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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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People are still living in the pre 1980s time when the old mighty Soviet Union sent massive amount of troops here and there and did various proxy wars and truly intrepid move like the Cuban Missile crisis. Those days ended a LONG way ago with suckers like Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

The Russia of today is a joke with nukes to blackmail the world. A has been, sick power. This is no 'bear' to poke as a lot of people here saying---and I had suspected that many years before this war. Russia is a spent force with nukes to blow up the world as its biggest asset. It's sad for me so say this but it is what it is.
PS. Not that I have changed my overall reading of this conflict, as mentioned many times above.
Well, most Russian people blame Putin for that.

Putin over the year hollowed out Russian economy and put it in his own pocket. I watched a video a few months ago on Youtube, a Russian vet talk about how much the government neglect the Military, Parts are either manufactured either substandard or do not have any parts at all. And all the defence contract were offered to Putin and his inner circle of Oligarch.

Yeltsin could have made a different, but then Putin is the person who drag Russia down.....
Well, most Russian people blame Putin for that.

Putin over the year hollowed out Russian economy and put it in his own pocket. I watched a video a few months ago on Youtube, a Russian vet talk about how much the government neglect the Military, Parts are either manufactured either substandard or do not have any parts at all. And all the defence contract were offered to Putin and his inner circle of Oligarch.

Yeltsin could have made a different, but then Putin is the person who drag Russia down.....

LOL what a take!

Yeltsin was better for Russia than Putin?

Keep laughing, whereas the saner people in Europe and the world are holding their breathe and praying that no incident happens on those nuclear power plants, let alone things getting out of control where nukes start flying around.

Yes, keep laughing. This is what keyboard smashers normally do. Whereas those living in or around war zones are praying for the war to end instead of getting into some d* measure contest.

Talk talk talk... and more talk to add fuel to fire ... typical treat of anglo-saxon bullies. Chinese FM is spot on!

I truly wish the Europe gets its act together and gets rid of these anglo-saxon hyenas!
Well, the west is not the one that threaten the world with nuke 3 times over the last week.

And as I said, I don't really care about anyone suffering, and you also should stop pretending you do, because it's quite obvious you don't care about the Ukrainian.

I mean, I am just pointing out your hypocracy

Just saying, as I said, don't quote me again.

The US and NATO have armed Ukraine with 17,000 antitank weapons in the last 6 days

Article also confirms the giant stalled Russian convoy has been hit by Javelins and drone strikes

Well, the west is not the one that threaten the world with nuke 3 times over the last week.

And as I said, I don't really care about anyone suffering, and you also should stop pretending you do, because it's quite obvious you don't care about the Ukrainian.

I mean, I am just pointing out your hypocracy

Just saying, as I said, don't quote me again.

Thoughts on 17,000 anti tank missiles being delivered to Ukraine in last 6 days?
Wait is TikTok not China controlled?
no, byte dance is

Trump threaten to take Tiktok down until they severer ties with China, Tiktok is based in the US.

Article also confirms the giant stalled Russian convoy has been hit by Javelins and drone strikes

Thoughts on 17,000 anti tank missiles being delivered to Ukraine in last 6 days?
More missile than Russia have tank.

This is going to be bad for the Ruskie.

Especially seeing how they use their armour, there are many places Ukrainian can mount an Ambush.

LOL what a take!

Yeltsin was better for Russia than Putin?

Both Corrupted to the core, at least Yeltsin did not neglect his own country.

Ask any Russian, you will know that majority of Russia prefer Yeltsin than Putin. You have no idea how much Putin line his pocket with Oil and Gas expansion money. There is an Russian saying (at least it was a saying 6 years ago when i visited Russia)

"Oil and Gas everywhere but in the pump."

There are actually a fuel crisis in Russia even tho Russia is second biggest Oil Production company. That really said a lot.
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no, byte dance is

Trump threaten to take Tiktok down until they severer ties with China, Tiktok is based in the US.

More missile than Russia have tank.

This is going to be bad for the Ruskie.

Especially seeing how they use their armour, there are many places Ukrainian can mount an Ambush.

Both Corrupted to the core, at least Yeltsin did not neglect his own country.

Ask any Russian, you will know that majority of Russia prefer Yeltsin than Putin. You have no idea how much Putin line his pocket with Oil and Gas expansion money. There is an Russian saying (at least it was a saying 6 years ago when i visited Russia)

"Oil and Gas everywhere but in the pump."

There are actually a fuel crisis in Russia even tho Russia is second biggest Oil Production company. That really said a lot.
My sense is the Russians will change tactics. They will relay on artillery and airstrikes more...which Javelins are not effective against. 1000's of Javelins will end in Russian hands. Why do you think Zalensky wants a no fly zone so bad.
Well, the west is not the one that threaten the world with nuke 3 times over the last week.

And as I said, I don't really care about anyone suffering, and you also should stop pretending you do, because it's quite obvious you don't care about the Ukrainian.

I mean, I am just pointing out your hypocracy

Just saying, as I said, don't quote me again.

Quite right you are, West is not the one that threaten the world with nukes, West remains the only one to have actually used nukes.
Quite right you are, West is not the one that threaten the world with nukes, West remains the only one to have actually used nukes.
Every country have nuke had used nuke, US is the only country to have used nuke in war.
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