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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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you should know I wear woman stocking and uses tampon in Iraq........

Those things are necessity over there. Almost everyone (men and women) do that.....
well women stocking is good in cold winter , but I here they also wear it to reduce bleeding in case of injury , wonder if it do help in such case at all , all the injured women i treated were bleeding as hell , till we do something about their injuries and I work at a hospital that is designated as trauma center
This is why I don't see this ending.

If Russian past track record is and indicator, they are ready to bury enemies their own bodies if needed.

I remember reading about Russian WW2 book. In Chechnya, they took grievous casualties, almost collapsed, but in the end won. Attrition warfare in its finest.

Putins idea is that he has more soldiers than Ukrainians have bullets.

Even if they will be really beaten back to their staging grounds, they will be coming back until a complete defeat.

Ukraine has no power at the moment to really overrun Russians enough for them to consider the war to be lost.

And even if they will hit that "the war is lost moment," they will wrap up, and regroup in a few years with draft covering for all lost troops. Even without military hardware, Russia still has 140 million people, of which most are rather obedient, and well educated to man sophisticated weapons.

Unless Ukraine can really capture territory from Russia, they cannot set a long term defensible line.

In other words, Putin will keep coming back matter what, unless Moscow falls.

A CIA sponsored coup to take out Putin will put a end to the Russian assault right away....
Putin nuclear " insinuations " are irresponsible madness.

When he makes them , it is not just a threat to the west but to every one this forum. I take it none of us here wishes to live in a nuclear wasteland.


In case of a nuclear exchange it would be better to die a quick death rather than to live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. All the merrier if there's something nice on the other side. Therefore I wish for everyone a quick and painless transition.
All the merrier if there's something nice on the other side. Therefore I wish for everyone a quick and painless transition.

I guess we will know when we get there.

But i am with you on this , would not want to stay in the world also if something like this happens.
it seems corona to me

spot the differences .

Zalenski with his minister of defense , Putin with his . . .

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