I personally really love them and salute their bravery..

Sir, I can say that India is made of 99% corrupt and 1% honest. As little bit corrupt we all are, it’s true. And then I would say that over 95% are patriot and rest traitors. And then again I would say that majority of the patriots keep properties of lions, rest are cowards who are just part of ‘system’ in India and they don’t open their mouth no matter how many things go wrong. India not only has lions but also has many cowards who just try to get as much as they can get from that nation. But there is only one Dog we have in India, and that is Dr Manmohan Singh. This is that dog who is Prime Minister of India but he himself can’t win even a single seat but he wants to remain PM of India and till then he will defend all those traitors who are involved in anti-national activities. the traitors who are led by CIA’s spy Sonia Gandhi and her foreign links and her men like Digvijay Singh are getting her work done.

If Dr Singh has even little shame then after anti-national statements of DIgvijay Singh, backed by Sonia, he would either resign or take proper action against these traitors. Even if he let Sonia run from India, it will be a abuse to those Indian Patriots like Rajiv Gandhi/ Indira Gandhi who sacrificed their lives for the good of that nation, but they let a spy, Sonia, come in their family who has done so many anti national activities inside India, including organizing murder of Gandhi’s and other top Congress leaders. How long India, the nation, will have to bear honest face of this only Indian dog, Dr Singh, and when he will take either proper action against these traitors, everyone is waiting for. And if Dr Manmohan Singh cant do his work then he would show little shame to this nation and hand over post of Indian PM to the deserving leader like Ms Mayawati, the true patriot and true leader of Dalits.

(26/11 has unique relationship with my life. Either it was 26/11 2008 or 26/11 2011, we always find something is organized by the foreigners to bring India and Pakistan on the position to fight with each other. First 26/11 2008 was mainly organized by few rogue ISI agents who were loyal to those Pakistani leaders, military/ political both, who maintain their loyalty with British Royal family. Name of Indian Mujahidin was taken by the Pakistani militants during 26/11 20008 attack to prove it were the Indian Muslims behind that attack, which was intended to organize Hindu-Muslim riots in India. And 26/11 2011 was intended to make Pakistan think that India might have hands behind organizing that incident through NATO to take revenge of 26/11 2008. And at the same time they wanted to conduct military operation inside Pakistan but first they wanted to shoot Pakistan to their foot by putting India and Pakistan face to face and then bargain with Pakistan for military operation inside Pakistan. And not just me but also all the RAW agents living around my house must have informed all these to this Dog, Dr Singh, the dramas which has been continuing around me since late 2007. It just depends how long this honest man want to be on the position on Indian PM and this way he may keep defending these traitors including this CIA’s spy, Sonia. Traitors like Digvijay Singh now want to organize riots in India and Dr Singh is waiting to see that certain number of deaths which may finally make him think to either leave his position or take actions against all these traitors.)

Divide and Rule is still the main arm/ tactics of British loyalists the reason why I passed my message to those lions of US and to the Loyalists of British Royal family that, "If I fcuked their mother not because they wanted me to. if I fcuked their mother then the reason is, its me who wanted to do so, a simple logic.?" the message I passed through Asim, the man who knows me the most on this forum.

at the same time US wants to use India against China by using traitor Indian journalists with propagandas that its US who always help India against China, like in 1971. M Fcuker basterds........

Maneka Gandhi slams Digvijay Singh for terming Batla house encounter as fake
No this is BS news, russia needs to defend itself first from NATO missile shield.
Its nice though now russia understand how much Iran security links to the theirs.

It will be in russias interest to stay neutral, since if they back the current regim, then the next regime maybe be hostile towards russia, just like Iran current regime is hostile towards west since the west backed the shah.
Russia won't let Syria or Iran down, as it doesn't want to lose allies in a region important to it

Russia protecting its Middle East allies - The National
Syria is already a walking dead. Only thing Russia can do is lengthen its agony by slaughtering own people. Iran remained with no allies.

if they wanne help us they should give our s-300,buk,su-27,mig-31 and su-30 mkp that we ordered soon
Mullah regime does not afraid from US. It afraids from own people. Just like Syria. All iranian war rethorics is designed to distract people from internal problems unite them against common enemy.

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