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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Die Berliners paying $9 for a gallon of gas.

Americans are crying at $4.__ a gallon imagine paying $9.change for a gallon. Absolute madness, stupidity. Never in my life I paid more than $50 dollars to fill up. Now I'm paying $60-65. Absolutely crazy.

Same situation here, Boris is milking invasion too make himself look tough.
Typically, the northern empires always direct their attention westward if we simply are too strong to deal with, like how Xiongnu ran away from Han and attacked Rome instead.

No, it wasn't like that. Xiongnu had a civil war, and one half of their tribes exterminated the other. Survivors then spend decades recovering, and going West, looting every nation in their way, until they reached Europe, and there were almost nothing left of them.

Bulgarians, Alans, Balkars, Magyars, etc Mongolised Aryan nations are their descendants.

Han in the past rarely fought barbarians. Much more often, we made them fight each other. That generally worked, with some exceptions. I.E. supporting Wang Khan was the most fatal miscalculation, and led to rise of modern Mongols.
It’s gonna cost $300 to fill up a F250 pretty soon

Well, people should have bought a more economical car. Unless you work as a gardener or construction then why do you need a big car?

People have mentality, big car gets you more respect.
A very interesting interview in which the guy is saying if Biden administration wants, it could freeze China's Dollar denominated assets 'with the flick of a pen' because money would eventually have to be cleared through New York City. No country's assets are safe! The Arabs, the Chinese, the Indians, and indeed we have seen a demonstration of the American monetary power against Russia. It is simple: If you don't follow our suggestions then even your legit money is no more!

A very interesting interview in which the guy is saying if Biden administration wants, it could freeze China's Dollar denominated assets 'with the flick of a pen' because money would eventually have to be cleared through New York City. No country's assets are safe! The Arabs, the Chinese, the Indians, and indeed we have seen a demonstration of the American monetary power against Russia. It is simple: If you don't follow our suggestions then even your legit money is no more!

Dollar accounts in the whole world have to clear through New York. I did not know that. thats is a very powerful tool.
A revolution always get attention and one major reason is because governments needs to know, or have an educated guess, that who they will have to deal with when the revolution is over. But that Russia is a nuclear weapons state, and that we cannot attack Russia directly, that leave the de-Putinization process to the Russian people. What if there is a revolution, city by city, and Poutine decides to lash out at his own people, even to the point of going nuclear inside Russia? Or even outside Russia? DC, London, Paris, just to name a few?

If I were Biden, I would've went for first strike in the first minutes of the conflict to:
  1. Not let nuclear C&C get into actual "serious military mode"
  2. Catch staging forces in the field off guard
Biden is a genuinely weak in all (dis)respects leader

Sometimes he just look, for lack of other words, confused — something which is lethal at war

The moment you lose track of the enemy strategy, you lose an ability to counter it
Well, were all "Girls, Girls, Girls" strip joint??
So the answer is "NO".

There you go. The day Pentagon / CIA started to clarily mark their confidential projects for the purpose they were started, I guess both organizations will cease to exist.

Here, some of their projects have been found and ofcourse they will try refute it. No rocket science.
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