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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Putin warns "West has no idea whats coming next'

I can try to guess what's coming next.

This war in Ukraine is only a side show. The real war is going to happen in the fields of economics and finance. The West has already declared total economic war on Russia with their sanctions. Russia, with Chinese help, is going to go for the jugular vein that keeps the West afloat: the US dollar. If a chunk of international payments switch to other currencies then the reserve status of the US$ may collapse. If that happens the results would be catastrophic.

Today the US doesn't produce much. Practically everything has to be imported. The US ability to conduct wars and pay for imports and run up trillions of debt depends on being able to print endless money. The federal debt has gone to over $30 trillion. If any other country in the world did that it would suffer such inflation that their currency would be reduced to junk status. Only the US can do it and get away with it is because the dollar is used for world trade.

If this Ukraine situation is not resolved, and Russia is pushed to the wall, which is what is happening now, then they'll retaliate with something that will cause maximum pain. They can cut off exports of oil, gas and precious minerals to the West, which will shut down a lot of industry. The end game will be to bring down Western stock markets and US dollar.

Collapse, or serious devaluation, of the dollar will cause huge price inflation and may result in civil unrest. It's not going to be pretty.
Are they javelins?

Iran should offer big money for a complete system. Hezbollah would benefit from Iranian copies of Javelin's because Israel Trophy defence system does not protect from top attack weapons.
I think Hizb already used Kornets in 2006 and successfully destroyed Kosher tanks.
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I think Hizb already used Kornets in 2006 and successfully destroyed Kosher tanks.
Israeli armour is equipped with anti missile systems, hence current atgm in Hezbollah's inventory are less effective.

Current anti-atgm systems can't defend against top attack weapons. Therefore Iran and Hezbollah need this system.
I can try to guess what's coming next.

This war in Ukraine is only a side show. The real war is going to happen in the fields of economics and finance. The West has already declared total economic war on Russia with their sanctions. Russia, with Chinese help, is going to go for the jugular vein that keeps the West afloat: the US dollar. If a chunk of international payments switch to other currencies then the reserve status of the US$ may collapse. If that happens the results would be catastrophic.

Today the US doesn't produce much. Practically everything has to be imported. The US ability to conduct wars and pay for imports and run up trillions of debt depends on being able to print endless money. The federal debt has gone to over $30 trillion. If any other country in the world did that it would suffer such inflation that their currency would be reduced to junk status. Only the US can do it and get away with it is because the dollar is used for world trade.

If this Ukraine situation is not resolved, and Russia is pushed to the wall, which is what is happening now, then they'll retaliate with something that will cause maximum pain. They can cut off exports of oil, gas and precious minerals to the West, which will shut down a lot of industry. The end game will be to bring down Western stock markets and US dollar.

Collapse, or serious devaluation, of the dollar will cause huge price inflation and may result in civil unrest. It's not going to be pretty.

A lot of this may be true especially considering energy prices (and everything else) in the US are already high. But the USA will probably just sacrifice Europe to keep supremacy. NATO is a money pit too that's why Trump wanted to make the other countries more and they pulled out of Afghanistan before telling NATO under Biden. Europe is starting to realize this and that includes Russia too.
If i go by this thread, then no Ukrainian soldier died in this conflict, Russians lost 800,000 billion soldiers already, and they are on full retreat, No Ukrainians are racists towards other races and west is teaching them how to make Molotov's.
And the whole Russian AF was shot down by 1 Mig 29 over Kiev......yet at the same time Ukraine is desperate for for more AC and SAMs.....something is not right with this picture.

For me I will wait one month before I can gauge who is winning or losing. At this point the Russians are making steady gains against stiff resistance. I expect the Russians to encircle and destroy large amounts of Ukrainian forces over the next weeks. Major urban areas will be turned to rubble.
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